Did this kill Final Fantasy mainline series for good?

Did this kill Final Fantasy mainline series for good?

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Pretty sure it did.

At least it ended on a nice number.

It's a shame we never got to XXX though.

It killed it's credibility even more than the Lightnig games, but people will still buy them on brand alone like always.

It did for me.

It was basically SE's last chance because who knows maybe 13 was just a 1 time thing but NOPE.

Hopefully. It's time to let go.

Meanwhile, in the real world.

I'm just wondering why can't SE manage one of their mainline games without having issues? What was the last Final fantasy game that delivered without issues during development?


It sold well.

FFXIV 1.0 didn't despite nearly killing the company, so I can't see how XV would.

Reminder that all the profits from other Squenix games are being used to keep this zombie walking.

Not at all, they'll make another entry for sure. It will probably just take a really long time because Square-Enix loves to milk each game for all it's worth. Expect a XV-2 and Noctis Returns: Final Fantasy XV.

SE executives are retards that have to meddle in any big project. Ironically the games they deem as being the least successful will get the least amount of meddling and have the highest chance of being good.

>sold well
>reviewed well
>better fan reception than the XIII games

The other way around actually. FFXV reinvigorated the franchise.

It was a few notches above XIII but that's not saying much. It fell way short of the hype. It was one of the worst open world games I've ever played. Open world games usually have actual content in the world, shitty repetitive content mostly, but at least it's not completely empty like FFXV.

I watched it since I no longer but Square products but that ending scene with Noctis trying to tell his boys how he feels for their support was legit as fuck.


FFXV is indeed shit, but it's a symptom of a sick series. At least they ran with a somewhat unique aesthetic, because the only other thing that Square can do now is milk nostalgia, though it's in an unfaithful way.

All these games trying to "homage" the classics through crystals an obnoxiously shoehorned references ignore that most of FF's renaissance period (VI, VII, VIII) didn't reference them at all and were completely unique. Hell, even IX - which WAS a throwback to the classics, didn't feel as fucking fake and distasteful as all these recent "throwback" games. IX managed to feel fresh.

Square pushes FF as an aesthetic and fashion now. It's not about making good games, it's about launching marketing platforms. All the games since X have suffered greatly through horrible dev cycles and corporate cuckery that all creativity at Square is smothered under bullshit.

It and all its spinoff titles sold retardedly well, so probably not.

A couple faggots hating the game doesnt "kill" it.
If the game sold well enough then what you faggots think of it doesnt matter.


Squeenix will jump into the BR bandwagon print screen this prophecy

Adding to this, I understand that XI (ultra successful, many say it's good) and XII (some very successful elements, love or hate it game) are apparently liked by some.

What matters though, is that they diluted the brand. While X is controversial, at least it feels like a natural growth of the series from Viii (since it's made by mostly the same people). XI and XII caused the series to have a splintered perception, where all of a sudden - you have people becoming disgusted with these new entries that were so distant from what people liked and wanted from FF.


Are you fucking kidding me

>It was a few notches above XIII
Not even close. XIII had decent music, a couple of playable characters that I didn't want to see die the most violent, painful deaths, a somewhat fun battle system, and an interesting setting, even if the plot was convoluted and dumb.

XV has zero in terms of redeeming qualities. None.

Wada is conveniently ignoring that XIII was reviled by anyone with a brain.

Stefani Joosten loves this game, so I love it.

XII is shit.

XI and XII didn't start that. If anything it started to really show at VIII.

>All the games since X have suffered greatly through horrible dev cycles and corporate cuckery that all creativity at Square is smothered under bullshit.
How did XI suffer horrible dev cycles?

>best selling game in the franchise

She’s in Kuwait getting shitted on and gangbanged by rich Arabs as we speak for thousands of dollars.


>a couple of playable characters that I didn't want to see die the most violent, painful deaths
>wanting to harm a hair on best boy's beautiful head

No it was definitely XI. VII to VIII to IX saw a clear progression in terms of gameplay. X shook things up a little bit but the series roots were still strong. XI and XII is where they shit the bed.


Actually, I do agree with that. Square was clearly trying to redefine what FF was in the PSX era, but I think they were just more successful at that point. I personally feel that XII was better than VIII, but the problem is that it seemed "too different" from previous games, which added to the bad feelings that started emanating after stuff like X-2 came out.

FFVIII may be a root, but the public distaste for new FF games really started manifesting around X, X-2, XII, XIII.

Was mostly talking about XII, XIV and XV. Should have been more clear. My thoughts on XI are here;

>XV has zero in terms of redeeming qualities. None.
Oh fuck off. I know it's the cool thing to shit on the game so you faggots think you're fitting in but it wasn't all bad. The party interactions were well done, the music was good, the art design was great, and there were a few emotional moments. It still sucked but it was definitely better than XIII.

VIII was well received though. Had you been alive at the time you'd have known that.

t. XV-kun

All leftovers from Vs XIII, XV basically did nothing of it's own besides it's garbage combat system and empty open world fetch quest bullshit.

XV thinks XV is bad? Or is your reading comprehension that terrible?

>you have people becoming disgusted with these new entries that were so distant from what people liked and wanted from FF.
Yeah, because FF has been so consistent about it's tone and mood since FF6 came out.

A lot of people were sour about FF9's presentation as well, and there were folks who didn't like how modern FF8's world was either.

I know you're in denial but VS XIII became XV. Those things were still in the game, and it was still better than the original XIII. The XIII sequels? That's a different story.

It revived it.

FF was assumed dead after XIII and XIV were trash. XV would never have come at all if they didn't already have Versus in the works.

>VS XIII became XV
No, Vs was cancelled and XV wore it's skin as a costume to con sales out of people.

Still sold well, unlike Tanaka's game.

Don't be retarded XV-kun would never admit to the game having faults.

You can spin it however you want, XV still had good art direction, music, character interactions, and a few good scenes. It's better than XIII by a wide margin.

Pretty sure it started declining with FF12

Except it didn't, all those things you listed were leftovers from Vs XIII's production, which Tabata then haphazardly tossed over his ramshackle garbage to hide behind.

>XV still had good art direction, music, character interactions, and a few good scenes

Yes, yes it did.

>hurr durr eating polished shot is better than eating plain shit

XV dungeons are more linear than XIII before Gran Pulse.

no, 13 damaged the name and lost them alot of money.

No but it definitely hurts it. S-E will be hesitant on dropping big money and long development ever again, especially if KH3 doesn't do crazy sales.

Not that guy but I find it difficult to put XV music above XIII. For some reason XV music is a lot more generic and non-experimental than what XIII had. Plus at least XIII was pretty to look at while the first area of XV was actually really dull to start in. Combat wise I'll give XV the benefit of the doubt in that it is actually controllable and you can get upgrades that make it far more enjoyable than XIII but I still wouldn't call it the greatest.

They're still in the game. I hate to break it to you, but VS XIII doesn't exist. Time to get over it.

I never said it was a good game. I was refuting the user claiming XIII was better. Try following the conversation next time.

Are we going to hear this shit everytime a new Final Fantasy comes out? It seems like every entry past 10 is going to "kill" the series, yet here we are on No. 15.

What's wrong with it though?
I played only the demo but it seems alright with me.

No, that was FFX.

What the fuck does this bitch even do?

No one ever said XIII was better you fucking retard, at least not in this reply chain. Maybe you should deal with your illiteracy before coming here.

Don't get me wrong, XIII has a good OST. If we're just comparing music XIII's is probably better. But overall? XV was better, albeit still bad.

Yes, it did. FFXV is the last Final Fantasy.

>No one ever said XIII was better

this, the last good FF is lX

>9 years of development hell

If it actually made a profit I'd be surprised.

She's in a ton of japanese ads, but as far as western exposure she's just gone

I have gotten over it, that doesn't mean XV somehow has any good qualities since anything of worth was made for a different game.

I'd put it in my top 3 FF games. It gave me what I want most from these games: a journey. I'm looking forward to my third playthrough with the royal edition I can finally play through the other DLC chapters of the game too.

You're a fucking idiot. It doesn't matter what they were made for, they are part of XV and not your vaporware project.

You guys are the same fucks that like the SUPER Kawaii >.< RPGs with no actual pull other than Dat gurl hot i luv my waifu. Yeah the game wasn't perfect but shit i prefer it to most of the other trash that JRPGs have turned into.

Say what you will about 1.0 but it sure looked nice.

So she is just a personality?

Check of proof:

The Spirits Within is now more like a Final Fantasy game than FFXV is.

They've been releasing dlc for the game. And obviously they're making a profit out of it as evidence they they're releasing 4 episodic dlc later this year

There's no point in telling them that, user. Remember when 12 killed the franchise? Or 13? Or 14? Hell, people even said ARR killed it. They'll keep saying that and Square will just keep releasing them

It does matter, they don't count as XV's strong points since they weren't developed for it all that talent was done by someone else for something else and XV just stole it and tried to pass it off as it's own.

Yoko Taro will save Final Fantasy.

XV has magic and summons and crystals and shitty combat, all FF hallmarks. Spirits Within has a bunch of shit ripped from Aliens.

>the zelda cycle is real

>XV just stole it and tried to pass it off as it's own.
Y-you know they're made by the same company right? The games don't just make themselves

>inb4 nothing is genuine or real because everything takes inspiration from something

>implying a series with no identity can be saved

He could maybe make something of value from its ashes, but it sure as fuck wouldn't be Final Fantasy.

Maybe its just my preference but a lot of XIII stood out a whole lot to me. Even though I haven't touched that game in years.
A lot of XV music is too much like background music, it doesn't stand out to much during the fight.
This one battle theme did get my attention and I wish it was the main one always playing:

spirits within has all those and only the badguy wears lame black leather trenchcoats. It's also not about fags driving around eating food and quipping. It also has an airship, when XV only has a shitty Keyforce car.

The push for high-end visuals and inhouse engines is why XIII/XIV/XV were all such a mess and had bloated development times.

Hell, they ought to take YoshiP off of XIV and have him show the company how you make a god damn game in a 3 year dev cycle since he apparently knows how to manage a crew.

I loved it
I dunno why you guys have such a vendetta against it

Same company, different director. If Tabata had any sense of artistic integrity he'd have actually put work into XV, instead he just strung together something someone else actually gave a shit about so he could con fans out of their money. If Square was going to kill Vs they should have killed it, not paraded it's corpse around weekend at Bernie's style and demanded you pay for it.

X was the last good one, games still sell from name alone so no, expect at least 20 more

>literally sold well enough to warrant updates and dlc still releasing
>Sup Forums: "I-It didn't sell!"

>X was the last good one
No! That was IX!

It sold on false promises, and they're still releasing DLC because of sunk costs. They're hoping the few shit gobbling zealots they've accrued will continue shoveling feces into their mouths and happily pay for the experience. The sad part is they will.


LAST good one, as in most recent, fucknugget

It really really isnt. XIII gets a lot of hate because of the brand's pedigree, besides that it's like a 7/10 game. XV is just bad in every front. Poorly told story, and writing and characters, inconsistent graphical quality, fucking horrible combat. Even the music isn't that great, Shimomura's KH score is so memorable because she worked closely with Nomura on it. Square basically squandered their redemption and are left with a bad cash cow. But hey it was a financial success apparently.

fuck all of yall

I suppose it does mean that the next mainline FF will have alot of DLCs to further explain it's plot. Also, does anyone know how much the FF 15 mobile game made?

So is this the 06 for this franchise? Then why all the guest appearances? Why all the money? Why is there a huge fan base who fell for the DLC meme? If anything it revived the franchise, but that doesn't make it a good game. Last good FF was XI.

Just ignore topics from games released or about to be released