How are you enjoying the beta so far? Elf players need not apply
Vermintide 2
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elf here. i help team and never take healing items
I only play this game for the memes
>tfw everyone gets JUSTed except for the elf which has been overtuned since day 1
I just want the rapier pistol to be a little more than a free interrupt and a finisher
The ______ calls
How is it that you see worse with two eyes than I do WITH OOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEE
Anyone else like seeing Bardin’s doughy little body running around with his tiny legs. Adorable.
>join veteran game
>team almost gets full wiped on the first horde somehow
>join another veteran game
>team almost gets full wiped on the first horde AGAIN
How the fuck are people this bad at the game? All you have to do is block.
>Festering ground, moving through the rat tunnels after the first grim
>horde spawns in front of us and a Chaos spawn spawns behind us
>mfw one of Sienna's lines for reviving Kerillian is "Lumberfoot... :^)"
Same here, it needs a slight buff in damage. Not too much tho, otherwise it would make the witch hunter absolutely broken, especially since the rapier itself is already a fantastic weapon.
I am legit surprised by how big of an improvement this game is. I dropped vermintide 1 thanks to the loot system, but vermintide 2 is just amazing.
Sienna main reporting in.
Flamethrower-staff is the strongest shit on the no-teamdamage modes, doubly so now that the dwarf's own flamethrower got nerfed. Looks like Pyromancer is the best option out of the three paths/classes/whatever, though I wish the costume wasn't hot trash.
>Unchained has the sexiest costume
>is the least powerful of the three
I'm just reinstalling after refunding then purchasing the collectors edition. Even though I only plan to play Kruber.
20 minutes of vermintide 2 dialogue vid when
>tfw Grimgi reminds you that you are not invincible
Same, this is much better than the first with the ironed out progression and incentive to play harder difficulties rather than run easier ones and stack tomes/grims
She calls her a Lumberfart.
>Flamethrower-staff is the strongest shit on the no-teamdamage modes
Incorrect, the strongest is Fireball/Bolt. Learning how to aim your fireballs in champion difficulty can make or break a game.
I agree about Unchained being the sexiest outfit though.
Starting maining Sienna as well though I'm worried I'm going to be hot trash in champion. What are her traits like on her orange weapons?
I've been really enjoying the fireball staff on Sienna
>mfw I throw a fireball and it pierces through the entire horde that's running in a straight line
God damn did they nerf the shit out of the various item traits. My 40% skaven damage reduction tirned into 6%.
>Nerf Kruber
>Nerf the dwarf
>Nerf the wizard
>Nerf the one-eye
>Don't nerf the elf
If we get another patch with balance changes but no elf changes, I'm refunding.
You know that tiny tunnel where you can either take the high path or cut through the vines? One time a Bile Troll spawned in there and my teammates insisted on staying in that tunnel to fight it and two of them died past it
Needless to say we wiped
>Sienna and crew chopper in to the LZ
>clean touchdown, no hordes in sight
>mop up small groups of chaos and ratmen
>the vermintide approaches
>Sienna puts out cigarette on her staff
>lumberfoots and the fucking elf charge ahead to form a protective wall
>the ratmen reach the wall
>endless stream of fire one-shots absolutely everything
>stay protected at the back the entire map while slowly advancing forward burning chaos and rats out of their filthy holes
>It Aint Me intensifies
10/10 game
Worth it.
I said on no-teamdamage, of course you can't use that shit on champion or the higher difficulties.
>team running around like idiots
>initiate flamethrower on a horde
>elf starts reeeeing that she isn't getting all the kills and jumps into the inferno to try and killsteal
>instantly dies
>rages at sienna for bad aim
I imagine bolt will be the strongest on the higher difficulties if you want to stick with pure special-elimination, though fireball I can see the strength of as well. So long as we all agree beam and conflag are still fucking worthless.
Thing is that elf isn't really OP in any role, once you get out of Recruit everyone else can do their specialized jobs better than her
Of elf's three careers, one is complete shit, one would be good in a different game, and one is only good for its regen passive and homing arrows
She's basically a jack of all trades, and whether it's tanking, crowd control, or boss deletion, at least one person can do it better than her
>Haha just get out of recruit
>Everyone outperforms elf
Fuck off, elf. You're not fooling anyone.
Hell if I know, I'm not even worrying about the teamdamage-modes until I'm level 30. Fuck going into that nonsense without being overpowered with high-end weapons and memorization of all levels, item spawns, etc. The game is hard enough without also having to worry about your own team shooting your dick off.
Yea, shame about beam and conflag. But I've noticed that everyone else is so much more suited to killing specials than me, since bolt staff requires charge time to kill a special.
So I just use fireball and deal with the hordes for my team, and spamming a quick right click charge on bosses does pretty good damage as well.
Just get ready for an elf to shoot you in the back at least 20 times per match in champion.
>t. level 4
>implying Salty or Kruber don't outperform Keri
Do you prefer Pyromancer or that other one that has increased cooldown on heat? The special ability for Pyro is also insanely good for one-shotting generic specials so that helps, and it charges fast as fuck too.
Look! Potion Stache!
these axes are dorf as fuck
Are there maces for the zerker dorf guy? I love dorfs, and i love dual wield, but i cant stand sword, daggers or axes, they are fucking gay. I want a mace to smash with
Sir, aren't you a bit too old to still run recruit?
You know that the same nerf to the dwarf's applied to sienna's right? Still agree with you, though I find it more reliant on teammates than fireball
they can use hammers
Got it out of veteran actually, getting about 3 times the amount of oranges from the boxes than in recruit. But I havent touched anyone but dwarf thats why my power levels are so low.
>Nerf Kruber
not like it matters much when you can have it on permanently. 1.5 dmg increase with red crits on every hit is much better than anyone can get
Why would only playing 1 character lower your power? If anything it makes it higher faster.
How do you make pyromancer work? Im a brainlet and Im having trouble venting heat and using the crit chance correctly so basically useless
the more boxes you open across your account raises your account power level. If I were go any play a game on Kruber right now I would be getting 90 item level gear even though he is level 1.
Then if I played him for 10 levels and got to 150 item level I could go back to dwarf and start getting 150 level items.
No, because Sienna's always operated like that. You ALWAYS had to charge up your flamethrower and then it fires for like 5-7 seconds. The Dwarf could just spam that shit with no charge up and it lasted for seconds at a time. His nerf essentially made it operate the same as Sienna's.
The power level of items is based on the highest power level you've ever previously rolled across all characters
Your character level only affects item color, if you play dwarf to level 15 and then switch to Kruber and open a chest at level 1 you'll find 100 power white items
Guys, should I save the commendation and better crates until I'm higher level?
I'm scared that the drops scale on hero level or something, so it would be a waste if they scale
Also, while we're at it, tell me your favorite weapons for Grüber and Dorf
>Got it out of veteran actually, getting about 3 times the amount of oranges from the boxes than in recruit. But I havent touched anyone but dwarf thats why my power levels are so low.
Idk about when you can get oranges but loot rarity is modified by the box type (general, emperor etc.) and is the same for all difficulties. Your hero power on items increases with more boxes opened because the power range on the items is plus and minus 5-10 points of your highest hero power item. Thus opening more increases the hero power of the items inside. If i open boxes on a level 1 they will get same power as my highest level would.
Ehm no. It was patch 2, the one that fixed the light attack after charge attack that broke it. And it broke it for both dwarf and wizard.
>these grim locations
I am glad they put more effort into most of them. But by god the jumping ones ruin pubs.
Hit level 10. You get a perk that makes you vent overcharge like a motherfucker when you carry a grim, so ALWAYS have someone carrying a grim. Then you just have to remember to switch between melee and ranged. The higher crit chance is basically meaningless, its nice but not something to strive for, if it happens it happens. Get the flamethrower staff and them use it appropriately to clear hordes. When your overcharge gets to high levels, switch to melee (I prefer dagger) and start playing like a normal character. Remember that you will never take damage from your overcharge unless you vent, and you shouldn't ever vent really unless you're in the white. Just let it sit in the yellow and you'll be fine to whip out flames as needed.
>I'm scared that the drops scale on hero level or something, so it would be a waste if they scale
they don't. However if you are complete shit and can't complete champion (or higher when that comes) then save them. Vet crates are locked to 200 and below. Level boxes are capped at 300.
But levels themselves give hero power. So if you are only playing 1 character, you will get higher level faster. Thus getting higher hero power.
Which ones? The only annoying one was festering grounds but you can just grab it through the roof/floor. Same with a lot of them really.
I assume theres some kind of differences between the recruit box(chest?) and the coffer
Pyromancer is better at reducing overcharge by a LOT. I can spam fireballs for days.
It doesnt work like that, there are people with a single level 25 character getting 120 item level loot.
Thats a combination of them only leveling one character and them also saving up their commendation boxes.
You can get the grim under the bridge through the floor? Or are you just talking about the tome.
There's already posts about this and the answer is yes, save them till 30. You get higher quality/powerful stuff the higher your level, so waiting till 30 THEN opening all your power-300 comendation crates will get you significantly better shit than opening them at level 5.
As I see it, it seems best to save all crates always. However start by saving them in recruit, or at least Soldier or higher, merchant or peasant or whatever shit boxes you find you can open whenever. Once you're able to start running hard, then you can feel free to open all recruit boxes and save the hard ones. The main point is to just DEFINITELY save ALL the 300-power commendation boxes till 30, as that is where the phat l00t is.
Thats what I was figuring as well. Shame that she really only has one viable path. Honestly it seems most classes have one 'best' path, the others being flavor but inferior.
So why it is my unequipped level 13 battle wizard is lvl 135 while my lvl 8 Mercenary is only lvl 85. Because levels give hero power.
Unchained also seem really strong. I would say only her first career is weak.
Alright thanks man. I understood BM (no fire for a while=vent faster) but with pyro I wasnt getting the flow of the class and I had to spend too much time on mele for a class that has increased ranged dmg. Guess Ill level up a bit and see.
is it better to spam attacks or charge attacks
*ends your run*
Just because levels give some overall hero power doesnt mean that the higher power level character gets higher power level loot.
You need to pay attention to power level on items way more than the character's power level.
Depends on the weapon and what you're fighting
Unchained seems useful but vastly inferior to other classes who do the same shit. Her explosion takes way too long to charge (like 3-4 minutes per use, jesus) and her playstyle turns her into a less-effective Kruber or frontliner. It works, but she's much better mowing down trash mobs AND singling out specials as Pyromancer, so why would you go Unchained other than for fun?
yes but he also has some gnarlly muscled arms that look sweet when you're playing him
Foot Knight or Mercenary for Sword n Board Kruber?
Mercenary's ability feels a hell of a lot stronger but foot knight has the better passive
That was never the fucking question. The point is that you dont level up hero power any slower from just playing as 1 character. Because while you may miss out on a few extra levelup boxes. You make up for that by being higher level.
Wow, the tutorial just played for me when I launched. They put a lot of effort into a cheesy gameplay tutorial.
How do you even play the slayer properly? He seems so fragile.
Did they fix Huntsman Kruber blasting air horns like he was in a trap banger remix whenever he ults?
Its good but its got some bugs
>changed dodge key before they added prologue, game freezes when I get to that part and requires me to relaunch the game and change the bind
Its a good tutorial, and shows the personalities well.
The original point was about how playing multiple characters will collectively raise the power levels they get on items.
see Playing low level characters gets you more chests faster.
I want to play her but by god her melee weapons are so hot garbage i'd rather kill myself.
I played with a level 14 slayer today and I have no idea what he was doing, but it was an unending stream of murder.
>jumps into combat every 20 seconds
>flails around with fast attacks/double axes and kills everything in two hits
>moves at sanic speeds
>takes on entire hordes of ratmen or chaos by himself
Her explosion seems more like a tool to dump overcharge if you get too close to going boom than for doing damage.
And i don't know if she is actually weaker or not, It would be nice to know, how much of a power boost she gains from overcharge.
Hobo kruber is still broken. If you have a "crit removes cd" trait then you can have it on 24/7
This. So far only her sword, flaming sword and dagger seem viable. And her dagger far outclasses everything since it has just as wide an arc as sword, does twice the damage, causes DoTs and also penetrates armor it seems. Why her strongest weapon is a fucking dagger though, I'm sure I don't know.
>don't care for Bardin at the start
>get an axe/shield combo on him
>can't put him down
>don't even touch witchhunter anymore
>become a powerful nigger finally and hit veteran
>everyone tells me Ironbreaker is shit
I just want to charge and shield slam hordes
Are there any graphics options that bog down fps in big fights? I can run the game great on high until there's a big fight and then it chugs.
>Ironbreaker is shit
Who the fuck told you that
Ironbreaker is cruising-out-of-control tier
Those are both me, so no, that is not the original question.
>But I havent touched anyone but dwarf thats why my power levels are so low
And like i just said, a few extra chests for leveling multiple characters even out with instead just having one at a higher level.
That's not a helpful tool though when it takes 3-4 minutes to charge, you generate charge every time you're hit, and your style revolves around constantly being in high-yellow or red overcharge in order to deal appropriate damage. Getting slapped 4-5 times rapid fire by a horde generates like 20% overcharge, which is guaranteed to explode you if you're playing her how you should. A single fuckup means all your HP is gone.
>tfw haven't touched elf or wizard yet because they're ugly
witch elf and sorceress reskins when?
>Ironbreaker is shit
Don't listen to those idiots, every Ironbreaker I've run with has been a crowd control beast, especially with the flamecannon.
People who mistake killcount for contribution don't understand how the game actually works. One dude constantly throwing enemies on their asses is a hundred times more useful than your average Elf
>remember that old vaporware game with hordes of enemies, a crossbow fired from first person and a dragon sitting in a moonlit cave
>remember how I thought that looked like the coolest shit and had real life graphics
>realize vermintide is pretty much what that would have been had it been completed
Remember that well brothers.
Footknight krubers ability is one of the most satisfying things ever
RETARD, the devs have stated that ANY item you get from chests is remembered even if you salvage it.
EVERY CHEST you open gives you better and better loot. The game remembers that and your average slowly raises. By opening more boxes you are raising the quality of loot you will get from the next box.
>mfw dwarf shield slam knocking down entire hordes in a single sweep
This. Ideal party formation is 1-2 frontliners who can soak damage and CC, a dedicated targeted DPS who can fuck over specials in a few hits, and a general DPS who can spam area damage to mow down hordes. There's crossover on all of them and targeted DPS can still double as frontline, or a tank can still rape hordes, but someone should be filling those individual roles at all times for peak party performance. Honestly my only complaint IS the scoreboard at the end and how it tries to show off who had the 'most X', because it encourages bullshit behavior that is more harmful than helpful to teamwork for absolutely no reward but 10 seconds of bragging time.
Too bad, it's bugged where if you ever hit the knocked over enemies they will immediately be on their feet.
It's probably because they don't have an animation for them taking damage while on the ground so they reset to their neutral state
So you open a chest and gain 5 hero power. Or you level up and gain 10 hero power. SO ITS THE FUCKING SAME. Now piss off and learn to fucking read.
That is supposed to have been fixed in the latest patch no? They had something about small staggers no longer putting enemies back on their feet.