Character dies bringing harmony back to the world

>Character dies bringing harmony back to the world

Other urls found in this thread:

>Dies the day before Twitch's new SJW friendly rules go live

He knew

>meanwhile the majority of the Sup Forums userbase doesn't know aniki or harmony


I dont know either of those memes but i pretend i do in almost every thread.

2018 is the year of the eternal Harmony.
We're gonna take our board back, try if nothing else.

For the first time in a long time, calling out blatant newfags is extremely effective. Start there.

It's pretty simple really. A popular streamer encouraged a bunch of retarded Swedish kids to create memes of gay porn mixed with regular music.


Host actually left?


>oldfag memes
Literally who fucking cares. Your little seniority complex doesnt matter anymore

ignore me, playing ror so i replied to the wrong thread.

>We're gonna take our board back, try if nothing else.


Not videogames fuck off

I still dont know who this guy is

>oldfag memes
If you haven't heard of Billy Herrington, you're either a newfag or you've been trapped in a bubble for your entire time here.
He has action figures made of him, for fuck's sake.

Yeah it doesnt. Not after what you idiots did to this site.

Yeah cant help you sorry.


>if you haven't heard of (insert literally anything here, your a newfag
Aw man what will i do now?

This actually

you could start by leaving and making this board a better place in doing so

>haha le get out meme

It's settled then.

Increase self moderation (really more start on Sup Forumss case), derail shit newfag OPs (especially the habitually reposted fuckers), and generally work towards shifting memes back towards humor instead of triggering.

I don't know if we can do this, but I do know we can try.

Retard weeb who starred in multiple gay porn films and then died because he was sucking dick in the car or something.

No great loss

Sup Forums was always about fun asshole


Press S to spit on fag graves

I have never heard of him before this.From the surface it looks like a shitty meme
t.26 year old

Oh, also report shameless newfag posts. Ive had success with mods coming in and deleting/banning them

>Making fun of Aniki even ironically
baka desu senpai

>The absolute state of this site

it does because nu-memes are garbage


ded meme ruined by twitch

t. Increasingly nervous newfag

Ded fag ruined by sin

Nervous of what? Some aging internet losers? Lol get rekt gramps.

Sup Forums right now has a serious problem with any thread that was made in ernest and not irony getting lots of shitposts

One autist with MSpaint has already crippled the efforts of a bunch of newfags spamming soy memes. What exactly is stopping us from just taken the wheel back from you?

We're better at it than you. We've established that much.

>shifting memes back towards humor instead of triggering
This so much, sure there was spme edge back in the day but nowadays it's almost nothing but edge and hate. Where'd the fun go?

That man is the hero Sup Forums needs but doesn't deserve right now

i'm a 2017fag but I at least make an attempt to fit in. I legitimately want things to be like what they were before I got here, because people keep telling me it's only getting worse.

take your meds, grandpa

>we are the best at memes, kiddo
This is embarrasing

Yeah, let's talk about something that inspires rip roaring laughter like a picture of a hipster with their mouth open

But the elderly make up a lot of the 2016fags?

Im a 2016fag and i want this place to burn. Fuck old cucks

Or gay porn right haha no homo lelkek

The Reddit invasion was never a "meme". Sup Forums's demographic is really being replaced and none of you listened.

>newfags are trying this hard to fit in and be edgy

What's their endgame?


It sucks because you can't really "change" Sup Forums back to the way it used to be due to mass volumes of people who are far from the original target audience for this site. I really wish it would be possible to ban posts (and posters) under the pretense of being underage if they type like a kid or people who don't know/care about sad occasions like this. The people who initially came to this site because they either had no friends or just wanted to talk about the socially unacceptable trends they enjoyed are now more likely to be stuck typing to people who came to this site for other intentions that other websites already satisfy, treating this as nothing different from what they're already familiar with.

Anyone can go on complaining like this, but the truth is nothing can really be done unless a mass cull were to happen if all the mods and anonymous people agreed to it, aka not bloody likely anytime soon.

>newfags are trying this hard to fit in and spam faggot memes

What's their endgame?

Wow, so it's ACTUALLY just 2016fags.

That's hilarious

Since you're new don't worry you won't miss the time when every board gets worse since it's happening in real time. You already should've noticed it.

Kys nerd

The vast majority of people here are nerds, you fucking idiot.
That's the entire point of this site.

Sup Forums- where you cant make fun of nintendo, but gay porno is A OK.

It's amazing. You call them out and they just fucking crumple.

You can do the same when you mock them for not having a reaction image folder. Notice that not a single "hurr fucking oldfag" posters don't post a SINGLE image.

I thought nothing could be worse than goobergabe. And then the elections happened.

more like
>newfags lie about trying to fit in while alienating the culture of the website
this is the actual thing about them

how long has old Sup Forums day been going on? a decade? the period of time where everyone was complaining about Sup Forums going to shit is longer than the supposed golden era

No problem. We will convert them to our culture.

Literally who

>He ISNT a neckbeard Sup Forumsirgin
What are you doing here?


Get with the times oldfags, your memes are dead, just like the memelords that spawned them.

>There are a set of rules
>It's okay to break them when you want to
I swear gaming is getting worse.

>Antia's Kickstarter
>The election
It was all leading to this

Be the change you want to see in the board Sup Forums. Post things because they are genuine and funny, not because they are ironic and make you or other people mad. Let's bring this board back to how things used to be, silly and fun

Im with this user. We need not dwell on the past, but the future.

You mean the shoopadawhoop guy? What is he even doing? I trully don't get it, but I respect because I liked that meme in the past.

>Exclusively textposting
I SERIOUSLY hope you guys don't do this.

Stop shitting on everything. Jesus Christ.
Just stay away and go back to your old safe spaces you fucking new faggots. Shit, man.
You can't makes this shit up.

LURK MOAR and you will get it, it is simple as that.

>muh old 4chams
God, its pathetic that we have to share a board with dinosaurs.

>What is he even doing?
Having fun

>aniki is actually fucking dead
>he died in a totally preventable way (car crash)
jesus christ i don't care about the newfag shitflinging, this is genuinely upsetting

Aniki was too good for this world

Derailing soyspam threads with edits of their images.

>safe spaces


Back to 2011 with you, old man.

Its not helping and it wont stop it.

Anyone who posts the mouth open soy posts he edits them in ms paint to lazor

>Once again, no reaction images
What's a matter don't want to exceed your data capon your mobile device?

Newfag here.

I have been on this site for only 4 years and i never understood this meme. I've seen multiple videos and pics posted here but i never really got what it was about.

Anyone care to explain so i wont be such a newfag.

It's pissing off newfags who think their soy threads are funny. It's definitely working.

This but unironically. The board has seen such an influx of new users that "newfag" has lost all meaning.

>Its not helping and it wont stop it.

I hate how Sup Forums are trying to force this meme that people with open mouth in photos are soyboys. No, they are just being happy and trying to appear joyful on the photo, there is nothing wrong with that.

What has Billy really done for gaming though?
Why is he allowed when YouTubers or Twitch streamers (who have way more control over the market) aren't allowed?
Not complaining, just asking.

>Setting up yourself to post science about monkeys
We've all seen this trick before.

it's an opportunity to pretend you're an oldfags

>newfags are starting the fire
Good. Keep it up you beautiful bastards.

it's a gay dude who was forced by japan to be a meme

then soyboys copied it over here, that's it

just a fag who was a meme

You are the good kind of newfag, the one that wants to learn how this place works and want to have fun with everyone.

Those are allowed, retards who haven't read the rules just bitch about ecelebs because they dislike them.

>there are people browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that aren't virgins

No they aren't. Pruned or deleted almost immediately.

Fuck off and take your shitty, forced meme with you.

thanks for answering my question, seems like you don't know anything about him as well