i downloaded the game fortnite on ps4 but it wont show me how to change my character
i don't want to be a black girl how do i change my character
I downloaded the game fortnite on ps4 but it wont show me how to change my character
please help me it took all night to download i dont wanna uninstall before playing
It's random unless you buy a character with real money. Or earn enough after grinding for about 10 seasons(3-4 years).
are you fucking serious?
holy hell, do people actually play this game or is it just streamer bait?
Wow, see what happenens when you buy shit games without doing ANY research?
The fact you find games every other second says people actually play this game and this is a shit bait thread.
it's just another boring a fuck game, why did you waste time on downloading it
stop being autistic
of all the things you could find wrong with the game, the fact that you don't implicitly have control over your character's looks is the most offensive to you?
wtf i just bought paper mario how do i change my character i don't want to be a white, fat manlet w t f
Yeah it's pretty popular. Pretty pissed that you have to buy the season pass(good for 3 months) with in game currency. Have a buddy I gameshare with who buys them but I can't even use them... So sticking to the black lesbian negro.
Good choice, it's only really playable with friends
Are you retarded?
Well they're forcing him to be some ugly nigger bitch. Isn't that like half the threads on Sup Forums?
>get given a minority player model
>no easy way to change it
>literal forced diversity
gaming in 2018
you have just as much of a chance of being rolled a white or asian character or a man
there are way more problems with the game than this, although it's not as bad as artstyle unknown's "stock assets" grounds
It's a free game. Why so entitled? I
Yeah but right off the bat when you. Start the game you already get a shitty mechanic. Press L2 or RB on your controller and you get again another shitty mechanic, "buy the season pass so you can be who you want goy. Only 10$ for one skin, or grinding"
you fucking get a random character every match, there are 8 preset characters and the black girl is one of them, you keep changing between them unless you get a skin, which you'll eventually get if you play a lot. OP is a fucking retard and so are you for spouting shit about a game you don't even know, but hey that's actually Sup Forums in a nutshell
and? make your own games if you're so mad
>Waaaah why is this free game trying to make money off of me waaaaaaah
Holy shit have you played the game? A skin at the minimum is 800 v bucks, which you can only earn 100 a season if you're F2P. Seasons change every 3 months, so do the math you mong.
there's literally 2 pretty great skins going for free on twitch right now if you aren't a massive retard.
It's a free game why are you mad about a fucking skin. Nu/v/ cares about everything except gameplay
The state of Sup Forums. At least you don't like fortnite.
My point is if you play the game a lot and you're not a disgusting cheap fuck or a jew you'll eventually give in and throw those 9 bucks in for a season pass and get 5 character skins and the other dozens of cosmetic stuff. You can also get skins for free if you have twitch prime aka amazon prime. Personally I earn a lot of free vbucks thanks to pve. Yeah I play the game faggot
Twitch Prime isn't free
Well I did say the game isn't very fun unless your with friends... But this thread was started by someone who wants to have a choice in playable characters. Which should've be a feature to begin with, even if it's just the shitty vanilla ones
>dude the game is free so you have to disregard all its flaws
>you are just entitled
the absolute disgusting amount of corporate cock sucking
It's just a silly thing to get mad about. F2p will inevitably have cosmetic microtransactions. Get mad about the f2p model but the game isn't doing anything new.
I wish you could choose your character too, or ideally I wish there were a character creator. But it's so fucking irrelevant in the scheme of things. It's really not worth getting mad about or not playing the game over.
What is twitch prime 7 day trail
not him but are you baiting
It's literally 10 dollars you niggers. In fact, if you save your V-Bucks, that's all you'll need. You get more v-bucks from the pass itself, so if you save it, you could buy the next season pass and so on. Stop being poor.
>the game isn't doing anything new.
>BR is concidered a new game mode
>Fortnite is the only BR game that lets you build and destroy buildings
But it is, and thats a fact.
imagine being such a whiny bitch
I mean within the f2p model you absolute mong
>millennials literally throwing tantrums over free to play games
OP here
didn't actually delete haha
but yeah this game is ugly and dumb, shouldn't have downloaded it, literally everything i think looks bad turns out to bad hehe what do you know?
wish video games were good but they aren't anymore, just a simple fact, the only good game made after 2010 is fallout 4
have fun with this mobile app
Your character is random, but it's a different one whenever you start a game right? Just restart and it'll be a chance of one of the other characters
>Yet Another Fortnite Thread
>Autists won't even play the game because of random preset character
>Picture taken from a camera and not a screenshot
>Complaining about being a black waifu with a Fatass
>Preferring a bland white guy over any other character
>Being this entitled
>Actually caring about your character in an 5-20 minute free Arena Shooter
The absolute state of Sup Forums
It's gen z doing it. I hope you're a Millenial and not over the age of 33
poor bait, op is a dumb fuck but you're forcing it too much. 3/10
>Literally defending spending money on a free game that isn't Warframe
Holy hell is this what happens when reddit takes over?
>bland white guy
>free so don't criticize
your game sucks buddy
stick to n-gage and tumblr where your aesthetic suits you
Nice Sup Forums bait faggot
Next time try a little harder on your setup and execution
No, reddit taking over is whining about a free game shockingly having cosmetic microtransactions. Pure gen z garbage
Don't even play this garbage, but who fucking cares about random characters you only play as for like 20 minutes? If that your biggest issue with this game then you either have terrible taste or incapable of any critical analysis and just let your opinions be swayed by internet memes.
It's Sup Forums trying to bait race shit and hilariously failing
not bait but i am a genuinely charismatic person so i get that alot as i tend to attract attention wherever i go ;)
well i haven't played it hyet of you had read the thread
but i have just done a few matches and i can confirm gaming is dead as a result of too much populatiry
all the top games nowadays look like fully realized playable versions of screenshots off the trending section of youtube
not Sup Forums but im glad i can make you laugh hehe, g'day friend
>black people, am i right? They're so black n shit haha. God i hate the black people. More like b black "" people "" XD epic win bros
are you okay
>logs in
>my alter ego is pic related
>there's no way i can change it
>logs out
Fuck this shit.
Sums up the thread
>Another game that has the developers pushing their "IN REAL LIFE YOU AREN'T GIVEN A CHOICE SO IN OUR GAME YOU HAVE NO CHOICE!" mentality.
We play games to escape reality and cope with our real life problems. Or just to be the hero with our own representation of our personality.
No it's a free game. You have the option to pay to get to choose your character. It's not that deep senpai
why dont they make a game like this but with cool graphics instead of candy crush youtube style
i'd actually buy that
Even though tf2 wasn't free originally you can pick characters, even get some free cosmetics. In that game it actually makes a difference too
That wasn't free and was class based.
I'm not defending the f2p model but this is like picking up an rts and being mad you can't control an individual soldier. What did you expect?
Yeah I hate the randomized character bullshit too, not because I'm racist, but because I would love to have consistent models.
>racism confirmed for autism
>Implying ever said I liked this shitty game
>Literal suggestion from first stanze suggesting I'm tired of these threads overlooked by a gigantic illiterate faggot with buzz words
you kys!
>le buzzwords
thats you
>you don't like the game therefore you must be racist because you're hurting my sales
chill out rabbi
what does this mea
do you disagree
>playing Fortnite in the first place
>giving this much of a shit about the randomly generated character you're playing
You're a huge fucking faggot, you know that?
ive never had sex with boys but i want to
I fucking hate weekend Sup Forums. I just hate children in general.
Grow up.
Fuck that.
Underage detected. Did I hurt your feelings, boy?
Stop being a child, and stop being upset.
Stop being a child and stop sucking dicks.
are you fully autistic?
why do you ask
La monstruosidad...
>white people are now inherently bland
I want resetgaf to leave
Can Sup Forums go with them?
Rebecca pls
Why do people love this game so much? All my normie friends play it.
I mean, I like it but not that much
people like ugly bad games that are on youtube and twitch
they will play literally anything if it is artificially popular
games are memes now
>that’s not Warframe
you can’t dismiss your retardation like that user, that’s not how that works
If that is the case, I wonder why they don't play Overwatch more? I actually like that more yet they don't and they do have the game, so it is not a matter of paying for it.
imagine being such a shill
>all customization in a barebones battle royale is freemium with the free gems taking months to collect
good thing these guys marketed hard enough or people might have realized this offers less than zero compared to genre competitors
this desu
>game where the whales can directly fund the good times of the rest of the playerbase
>choosing to be the whale when you'd have it easier than any other game as a free player
>that sweet 60 fps on ps4
why the FUCK wasnt it like this from the start?
My roommate was yelling about that, thought he was memeing. Why would anyone release a game before optimizing it