Brainlet "press triangle to win" button available every minute to make you feel like you don't suck

>brainlet "press triangle to win" button available every minute to make you feel like you don't suck
>most """"""veteran"""""" players still need to get carried through HARD AI by new players who quickly leave after realising the intellectual expectation the game has of its fanbase
>mercy "players" who make it perfectly clear they're GURLL GAYMERS™
>terminal stage 3 cancer fanbase
>PR guy is a nu-male who just releases a youtube video each month saying "uhhhh we're doing some balancing changessss uhhhhhhhhhh"
>entire match is decided on whether or not a guy in your team picks bastion

Could a game possibly be more casual?


user i have some bad news, you're a fucking pleb and you deserve this game

>fps game
The absolute state of Sup Forums

Stay on topic or get the fuck out of my thread.

>he bought a 144hz monitor and a 1080 ti just so he can enjoy his multiplayer idle game

the fuck

you're not OP faggot, I am


Overwatch is fun for about an hour or two, a few hours a week. It's a solid rotation game in my lineup when I wanna listen to some music and get a few rounds in. Getting upset at a casual game for being casual would be like getting mad at you for being a faggot; you can't help your nature.



haha, so funney! I are superior PC gamer because I press F1 instead haha! I play children game on PC instead! stuped op

Is this what nu-Sup Forums considers "trolling" now? Pretending to be OP, posting shitty reaction images, and making fun of Sony? You're all fucking pathetic.


>Could a game possibly be more casual?

Well, they could add "auto regen", but you know, girls MUST play healers.

I had fun, suck it.

OW was developed for console, fuck off steamcucks

>being on Sup Forums at all
You're sooo~ much better than I am, user.

thanks for the blogpost


Just kys OP.

What the fuck?

>mad he can't even git gud in a casual MP like Overwatch
I shudder to think what UT, CoD 2 or even more recent stuff like Arma or Red Orchestra would do to your anus

this is a 10/10 bait post. take note Sup Forums

nigga I've been playing quake clones for years. Don't chat shit you can't possibly comprehend

if you actually played any of those games you probably wouldn't be defending OW

You can't complain when you bought the casual version of the game, user.

jesus christ shut the fuck up you filthy casual
Thread already made me run out of brainlets and we're only 24 posts in

and yet you play Overwatch and are both obviously incapable of crushing it with ease to diamond ELO or whatever its called.

>durrr I'm getting denied by the most predictable healer in the history of gaming
>hurrr no fair I wasted my ult to kill the enemy team but I didn't kill the one char that can bring them all to life even though outside of that one move its useless af and perma 4v5

because why? it doesn't fit the Dude Sex, System Shock 2, Thief 2: The Metal Age and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. wankfest?

>y-you just hate it cause it's not like (insert list of unrelated single player games) here
no it's just a genuinely poorly designed game that doesn't work well as a casual FPS (TF2 did it better, even Fortnite/PUBG are more enjoyable to play casually), a competitive FPS (this doesn't even need to be explained), a MOBA (mechanics, team roles and team building are far too shallow compared even to LoL), or an FPS/MOBA hybrid (Monday Night Combat did it best, Titanfall 2 also did a better job of incorporating MOBA aspects into an FPS).

>plays overwatch on console
>calls others casual

Fake gamers still care about if a game is "casual" ?


People really play fps on console? What the fuck?

Team based class or hero games are always shit. All the archetypes are boring and the same fantasy/videogame shit we've seen since early D&D. Games where you can choose your guns/loadout are always better if you just care about shooting people in the head.

>fps on console


Holy shit seriously?

You deserve to have your own bait thread derailed you casual.


>ran out an already years old and shit meme
>"Ha, this wojak totally BTFO that guy! A-am I cool yet?
Is this literally your first dsy? For the love of God lurk moar

I've been on this site for 8 years, I just don't save images.

anymore more >HAHAHOEHHHUHHHH CONSEL posts you casuals want to throw a- and this is being humble- skilled Quake player? Please, continue to tell me how much depth and strategy a mouse and keyboard adds to this already intellectually towering tactical shooter. Keep in mind I could write books about the aspects of Quake that make the skill cap so high- map control, rocket jump routes and item baits are just the very, VERY basics. I could probably beat you permavirgin 14 year olds with an arcade cabinet. You know why? Because it's not all about 'shooty shooty bang bang'.

By exaggerating the change KB+M makes to Overwatch, you're only proving my point- it's a shallow, shallow game for Quake wannabes. Worst £50 I ever spent.

what's your point tardo? Starcraft was one of the best, most balanced RTS games which means people should make or have fun playing Company of Heroes? the whole premise of hating games like Overwatch is a) they're popular and b) ...uhhhh, they're janky, poorly designed, [insert other game reviewer buzzwords used when you lack a proper argument]
>(TF2 did it better, even Fortnite/PUBG are more enjoyable to play casually
Overwatch isn't at all like TF2 which is what a decade old now, let alone Fortnite/PUBG.
>competitive FPS (this doesn't even need to be explained)
It's competitive enough to be played competitively and people are making tens of thousands of dollars playing it but lets just ignore that. here's an idea, since it's so easy to play for your veteran self, why don't you play entry level tournaments, netting a few thousand $ is never a bad thing right.
>MOBA (mechanics, team roles and team building are far too shallow compared even to LoL)
It's not a MOBA and doesn't claim to be, nor can it be a MOBA seeing as how its a FPS (love the *compared even to LoL* bit, >heh us Sup Forums right)
>or an FPS/MOBA hybrid (Monday Night Combat did it best, Titanfall 2 also did a better job of incorporating MOBA aspects into an FPS).
Titanfall comparison is bullshit. Monday Night Combat is over a decade old and I've completely forgot it even existed. Literally had to google it to find out what the hell you're talking about.
So yeah, Overwatch is shit because it's not the genre I like and there is a similar game on Amiga which did it better.

>Team based class or hero games are always shit.
Tell me, what do you think of Morrowind and GTAIV
>Games where you can choose your guns/loadout are always better if you just care about shooting people in the head.
Shit, never knew Half Life was LITERALLY CRAP because I can't zergrush people like in Starcraft or engage magnetos like in IL Sturmovik. since we're mixing genres might as well compare FPS to flight sims.

>playing a FPS
>on console
>when there is a larger population on PC
>and more dev support
>also $20 cheaper on PC

Holy fucking retard

I bought it on sale back when I didn't own a PC

I got Overwatch on the PS4 too, user