There are plenty of amazing titles coming out this year...

>There are plenty of amazing titles coming out this year. “Dark Souls Remastered” is the long-awaited remake of “Dark Souls 3” and “Bloodborne.”

uh guys? Bloodborne on Switch fucking confirmed...

>Faux news
Here's your (you)

>fox news
>expecting anything

Guys I've literally got Bloodborne on Switch right now

Let's see it

Sorry I had to sign an agreement with Iwata on his deathbed no one can ever see it

can you at least try not to be cop-hating liberal faggots for 15 fucking minutes?

yes, but only if you at least try not to be a dumb shithead for 15 fucking minutes

>knowing fox news is full of shit
>being liberal

these have nothing to do with each other

dude, stop

Dude, really? Fox news is junk and I'm right of center.

>Dark Souls Remastered is a remake of Dark Souls' latest sequel and a completely different game



oh fuck

I hope President Trump will do something about violence in video games. This kind of "simulated" murder is not Christian!

>fox news
>fox fucking news.

10 years ago they were talking about how videogames would turn your kids into evil satantic robot-hitlers and how every school shooting in america was caused by these videogames.

then when that wasn't working they talked about how peopel used games as a way to sexually attract kids.

My how the times have changed.

Fox is retarded for saying Dark Souls remaster is a remake of DS3 and BB but OP you are also fucking retarded to think that statement implies in any way that Bloodborne is on the Shitch.

they are literally one of the worst news organizations there is right down there with CNN and msnnbc


>what is a joke i dont understand

>of two games
>at once
My sides.

Cnn did the same fucking thing. Are you that sheltered? There are many people writing articles you idiot.

You use the word worst so much that it's lost all meaning. Get that.


Sup Forums leave or I'm pulling IPs and open ports. Nobody gives a shit that you pretend to know things

sony BTFO

PC too?