Not digging the changes to character designs, but I'd still love a sequel to Jet Set Radio Future.
They've re-released Jet Grind Radio about 40 times at this point because they keep hearing how much fans love the series, but they keep fucking ignoring the fact that everyone loves Future.
I'm getting tired of having to lug out the OG Xbox every time I want to play it
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Future's lack of rereleases is down to like half the soundtrack being trapped in rights hell.
It looks like shit you fucking retard.
>we made this visual proof of concept after Sony expressed interest in seeing the characters in motion
Hmmmmm sony trying to revive the franchise?
>fucking sega why didn't they greenlight a pitch demo by literally who western developers? this means they refuse to make any JSR game
i don't comprehend so many normalfags thinking this way
Looks shit. Based Sega
>Hmmmmm sony trying to revive the franchise?
Probably just desperate for games since they don't get free 3rd party exclusives now that there is no reason to not make games multipat
Its a bit of a shame, but I doubt we'll ever see another PS1 or PS2 again, the PS3 and 4 are the way they are simply because 3rd party devs would just be losing money by not releasing on the 360 and PC as well, during the PS1 and 2 days it was so much work to port shit that you might as well just release on the cheapest console with the highest install base.
Well they do refuse to make any JSR games. They won't even port future, much less give us a new game.
>Probably just desperate for games since they don't get free 3rd party exclusives now that there is no reason to not make games multipat
They get the most exclusives compared to their competition you twat
That looks fucking awful, mate.
so is this like a fan game or something?
It's nothing. It's some deviant art nothing.
I'd take it with no soundtrack.
All they have to do is try harder.
>They get the most exclusives compared to their competition
That'd be Nintendo my friendo
Compare the exclusives just on the 3DS and Wii U to the PS4 and Vita
>half the soundtrack being trapped in rights hell.
>re-release the game anyway and apologize to fans for the missing songs
>add in some funky new songs with the option to disable them for old fans
>within an hour of release there will be a mod that adds all of the removed songs anyway
it costs MONEY. lots of money to spend on something that would have to sell better than JSR to justify existing.
I suppose they could always just add the option for custom soundtracks like they did Crazy Taxi
if you pay money for games that need mods to be complete, you're cancer
>fact that everyone loves Future.
Wrong, it's xbox nostalgiafags. The most rare kind.
Oh sweetie
Its worth a shot. All they have to do is take the risk. They waste money with sonic every year. Why not?
UMM....SWEETIEE....future is better.
Sorry i meant exclusives that aren't shovelware made by competent humans
Don't shovelware Sonic games do okay due to the fanbase just being a bunch of CWC-types, though?
because millions of kids and parents buy every new sonic game regardless of quality. as beloved as JSR is, it doesn't have nearly the same mainstream popularity.
No it doesnt. But it has a strong following. And thats really all it needs to get that intial start.
You know, as much as i love the style of these games like everyone else, they're not really that fun, are they?
the gameplay's kinda dated, i feel like they should up the speed or something, make it feel more exciting.
It looks promising, but I don't blame SEGA trusting a company that has nothing but mobile games and VR 'experiences' under their belt.
>Mods will fix it
Yeah, okay, thanks for the input Todd.
That helps, but Sonic is still a pretty safe bet for kids games. Bat tits not withstanding. Parents see Sonic Boom on the shelf and they go. "Oh funny animals, I remember this from the Genesis, Ill get this for Billy"
If that were true Jet Set Radio wouldn't be such a failure despite the same demands to re-release it every time that happens.
Except everyone asks for future. And we keep getting jsr hd.
A very vocal minority asks for it. Sadly the amount of people begging for games online doesn't always equal the amount of people who actually buy them.
You have a case study for Future in the form of JSR, another game people used to ask for. Nobody actually wants it.
i would if they make it a little more interesting, maybe some combat or adrenaline inducing races against other competitors or players
No, reddit. Open world meme on arcade games don't work; it isn't
Jsrf isnt open world.
Certainly not arcade.
These games were never good. Its just another case of uppity redditors who think anything that sales bad is good and has 100 autists crying online about how popular it truly is. I played both of these turds on 360 and theres a reason they sold bad.
keep? they released it for one generation of consoles, then released the vita and mobile ports a while later. it all happened pretty close together, years ago.
the man with no taste, everything i don't like is reddit, etc.
Fuck Open world
If they did do a rerelease with custom music, would they include the ability to mix tracks the way Future does with song transitions, or would you need to do that yourself and put that mix into the game?
less people asked for jsr than jsrf. just straight up. jsrf was the easier to play, faster game
nobody bought a dreamcast, in comparison to the xbox
and jsrf was the PACK-IN GAME for most of the xbox's lifespan.
jsrf was INFINITELY more popular than jsr was
t.Someone that hasn't played JSRF
I like both games, but JSRF feels like an actual full game, while JSR is the kind of game you play for an hour or two at an arcade.
JSRF took the arcade formula and made a full game based on the mechanics with a shit load of challenges and hidden content, its objectively just better than JSR and offers everything that JSR does and more
>>Mods will fix it
>Yeah, okay, thanks for the input Todd.
Nigga, its just the OST. If its too expensive to release the game with the original soundtrack, they should just release it with what they can. I'm not going to complain about being able to play JSRF on steam just because I have to spend 5 minutes downloading and adding some songs to the game, hell, it'd be fucking rad being able to add some of my own songs in there and removing some of the ones that sucked as well.
>removing some of the ones that sucked as well.
*dying cat sounds intensifies*
>played JSRF with no sound during the nighttime
>accidentally sit on the tv remote one day while playing
>sound starts playing
Fuck this song.
You don't actually need to, JSRF miss the formula and added nothing much aside floaty physics, roaming unnecesarily across town, removing great characters in the reimagination, failing on the ost department badly. It had some ideas, yet far away form an improvement.
The concept of love, funky dealer and a couple more can't compete with an ost that has Jurassic 5 and was beyond solid by itself.
>You don't actually need to
>huehue I've never played it but it sucks
Shouldn't you be in some youtube comments or something explaining how you like old music but you're only 14?
No, because don't have 14 myself like you. If you can't be able to recognize the problems I have bad news for you buddy.
>Not liking old music.
Nigga you're one autistic fuck.
Do yourself a favour and spend 5 bucks on a used copy of JSRF some day so you can stop parroting the stupid opinions of some other retard and form your own.
Ok. JSR>JSRF[7spoiler]
Release it with no music and let the users put WAV, FLAC, OGG or MP3 files in the "Music" directory.
Why is this so hard for people? They could release ALL the Tony Hawk games this way.
Nigga, no one is going to care what you think now that you've admitted to not playing JSRF
I'm not going to get mad at an idiot for being an idiot, if you want to keep talking out of your ass thats fine, but most people that want to be taken seriously look into things before they try to speak with authority about them.
>Getting mad on the internet
>act like an idiot
>get called out for acting like an idiot
>resort to pretending that the other guy is mad
I'm not going to bother replying to the next reaction image you post, but thats pretty sad desu
You need to admit to learn when you're wrong my dude.
>"Not bothered nor mad"
>Keeps replying stating it.
There's no reason to reply user who has the mindset of taking things personal on an anonymous site which also sound kind mad. Not worth following that retoric, but laugh at it.
>Sony was interested and wanted a proof of concept
Damn SEGA, I would've purchase a Pro for this game. JSR Future was why I got an OG Xbox after Dreamcast died.
Just wait for the emulator. It actually runs the game semi-decently already.
>It actually runs the game semi-decently already.
On a supercomputer, yeah.
Why dont they just remove the problem songs and pay naganuma to make some new tunes? It's not like he wouldn't be up for it
I don't give a shit, scrap the soundtrack but don't use Denovo so that people can mod it back in.
>Just wait for the emulator.
Why wait?
>JSR Future was why I got an OG Xbox
ditto that mayne
>bought the first American console for a japanese exclusive
oh the irony
if it didn't have birthday cake it wouldn't be JSRF
>combo disk
i hope you installed it to the hard drive at least
user, we are talking about sega, the company that literally delayed sonic mania's PC release for 2 weeks just so they could add Denuvo, which was cracked 18 hours after release.
I need to build up my HUEG collection, as well as put in a large hard drive.
Well if it gets cracked, I'd buy the game and then instantly pirate it.
its going to be digital and hd on the xbox one when that BC support kicks in
as in your disc is a key, the game is full HD