have you ever been in a Sup Forums guild? what was it like?
Have you ever been in a Sup Forums guild? what was it like?
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exactly what you'd expect it to be like
memes, mentally ill trannies, circlejerk consisting of 5-10 "core" members disregarding all the rest while hanging in their own private discord channel?
Full of memes, remember Cosmic League? It was a war between boards
In one now on warframe
>everyone is young af
>only one with disposable income
>get asked constantly to help mrlets
>be nice to them help as much as possible
>acounts go inactive for months after the first week or two of playing
>memes in names
>memes in chat
>people saying "The Face When" in voice chat.
Was in a WoW guild for a while too with anons. Also miserable.
I joined one for 4vraft before coty went nuclear on it
This. Those other "core guys" are usually fun but unfortunately I'm the tranny degenerate
Lots of AIDS and casual scrubs.
No. I join pickup games when threads organize for a dead game but never anything recurring.
>High ranking members would basically get all of the raid loot while the underlings would be mislead into thinking they would get theirs soon too
>The ones who realized this still never left because they were lonely and wanted to fit in
it was honestly pretty COMFY!!!!!
>low level guy has been in guild for years
>mostly silent
>bantz occurring between officers
>people laffin and catching up
>quiet user adds a joke in guildchat
>conversation immedietly dies in /g
>lonely user continues sitting in the inn while the higher ups go back to playing the game
Why do people from Sup Forums always act like this? Ur not funny user. Those people know eachother it's not an open invitaion for joking.
Never. I've played with Sup Forums though and when you're not with a bunch of memefags Sup Forumsirgins are some of the most accomplished and fun faggots to play vidya with.
Anyone want to play a game?
Play with Sup Forums group on major game
>Dumb newfag memes
>Orbiters, fucking everywhere
>Everything you'd expect
Play Sup Forumscore hidden gems like E.Y.E, AoS, and even battlefront 2
>Fun times are had
>Nice dudes just wanna play vidya
>Original content posted
>Good, relevant jokes
>Minimal retardation and attention whores
>Attention whores get btfo instantly
Really makes me think desu
>He missed warbros
Why even play that shit game anymore?
Yes, i still talk to some of them on monthly basis, they are chill people. Butt here where alot of cancer aids too
I did, but only for an older MMORPG. It was surprisingly fun, and everyone was helpful. The only thing Sup Forums-esque about it was some racist jokes thrown around, but it never got obnoxious. Pretty good experience overall. It probably helped that none of us used voice chat of any kind and just stuck to text, but it might have also been that older games draw in an older community.
I was in Warbors back then. Fun times. Going fast, talking shit, jewing on the market.
>thinking warbros was good
Was even more cancerous than wfg now and I enjoyed it more
I was in an Elite Dangerous guild with Sup Forums
It was about as much as you expect. And to no surprise, "Space Niggers" was the popular term among them
Warbros was about the sense of brotherhood
That's it, that's what's missing from Sup Forumsirgins today. It used to be Sup Forums versus the world, we were the outcasts and the people no one expected. Now Sup Forums is just another reddit and people are too busy trying to stroke their own internet penors then build bonds.
I played on a Reddit Minecraft server with some Sup Forums bros, shit was Soo good
I miss them ;_;
A ragtag group of virgins...
What games user?
>mentally ill trannies
Fucking hell, that one hits close to home.
Someone on our discord decided to advertise our game group on /r9k/ years ago and it was a big mistake. They gradually got leadership positions and now the discord is full of anime tranny porn, anime avatars and nearly everyone has heart symbols in their name.
They're like cockroaches. They'll try to infiltrate any place they think has lonely guys to try to get some of that attention they desperately need.
>anime profile pictures
Instant ban, no questions asked
it's not very nice
>2014 was 4 years ago
and this was towards the end of warbros
>What games user?
No idea. I don't play video games much anymore.
Recommend something.
kengdom kang
just like you hear all the stories about it. cringe memes, social circlejerk cliques, just generally horrible.
>circlejerk consisting of 5-10 "core" members disregarding all the rest
this happened to me on tree of savior, shit game anyway
What was your favorite event user?
>When DE tried to force the corpus victory in gravidus dilemma
>Warbros still won it for grineer
My dick will never be so hard
Dota2 inhouses back in 2013/14 were fun.
Any of you memesters wanna play something for a couple hours? I got Payday2, Tekken7, and USF4 installed right now, could prob download something else quick like some other fightan game or something. No DBFZ though. EU btw.
Magicka 2?
Lego worlds?
Running with rifles?
Jedi knight academy: movie battles 2?
Just post a list of shit you own
Magicka 2 is worse than the first.
Im sorry, the new Battlefront 2?
No fucking way
>that one guy who is overly angry
>that one guy who is secretly a gay lewd ERPer
>those four guys who form an inner circle and pretend they've above everyone else
>that one based guy who actually accepts the invite and plays the game
We should play Fistful of Frags.
>Secretly a gay ERPer
I gotta say that playing with guys from Sup Forums that don't outright say they browse has been some of the best times I've had in online games.
i cant remember the name of them, but the one pictured was the Corpus Infested vessel that if ran enough times you breached the level cap of infested and they no longer spawned so you could run the event with impunity if paired with someone who had achieved that
in this case it was pic related (extraxi black and gold loki prime) who spent 20+ hours straight running people extremely fast through this empty level for max clan point gain
warbros was the first to discover the exploit, and it was later discovered by the biggest clan in the game CM who then did it on a huge scale
when DE finally came round to penalizing everyone who used this exploit massively Warbros still came out on top as the #1 clan and CM and the thousands of its members were insanely angry
it wasnt just Warbros vs the world it was Warbros vs Developers and the world
for better or worse though i played recently and warbros is dead, and the game itself is actually in a much better place imo
id also min maxed my volt at this point for pure speed so that came in super handy for the clan speedrunning this empty event insanely quickly so i have good memories of playing my part, logging back in to see my now dated exceptionally fast Volt there was like seeing an old friend
Reminds me of that one time I met some Sup Forums guy on LA2 of all places and he tried to drag me into some touhou soul swap erp shit
You guys are weird man
I was in the /vg/ oldschool runescape one. It was ok except for constant a qp, and kaiju being a faggot at all times.
Yes, they are very nice people and I miss having 8 man raids with them
>join small mmo at launch 6 years ago and join the Sup Forums guild
>expect nothing but degeneracy
>somehow end up with a group of best friends that still chat and play games almost daily
Yeah I think it went pretty well
bunch of teens and manchildren spamming Sup Forums memes, saying gay shit to each other, and running around in loli avatars.
giv tranny gf
Yes, in Guild wars 2. I got kicked out for not contributing enough money to the guild.
>When that Sup Forums friend meets up IRL
>the game itself is actually in a much better place imo
>wasted potential: the game
Haven't been in a Sup Forums guild, but experiences playing with other anons have been mostly shit. Meme spouters and trannies trying to exchange dick pics for games. Actually met a woman from here that seemed great at first but as the months went by the mask slipped and I bugged out.
It's kind of a shame since I don't play hardly anything multiplayer any more but I enjoy talking to internet pals, but finding good ones is exceedingly hard.
I think you were probably taking it too seriously. Anons usually try to live up to the cancerous reputation we hae.
outer circler detected
It's possible, but I shitpost anonymously to vent and let off steam. People who live and breathe shitposting are on another level entirely.
all you needed to do was kill that autist letter13 my dude. shit would been still around
i think id probably left by that point, i didnt stick around too long after the event described
what happened?
>the face when
Holy shit, what the fuck?
Yeah, guys were chill as fuck. It was hell in the threads and comfy in the play. Everyone was nice and extremely competent.
Started it back in 2014 or so, and never left it.
>memes in regular conversation
>clingy gays
>maybe one guy who is cool and isn't a total sperg