What am I in for?
What am I in for?
The best monster hunter game
Just picked it up myself, $8 bucks on the eshop was hard to pass up.
How does it run on an old XL? Is the camera somewhat manageable?
The game runs great on everything but local multiplayer, which tanks the fps to ~15. Online multiplayer is fine for some reason.
Best MH game to date, miles better than the embarrassment that is World
It's fine after you trial&error the digital d-pad into its perfection location&size for you. Don't get the gamepad thing with the extra joystick. It's too bulky or something I forget, but I bought it (was like $20) and I beat the game and never touched it past the first couple hunts.
>all this salt about World
pls keep bitching, it makes me enjoy playing World all the more knowing spergs like you get triggered when people have fun ;)
You lock on to monster then press L to centre camera on them
Unless you have CPP
World would have been the best if it had more content and an actual reason to play online. You're delusional if you're expecting more than 5 monsters through DLC
>World is better
>Literally worse in every way except the graphx
People like you are why video games fucking suck now
Get Hori's extended slide pad. It's the best MH grip for 3DS.
Thread is turning in World drama. Abort thread.
> Every online hunter you will meet is a fucking male char.
Good game otherwise.
i use control input redirect and play with a controller
have to tap the bottom screen to lock on initially but it's worth the comfiness. 3DS monster hunter destroys my hands if i play for over an hour
>yeah man i love eating shit! stay mad :)))
Not even him but worse in everything apart from graphics?How delusional can you be?Did you surmise all that by watching your favorite streamers and youtubers?
Feel free to mention another aspect that's better.
a shittier game than world
A game where my favorite weapons are actually top tier
Point and laugh, everyone.
Controls,hitboxes,map interaction and turf wars,the vast QoL changes,investigations that dramatically decrease grinding and rng,better HR,best difficulty scaling for instance.