i dont fucking get it
I dont fucking get it
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pop puyos
neither did I, but once you actually play it will start making sense
>inb4 "it's the best version because of jap dub"
weebscum get out
but its true, eng dub has some fuckups in it
>but its true, eng dub has some fuckups in it
Yeah it's in english for one.
It's a boring puzzle game. What's to get?
you're just not smart enough for it
i beat mean bean machine as a kid
should i replay it for a warmup or something, i used to be able to do stuff like this in my sleep
That's a port of the first Puyo Puyo, it's not entirely compatible with modern Puyo as far as strategies and things you can do. You'd be better off emulating something else.
I was so ffocused on the player chaining off I didn't even notice the AI shit on him until I rewatched it.
Easiest way to spot a rookie.
I cannot understand puyo chaining at all
I just started playing the game for the first time and went to the story mode, all the tetris levels I beat with 3 stars with my eyes closed, the puyo levels I only could get 2 stars at best
is there any retard-level tutorial out there to help me out?
I think the only way to get better is to play
Make a group of 3 same-color puyos, then block it off and put the 4th puyo on top of that. See pic related, how the reds and greens are set up in a way that when green pops, red falls into place. You can then extend it by blocking the 3 greens off with a different color, such as what the blues are doing here.
Is the PC port fixed?
>see people memeing that levels 5-9 and 5-10 are the hardest shit ever
>get 3 stars on my first try on 5-9, since I have some experience with Tetris
>absolute trash with Puyo
>play 5-10
>be prepared to be stuck for hours here
>only manage to do 2-chains, fail at everything else
>Ecolo literally blocks himself out
is 99% of people trash at this game or am I just lucky
Same thing happened to me
5-9 is the real difficult one. At this point, I think I've seen more people talking about Ecolo basically killing himself on 5-10 more than struggling on it. Happened to me too, by the way. I dunno, maybe Ecolo has a huge puyo chain set up but often kills himself before he manages to trigger it?
It's so easy with timing to block the AI. Some of them are just designed to build long combos and the second you throw any junk at them they no longer know what to do.
>what's the perfect arcade puzzle game missing?
>cute anime girls
>fund it
there you go brainlet
Well, considering that Ubisoft fucked up the PC port Tetris Ultimate, it's hard to not be the "best version"
The only bad part of the Eng dub is that British accent that alt Amitie has.
You don't get what? Sup Forums shilling a casual game? How new?
See? It's literally just casual pad. It's a checkers fag posting a webm of how complex their sport is while not even adults can be satisfied anymore by chess.
The problem I have with these guides is, how the fuck do I get to this point? I never seem to get the puyo I actually want, and in the time it takes me to get something even slightly resembling that, the CPU has set up some huge chain, thrown a shitload of junk on my side, and made all my efforts pointless.
Maybe I'm just a brainlet, but I can't figure it out at all.
May have a childs-storyline and """le cute anime girls :3""", but I just got it because I love tetris and I wanted something other than tetrisfriends and I could play offline on steam.
I foolishly bought ubisoft tetris and never refunded it trying to find the light in it.
pirate when?
>Nuclear levels of mad about a puzzle game
I can only get 5 chains but
>start dropping+matching of colors until you match 3 of some color
>once you have 3 of something, put a different color on top
>if you get colors you dont need, match them somewhere else
>now put another color that would match the 3 on top. (when the 1 different color breaks, it will drop and connect 4).
>Now if you break the 1 color you get a 2 chain. But instead of breaking it, goto step 2 and repeat.
It may sound hard but even this is a noob and ineffecient way of stacking because most of the pieces are used for junk. Just go 1 step at a time and dont get greedy and settle for 2-3 chains. They dont do anything.
P-pls no bully. I use stairs.
getting there
the first patch has rolled out
puyo is for dumb idiots
The only reason to buy this is for Tetris since it's, Puyo Puyo sucks ass and the characters and shit are utter cringe cancer. Just buy and play the basic Tetris modes.
This. I felt like Maguro right after him, on 6-3, was way harder.
What happened today user? You can talk to us about it.
Gotta get that checked out OP
i think the first three pairs you get will always be of the same 2 colors, though i can't find confirmation yet. maybe it's this that allows setups like GTR to exist.
Call me when I can Play as Accord, Lidelle, Onion Pixy, Yu & Rei, Dongurigaeru, Ocean Prince, Harpy, Incubus, Kikimora, Lagnus the Brave, Minotauros, Nasu Grave, Nohoho, Seriri, Skeleton T, Zoh Daimaoh, Baldanders, Tarutaru, Banshee Trio, Chico, Honey Bee, Hohow Bird, Mummy, Owlbear, Scylla or Oshare Bones
>Tfw still waiting for Mods
>t. Flaming Brainlets from Reddit that get Upset about Anime and Happy about Calarts
it's not even anime. It has no shading. It's literal children's artstyle you see in PG-rated cartoons. Same with that bomberman game. Cringe as fuck.
Yeah, learning to deal with not getting the puyos I was hoping for was a massive wall for me when I first started out. I developed a bad habit of just dumping "useless" puyos into the 6th column while focusing on building a chain on the left side of the field when I did get the pieces I needed.
The first two pairs will always be some combination of three colors, and will never contain the fourth color. GTR is relatively easy to set up at the start of a match because of the there's a higher chance that you'll get the colors you need since there's only three possible colors coming in the first two pairs (four puyos).
>someone got paid just to say Pi Pi Pi
Gu gu gu!