Why would I ever use any other weapon?

Why would I ever use any other weapon?

well, your current one is stuck in a metal plate which makes it very hard to use, i'd imagine


when it's DaS and you exclusively pump DEX because someone told you it affects pyro cast times?


Certain enemies like the crystal golems have high resistance to slashing and piercing damage.

I know this because I recently did a randomizer run which was a lot of fun.

Bastard Sword, Executioner GS, Flamberge, BKS, Hollowslayer or GSoJ are all cooler greatsword-type weapons
Claymore is in that weird spot where it doesn't fit a simple knightly look like the Bastard sword because of the ornate sheathe and golden guard, and it's not as ornate and cool as something like DS2's Mastodon GS/Flamberge or the Propane Greatsword
also slam r2 > poke r2

>r2 that has a chance to hit or r2 that has literally 0 chance to hit
yeah ill take my thrust

Claymore is literally a historically "knightly" sword. Bastard Sword doesn't look like anything from reality.


zwei is objectively better. longer range, long range attacks, hits harder and stuns 99% of opponents

Except balanced out by much slower animations

not in ds3 where you can spam roll and literally never get hit

zwei is shit tier in every single souls game, including nearly every ugs

...and along came Dark Souls 2 and 3 where it doesn't stun more than any other weapon.

Fucking hell, first time i'm seeing such a great post on Sup Forums

Its a trick weapon user, He's tried to make the pizza-cutter.

I mean, eventually you'll get sick of being a scrub and try to actually get good.


Claymores are the swords of Scottish barbarians with no armour.

That's a sad life (you) got there...
Still not worth it though, try harder next time

Good luck hittimg other players.. ever

>no using a lightning bandit axe with B scaling