
>Tf2 literally has an entire economy based around emotes making fun of people you're beating in a match
>In-game mechanics such as domination allow you to visibly shit on another player for all to see
>In-game voicelines are vicious yet witty, and tailored to the specific class you're dominating

>Overwatch bans players for being "toxic"
>Blizzard employees will literally scan through gameplay posted to YouTube or Twitch to identify "toxicity" and then ban you for it

What went wrong? How did things change this much?

tf2 is still doing all that stuff. just play tf2

but yes agree blizzard fucked up by pandering to faggots and SJWs

how is TF2 these days?
i haven't played in like 6+ years but im itching for a jump in and play shooter and i ain't touching overwatch

Gaming got too popular. Now that you've got to appeal to everyone you have to be careful not to step on anyone's toes with any potential controversy lest you piss off some easily offended twitter faggot and their audience.

It's what you would expect, nothing really changed. Stock weapons are still the best in every situation. Most people complain about the cosmetics but they don't bother me. If you decide to play again don't use matchmaking, pick a community server.

> If you decide to play again don't use matchmaking, pick a community server.
do not listen to this man, have a taste of ""community servers'"". at least casual has vanilla maps and not just 24/7 2fort instarespawn with furfag sprays enabled

TF2 is great
but no online game makes me more competitive than FoF
It's the only game I'm great at.

>community servers means picking a 24/7 2 fort map and only playing that server
are you retarded or what?

what servers do you play on? you block all the trade and idle servers and whats left are vsh and cp_orange. there are no community servers that play vanilla gametypes, that any players play

wow I never seen this graphed before
when the most common map is a 6% it kind of shuts down the augment of tf2 players only doing the same old maps

12v12 clusterfucks of 5000+ hour NEETs and 8 year old hispanic kids with an aimbot sniper every other game, so basically the same as you remember

>when the most common map is a 6% it kind of shuts down the augment of tf2 players only doing the same old maps
i never said they did, i said they don't play vanilla gamemodes. there isn't even a vanilla 2fort ctf server populated only what is essentially deathmatch instarespawn or x1000 randomized servers

I wasn't saying it against you, just exclaiming.

>retards are still comparing TF2 to Overwatch

It's a rotting corpse of a once fun game that has had all first-party support abandoned and is basically what started Valve's descent into freemium garbage but Sup Forums will defend it just to spite Overwatch.

Community servers have taken a severe beating over the years as the playerbase shrinks and the matchmaking bullshit took over, but some are still going strong.
You know, a few months ago I was looking for a server to play out of the blue and then it turns out it was only full because they were saying their goodbyes before shutting it down. They took turns giving out speeches and thanking other people there for being those they could consider friends. It was really sad, this must have been a closeknit bunch that got together and played this game for who knows how long, still keeping their hangout strong despite the waning popularity and lack of new arrivals. I kinda felt bad I was just some outsider who happened to see this shit by chance and was probably taking another person's slot.
It was a Spanish-speaking server but still

I've been playing on comp for a couple of months now and I'm always calling people niggers and faggots, haven't gotten banned not even once.


Why is banning spurgs who get overly salty and spout racist and homophobic shit online. This shit isn't tolerated in real life and I'm glad companies are making a stand on this in the digital space.

>implying video games are not private forums in which companies can do what they want

Your chat room in rainbow six seige or overwatch is not comparable to Facebook or twitter.

Die in a bus fire, you nigger faggot kike.

With mic or in chat? A lot harder to prove with a mic and you need a lot of consitant reports versus they only needing to see the chat logs once.

what a fucking fag
why would you have to hide your words in the internet
nobody knows and care about your race/sex/preference etc

Who gives a shit, both games are dead

Went through this a few years back on a server I admin'd, shits rough.

>This isn't tolerated in real life!
The internet isn't real life.

I don't even own a mic lol
I'm not sure they keep chat logs, I've got the feeling team chat works more or less like iMessage, and the few people unlucky enough to get banned are deterrent enough to keep normies scared.

>buy game for $60
>buy 5 lootboxes for only $2 each
>get a new voice taunt emote from one box
>use it ingame
>get banned
fair enough. I shouldn't have been harassing them by using the in-game emotes.

if people were still playing it why shut it down? sounds like melodramatic bullshit and about as autistic as an ingame marriage. and i am at least 90 percent sure ingame marriage is legitimate autism

hey, Sup Forums

It's fantastic. Bitter nostalgiafags don't like the fact that cosmetics became popular and the pyro is viable in pubs now.
Jump in man, the game at its core is still tons of fun.

Use matchmaking. Minimal cancer, just the game.

>join a tf2 match
>spam the same voice command every two seconds
>two other people join in with you

>tfw got called W+M1 after shotgunning someone

Why would Blizzard reinvent the wheel? TF2 took the trash talk domination market, Blizzard went the safe space route to reel in the tumblrwhales. Smart business decision, and in the end, it paid off. They're more successful than TF2 ever was.

The perk they added for kicking barrels is fucking fantastic

>Play Pyro right as the update hits, keeping it a secret he's one of my more played classes (Medic Main, Engie Pocket, he's like third place)
>Even remove good cosmetics
>Players keep out of flamethrower distance taking cheeky potshots because the W+M1 could never hit them
>Get like 300 tallies added to my Strange Flare Gun double shotting them and killing with the crit
My cock is still throbbing almost a year later.


don't go back, it's not the same game you remembered 6 years ago, trust me.

the same people who will tell you it's good are the same people who pile on a shitton of incoherent brightly-colored cosmetics and weapon skins on their characters while sitting on a minecraft trade server all day.

mariokart and CP_orange_x3 are the best

>achievement for getting someone to rage quit
>achievement for someone rage switching to Pyro after you kill them as Spy
>multiple achievements for taunting after a kill
>an entire weapon that exists only to humiliate the person you kill

Overwatch is designed for women, its a simple as that.

no, it's designed for homosexual soy goyim faggots (like you)

>the same people who will tell you it's good are the same people who pile on a shitton of incoherent brightly-colored cosmetics and weapon skins on their characters while sitting on a minecraft trade server all day.
You bitter faggots will say any shit to convince other people that the gameplay's not fun anymore

funny how whenever you start attacking the left's sacred gaygames (overwatch, undertale, ff14, last of us, etc.) all the soy-addled antifa kikes immediately start doubling down on the HURRR WOMEN ARE EVIL AND RACISS line

>Melee weapon makes an obnoxious noise that can be used to annoy teammates
Pan scouts are fun to watch

One company is Valve, the other company is Blizzard.

when did ff14 become a soy game?

This is some poorly crafted b8

Are Orange servers still fun

>It's a rotting corpse of a once fun game
Yeah nah. The core gameplay is as good as it ever was. The class balance is better than it ever was. The new maps are fantastic. There is still a near-perfect team based shooter in TF2.
Now go ahead and greentext some example of a nerf that you disagree with because it spoiled your crutch playstyle and call it an example of Valve ruining the game.

>the same people who will tell you it's good are the same people who pile on a shitton of incoherent brightly-colored cosmetics and weapon skins on their characters while sitting on a minecraft trade server all day.
>implying I'm not wearing the same shit I was when I first played the game ten years ago (which is to say: nothing) and regularly have people tell me to stop dressing like a fucking f2p

This basically, I wouldn't call it near-perfect but it's definitely the best thing out there now, as it has been since release.
My biggest problem with it is matchmaking, which is a hell of a lot better than it was when they rolled it out but is still way inferior to just using the server browser was (at least it would be if it didn't kill off 90% of community servers). The esports meme was a fucking mistake.

I just love the community there's just so many people who share my interests and accept me for who I really am actually met my boyfriend playing tf2

Competitive IS the future of TF2. In the server browser you might see only 50-1000 people at a time trying to play Competitive mode but there is at least 200 TF2 competitive players circumventing the official system to play professional TF2 in a way that existed since at least 2008. The biggest problem right now is that community servers and Casual are siphoning players away 20,000 or so players from the competitive scene that could be filling the competitive matchmaking lobby. Once Valve finishing weapon balancing and does away with Casual and community servers then there will finally be an uptake of competitive TF2 (and a spike of viewers on Twitch, increased player count and revenues, and so on).

Server costs and people leaving.

Dumb ausposter

TF2 has never been balanced, and it never will be. Hilariously, Overwatch is significantly more balanced than TF2 has ever been.

>server costs
>nobody plays on it
so zero dollars and zero cents? nothing is being transmitted, the entire cost of a server, provided you have equipment already (which you would given it being an old server) is network bandwidth, and only costs money if you dont use unlimited internet/use business with a high cap and exceed that cap. this is the reason there are servers completely unpopulated for years, if it cost an arm and a leg quake 1 wouldn't have literally hundreds of servers just running off their pentium 2s

It's really fun for like an hour and then you remember why you stopped playing.

>Competitive IS the future of TF2.

>player play on server that is the near their home to reduce ping
>keeps doing that and since servers dont change place and other players do the same, they share enough time to get to know each other beyond their fighting skills and become friends, whatching each other get better
>fast forward
>game is over ten years old
>people who used to spend most of their time playing are now either on college or employed
>the players are finding less and less time to play
>eventually there is not enough players to fund the server
>owner decide to gather the users for a godbye becore pulling the plug so people can be at peace with it
You might think the last part is faggatory but when you spent to much time having a good time there, it grows on you, and part of you dies with it

As long as you don't care about trading it's still same old
Biggest problem right now is that Valve buffed pyro to hell and back in the last update, so now in every pub game the three topscoring players will be pyros.

servers needs people for their adds revenue and to attract people that pay to have privileges(basically skins, visual and audio effects and writing colorful texts on chat) on fun(read crowded, because they want both people that make good enemies, good friends and people to see their shit) servers

>go on 2fort
>go phlog pyro with gibus (and a semi-expensive strange robro nobody pays attention to)
>get a 15:1 KDR, spawncamping enemy team at least 70% of the time
>entire enemy team rages about "gibus W+M1"
I hate pyro with a passion but I'll be damned if I don't make the most of this update

Public matchmaking is the reason why we have this nannying "toxicity" bullshit in the first place. Instead of people playing in the environment where they get the most personal joy out of the game, public matchmaking attempts to create a one size fits all solution where everyone must be pandered to, and anything else is unacceptable. Tryhards should play on tryhard servers, shitposters on shitpost servers, furries on furry servers and so on. If they don't like each other they shouldn't play together.

just type cl_playerspraysdisable 1 if you don't want sprays

>you don't get to play this game you paid $60 for because you were mean in a competitive environment