DNF "2001" Alpha

Waiting for leak user to stop playing Max Payne 1 alpha and do something productive.

Old thread Redumping his pictures

Other urls found in this thread:



I am too retarded to understand why cant he post a DL link here or somewhere else, can somebody explain?


post yfw youll never play the 2001 build of dnf

I am monitoring this thread

Randy Prickford is preventing 3D Realms from releasing it. He doesnt have permission from who has the rights of the game


I wish they had released it back then.


Re posting some stuff from old thread:

So - turns out a good version of Duke Nukem Forever existed in 2002 but Randy Pitchford won't let it be released... rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/have-any-of-the-builds-of-duke-nukem-forever-ever-leaked.120567/

-This was 90% completed. Id say 14-16 hours of gameplay.
-It was way darker and more serious than the final product. It also played partly as an RPG in terms of your goals.
-You basically had Mission Objectives on your HUD you could activate
- Like quests. You also had an inventory with ID badges, keycards, etc. Things you would use in the world. Think Deus Ex Duke.

I unironically wish for randy's death, why cant he, instead good people like Aniki die

I don't think randy has the authority to release it even if he wanted to

Wheres the Killer 7 Source code? You said it was on the Killer 7 Wikia but I can't find it, am I just retarded



suda51 wikia
the killer 7 page
at the bottom


Nearing the end

The madman left us to play this, what a legend


Do you think leak user is still quietly watching upon us?

How far is DNF in completion at this point?


The 2001 leak was 90% completed, then they fucked up.

Is this the same version as the e3 trailer?

I believe

Fixing my mistake

This was 90% completed. Id say 14-16 hours of gameplay.
-It was way darker and more serious than the final product. It also played partly as an RPG in terms of your goals.
-You basically had Mission Objectives on your HUD you could activate
- Like quests. You also had an inventory with ID badges, keycards, etc. Things you would use in the world. Think Deus Ex Duke.

I wonder if user can release a playable build

It was almost complete but it just had to have the latest and coolest engine so they scrapped it and started again

Leak user doesnt know how to cover his ass so its probably not going to happen sadly.


As in "bomb" right?

>rip the files and put them onto a flash drive
>go to the library and upload it to mediafire or some shit
>post a link on Sup Forums
>throw the flash drive into a lake

Fuck that, there is a folder there called "anal droid"

oh you.
I am honestly more upset at Maddieman for not finishing The real world mod.

its not that simple user.

This one looks legit!

Tell that to the guy who made the Fappening

But user, this isnt some guy who stumbled upon the stuff, this guy works most likely at 3D Realms itself, he would have 3d Realms and Gearbox onto him.

>theres a timeline where leak user gives us the leaked build but its not this one
this is the worst fucking timeline

Whoever was the hero who leaked these images...

Please do more.

The 2001 trailer is still incredible. It's great to see more from that era of development

I say leak it, we all know it was actually Randy himself because at heart he's not that bad.

>user leaks it
>we all praise Randy
>randy enjoying the praise too much to sue anyone
>we play DNF2001

Guy who works at 3D Realms and mad Randy doesnt let them actually release the stuff. True human bean

>he would have 3d Realms and Gearbox onto him
One dead and one soon to be dead company onto him? Who cares

this is the holy grail of pc gaming m8. you cant just up and give the holy grail out without some punishments. especially when those who hide the grail always have their eyes peeled and hammer ready.

it looks like a modded Half-life 1 on the Gold Source engine, point is?



why bother, it's just a modified version of Half-Life 1



Its in the Unreal 1 engine, get your fake news outta here. This is the Duke Nukem game that never saw the light of day and Randy and Gearbox butchered

man it would really suck if someone went to randy pitchford's house and beat him to death

Has the game been leaked already?

He might get sued, lose his job.
I am also reminded of this joke Remedy put.

No, the user that leaked the pics is a pussy

>Has the game been leaked already?
We should be so lucky. I would settle for a gif. I just want to see an enemy getting shot to pieces by that awesome pistol

which Unreal 1 is based off of the Gold Source engine, case closed

Reminder that the Battlefront 3 build was also never leaked.

I hope that if it leaks it will have that sweet assault rifle in with the flag wrapped around it and not the alien blaster thingy.

>source: my ass

are you mentally ill?


>mad that he can't play a DNF mod for Half-Life 1

>no counterarguments
double lol

A good version came out. People are just manchildren about games now and didn't get it.

He won't do it. I wish he would, but he won't, because his life and that of his family would be destroyed forever by Randy "the subhuman G*d's assborn satan himself" Pitchford in a lawsuit. I can't blame him. Based on what he said in his posts I even have an extremely strong hunch who he might be and I wish him godspeed. No, I won't tell you who I think he is.

Randy Pitchford is the son of a lepper whore and needs to eat shit and die for Duke to be saved.
That jewpig never contributed anything good to video games anyway. Opposing Foce - Gearbox's biggest achievement wasn't even his doing. He is a despicable trickster weasel cockroach rat kike who likes to exploit and backstab other people and take credit for all of their work.

There was a mod for Half-Life 1 about DNF, but it was shot down, it was looking good.
Also, I was talking about Unreal Engine 1

which is the Quake engine, used in half-life 1

>Opposing Foce - Gearbox's biggest achievement
Ah, I loved that game more than Half-Life 1 desu. Too bad Gearbox, Activision, Bioware and many others became shitty.

you just described fred, not randy.


>shitting the thread up talking about Half Life
What's wrong with you?

The Unreal Engine was made by Epic Games.
The Quake Engine was made by iD Software. Goldsrc (used in HL1) is a modified version of the Quake engine made by VALVe.

What kind of shrooms have you been taking? The stuf where talking about is the original Duke Nukem Forever

Randy is the sort of person who deserves to die from legionella still.

The Unreal engine 1 was made from scrap. And GoldSrc was made from Idtech 2, yes, but also idtech 3 and 4. And Infinity Ward used Idtech 3 to make Call of Duty and then they kept modifying it.
What you said is basically like DOTA 2 uses the same engine as BOPS 2

As a Duke Nukem fan for life, i dreamed of the day to finally play DNF from that old trailer. Please, please release it.

The guy that leaked the pics is a faggot dont even bother

this man speaks the truth, please do it.

>implying I like Gay-Life

>The stuf where talking about is the original Duke Nukem Forever
so am i, i'm talking about the engine it was used to run it

Fred Shekelgoldbergrubinstein has his hands tied just as much and shits his pants thinking about the consequences. He might be a chicken, but he is not Randy. Pitchford is the foretold anti-christ in the guise of a redditor with toilet humor.

It will probably happen, user in the old thread had max Payne builds out the ying yang. I'm sure one of these devs will get soft hearted and quietly release the game under a psuedonym to the fans, if it's 90% done, it's a fucking crime to be out of our hands, I'd buy it, especially since retro inspired games are in, and duke nukem style gameplay being one of a kind, it would sell gangbusters.

Honestly, this would be a beautiful thing. Please release more. It would be a dream come true

Somehow I feel pleased enough.

I always thought that Duke Nukem Forever, even at its best was a collection of tech demos and set pieces, disjointed, made for show but with no actual continuity, sense, plot.

I feel, maybe in my lifetime I'll see it, but at least now I can be content that it does exist.

But you keep bringing it up, are you saying you're not some odd Half Life fanboy?

If dubs, it will happen.

you think he isnt getting off on having the holy grail? he absolutely is touching himself to it. he revels in the fact that he has it and only a handful of others do. sure randy stands at the gate but so does fred.



I even have the Duke Forver bust sitting on my desk. You don’t understand my pain as a duke fan

Same, i'd unironically pay thousands of dollars for the build

because i know what the animations look like in HL1, it doesn't take a genius to look at them side by side and compare


I have that too...but i wish i didnt

g-GUYS, what if leak bro is busy uploading the files somewhere so that is why he isn't posting?
C-can it be?


One can only dream...

Oh user, I was 8 years old looking for cheats for duke nukem 64.
>duke nukem forever
I waited 13 years and still haven't played the one that came out. Maybe it's because one day, one day user, I may have known that duke would return. And he just might.

It's a constant reminder of my pain.

I remember sitting on my lap playing Duke 3D with my dad, he gave no shits about strippers and stuff, and then I got Duke64 since I was notallowed a computer that young. I played the shit out of it but could never beat it. One day, the video rental store across the street from my house the guy running it saw that I was constantly renting Duke and asked if I beat it, i said no because I had no memory card, dude goes out of the way and buys me one for the next time I see it. Duke is special to me.

Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I’ve lost… the comrades I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?
I'm gonna make them give back our past.

Same here. I was still a wee lad when I played Duke 3D for the first time in 1996 and it went to become onf of my top 10 video games of all time. Not in our lifetime it seems, user.

There is Ion Maiden though, check it out if you haven't heard about it already. It's really solid. There is still a lot that can be improved but at least it's going in the right direction. You can get a download link for the demo in one of the threads that pop up from time to time.

Don't get your hopes too high.
Actually is kinda easy to know who was the one who uploaded those pics. I have my own suspicions but I don't want to neither have the power to do anything against it

Goldsrc is 99% id Tech 1 than 2 fucko