Well Sup Forums do you cure cancer or feed the hungry?
Well Sup Forums do you cure cancer or feed the hungry?
>feed the hungry
>the billions of niggers turn into trillions and human civilization goes extinct
Cure cancer, put now outdated cancer research funding into feeding the hungry.
Both should stay as they are essentially population control.
feed hungry
the future Einstein might be starving in some shithole
overpopulation will fuck everyone
Obviously cancer. World hunger is a trivially easy problem to solve, we're already producing enough food to give everyone on the planet diabetes.
>Feed the hungry but dies of cancer you could have cured months later
That food goes to the worthy you shitlord, those who can pay. Are you a communist or something?
stop feeding the hungry except in america and even then ration it
I wouldn't "cure" hunger even if I could. The world needs hunger
Cure cancer. hunger is perpetual.
Cure cancer, obviously.
Feed all the hungry, and the overpopulation of Africa will get even faster.
>cure cancer
>90% of posts on Sup Forums disappear
I specifically ONLY feed people with Cancer
>those who can pay
So explain why food-stamps are a thing.
True you can never have a permanent solution to hunger but cancer you can
cure cancer
more people alive = higher chance someone finds some kind of cheap solution to palliate hunger
I know I'll never go hungry, but I might get cancer.
Easily this.
Feed cancer patients to the hungry.
We already solved world hunger, the actual problem is dictatorships in africa that horde resources.
Feed the hungry, now that food is basically free we can consume less and invest more.
Cancer is basically a meme since almost everyone who dies of cancer would die a few years later of heart attack or stroke anyways.
>Cannibal perk unlocked.
Reminder a cure for cancer was found decades ago and they refuse to release it
>le overpopulation meme
only for shitholes that cannot sustain themselves, not globally, you oversimplifying retards
The hungry are either losers with no skills or ambition, drunks and addicts who don't want to be clean, or europoors. I think the better choice would be cure cancer or cleanse the hungry, and I wouldn't pick cancer
>there are people that believe this
Cure cancer because it's the purple one.
Is it eliminating all forms of cancer forever? Even the figurative cancers? So people won't be able to frogpost?
There’s no such thing as a ‘cure’ for cancer. But if they wanted to lower the rate of cancer they could do so any time they want.
Cure cancer, world hunger is a logistics issue with third world countries not wanting too many foreign planes on their land to plant farms, curing cancer would have huge tech advancements all around.
>higher chance someone finds some kind of cheap solution to palliate hunger
world hunger is an artificial problem that wouldn't exist if the elite didn't hoard all the wealth from the people under them
Kill the hungry, feed cancer