What are some Source mods you've enjoyed?

What are some Source mods you've enjoyed?

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Where to start, there are literally dozens.

>The Hidden
>Zombie Panic
>Zombie Master
>all of the various HL2 mods like Research and Development, Mission Improbable etc.
>Eternal Silence



>you'll never play garry's mod before the youtubers discovered it ever again
>you'll never build badly welded yet still somehow functioning spaceships with your friends and build settlements on other planets ever again
>you'll never have fun just building random shit on a flatgrass server ever again, let alone one that isn't loaded with vocaloid/five night's at freddy's models in hopes that players will join it
>you'll never enjoy the simplicity of wood wars ever again
give it back

Underhell was interesting

Zombie Master. One of the players would be randomly chosen as the Zombie Master and the others would be humans that needed to escape the map by fixing a vehicle or opening a path.

It's been years but the formula was done so right, ZM could activate traps on map to kill or hurt people, he had spawn points of zombies to put them on map to make the life harder for players but I don't really remember well what he needed to do to gain these points.

>give it back

We're going to take past back our past.

suck it meatbag

>all these dead source mods

Dystopia has been getting updated recently and is more active, usually one server fills up for a bit every day now.

Zombie Panic!: Source also got updated within the past few months and has been more active also that one guy who was DDoSing other servers finally got banned

Pirates, Vikings, and Knights 2 is also pretty fun. I still play these three mods. Better than pretty much every other F2P game out today. No cash shop, no grinding, no paywalls, etc.



Childhood memories should stay childhood memories. I had plenty of fun back then and have no urge to do so now.

>that guy who always hulk spammed
>that guy who always banshee spammed

>I had plenty of fun back then and have no urge to do so now.
You don't want to have fun anymore?

IIiiiIIIIIi SeeEEEeeee YouuUUUuu

>Sup Forums.jpg

>You will never join a build server and put a shit ton of balloons on a small prop and throw it around to killing people again

Why even live


literally all good games which is better than currect multiplayer AAAs

>tfw never got to play any of them
they're all dead aren't they

Zombie Panic still has a pretty small but active playerbase last time I checked but the rest of them are just about dead sadly.

Neotokyo still gets enough players for a game on fridays and weekends.

People still play neo tokyo

never played it but the soundtrack for neotokyo is fire.


MINERVA: Metastasis
Mistake of Pythagoras
Nightmare House 2
Riot Act
Transmissions: Element 120
Human Error
Year Long Alarm
The Sprucecape Mod

And some other ones that have already been mentioned in this thread. G-String also looks really cool, but I haven't gotten around to playing it yet.

It sucks that total conversion mods are pretty much a lost art at this point.

>Minerva Metastatis

Ah yes. I remember Valve hiring that guy because it was so good. I wonder if he's regretting that decision now.

Anyone remember Suicide Surival?

>try to play zombie master
>all is well
>somebody starts trolling
>is also an annoying fag on the mic
>server dies because of this

IIRC he helped make the Portal 2 ARG and later did some photgrammetry stuff for VR. I don't know if they ever used him as a level designer.

C H A P T E R 2 W H E N

PVKii. Still active

>you spend your childhood playing Half Life 1 and all of its expansions
>you decide you want to be like the developers when you grow up
>make an incredible mod
>you've gotten noticed by your heroes
>they offer you a job and you accept it

>end up spending the next ten years fixing cs:go and dota microtransaction servers
>the developers in control of the company throw any suggestion you have that involves creating a new game into the garbage
>the salary is too high for you to even dare quitting

Don't do this to me user.

Underhell (if F.E.A.R. was actually good)
Research and Development (short and charming puzzle/adventure mod)
Zombie Panic Source
Resistance and Liberation
Nightmare House 2
Age of Chivalry
Portal Prelude

highly recommend the first 2

I find it hard to believe that a source mod has better shooting and AI than F.E.A.R.

>All those Sourcemods killed off by the Steampipe update
>Many mods after that that were in development gave up due to the tower of duct tape breaking
>Valve spent 10 years letting their own SDK rot and leaving the community to make their own tools just to create content
>all this money and resources available and they couldn't even maintain the VDC properly and just took the "lol let the community figure it out" approach
>CSGO & DOTA2 & TF2 microtransaction shit took TOP PRIORITY
>some bugs from the Steampipe update still unfixed all these years later
>the current state of sourcemodding is just a disaster and endless trail of broken dreams

fuck everything.

AI isn't everything.

what does Sup Forums think about this train wreck?
>hired e-celebs at the last minute for voice acting
>a terrible mash of games
>disrespects the original story and characters
>black messa

fear is no doubt more polished but it was hardly an engaging game. underhell does the horror/shooting combo so much better since you can't just blow everything to smithereens.

It makes a big difference in an FPS.
I love HL2 for the setting and mods, but F.E.A.R. has much better gameplay mechanics.

>Op For 2 mod got cancelled
>blue shift 2 mod got cancelled
>remakes of blue shift and op for cancelled
>instead 10+years later we get this and prospekt
>both are PAID and approved by valve

Fair enough but imo FEAR dropped the ball on everything except AI. Underhell was rough around the edges (it's a mod after all) but overall a more well rounded game.


Check "Active Neotokyo Players" group in steam

>Dead source mods: The Thread

I'll definitely give it a shot, then. It's cool that the Nightmare House people are still making mods.

Single-player mods don't die.

It's not, but you will be shocked at how fucking good it is.

>>Single-player mods don't die.
They do when Valve fucks them up with pointless updates

AI no, shooting yes.

Fuck off Valve shill.

>discussing Neotokyo without mentioning the soundtrack

You people disgust me.



Eternal Silence, The Hidden, and JBmod where the shit
Alien Swarm was pretty good

Just beat it today
>that fucking ending

Such an amazing soundtrack
Sad that the guy didn't produce more good stuff

He did part of the OST for Mankind Divided and released all of his tracks for free on Soundcloud.

Neotokyo revival when?

>I'll never be 16 again


never, resistance and liberation is getting remade in UE4 tho

zombie master was so fucking good, used to always play on that one map where humans could activate traps too and stomp some nerds

I remember playing one mod that was set in Toronto. City 11 or something? Anyway I thought that was a pretty good effort, even though the story was shit I liked some of the work that went into it. Was impressed that it had a subway shootout with some conveyor belt scenery to give the illusion of movement.


Here is to hoping when source 2 comes out someone will try to revive it by remaking it

Hidden: Source was a lot of fun.

This game would completely destroy the market if it received an AAA release. It provides fun gameplay for so many different kinds of people.

>GPU : 14 %
>CPU : 18 %
>D3D : 284 FPS

god bless old games

I think this game was pretty clever in that the aliasing was pretty bad so often times you would see faraway jaggies and think it was the hidden.

I had a blast in that game pigsticking folk, I miss it but I think something would be lost if it made the move to being a matchmaking game.

It's quite remarkable that he's not in more demand, given that the Neotokyo OST is 2+ hours of absolutely god tier cyberpunk music.



I don't think I've played a source mod I didn't enjoy. Shame the multiplayer ones are all dead.

Empires mod was incredible

Damn shame this died too fast.

>thread dies faster than source mods

The Hidden, Empires and Resistance and Liberation, Goldeneye and Battleground2 gave me countless hours of free enjoyment back in the glorious days.
Makes me so sad that it's become so easy to publish even shovelware on Steam, modders won't ever have the incentive to create high quality and unique mods for free anymore.

Time flies holyshit...

>no one plays this anymore
>ywn play line battles and use the pyramid and vertical line formations every again