>popular in japan and asia in general
>americans don't buy it
How can we stop the west from being such faggots?
>popular in japan and asia in general
>americans don't buy it
How can we stop the west from being such faggots?
If the datamining stuff is anything to go by we'll probably be getting a player VS Kaiju mode this month. That'll probably turn public reception around. Right now there is a lot of hate for the game because of the microtransactions and obviously the prior release had a lot of bullshit going on around it, what with one of the industries only recognizable directors and his team being thrown under the bus in favor of pachinko machines.
It's really a shame that people won't look past that and see the merits of the game that are the results of the hard work put in by its developers, just because the people who employee them have drew so much ire from the public.
I think there's a lot of misinformation about the game itself
The general consensus is that the game is a repetition of horde defense that you can easily cheese with fences and a spear and there's two types of enemies
I found out this isn't the case after researching the game myself and it's probably very good
People should be mature enough to take a game for what it is instead of what happens around the whole game
Sure it's a cash grab, but the game is also pretty much an extended mod for MGSV, which had great gameplay
It's the fucking Fox Engine. It plays well if a bit hamstrung by it limited vision on zombie survival. Still a fine game, the in-game shop purchases aren't necessary or obstrusive.
It needs human enemies with guns.
>shills mad at /ourguy/ for exposing the truth about the beta
>make a join effort to downvote the video in order to discredit it
>games comes out and its a steaming pile of shit
>shills no longer on payroll now that game is out
>video exposing the full game for the garbage it is comfortably sits at 95% positivity
kill yourself
Fuck off, literal shill.
I'm starting to think you're actually trying your hardest to have anyone hack him down instead of just spamming your shit channel
>popular in japan and asia in general
Confirmed shit.
I don't use that word often since it's major fedora tipping, but people are really showing their sheep minds with this one. practically all people shitting so hard on the game are basing their opinion on extremely biased reviews that showed an hour of the game (honestly not even that) and which make blatantly false statements about the contents and flow of the game.
and they don't even question it. instead they actively go out to forums like this one and tell people that the game is shit, because their favorite youtuber told them to think that. they're literally sheep following the shepherd.
the reason why it's more popular in asia is those didn't have the same biased reviews. kojima is getting his cock sucked in the west big time, because geoff keighley only gave us one side of the konami story, and even then only bits and pieces, we have literally nothing official.
>game is surrounded by every faggot youtuber trying to look cool
>they all only complain about the save slots
Do all these retards seriously not know how to make a new profile? Why do you even need that extra slot anyway?
Really, why is it now that everyone suddenly hates micro-transactions?
oh and let's not mention that people shit on the survival mechanics of the game, which is braindead. it's like shitting on any particular core mechanic of any genre just because you don't personally like it. like shitting on a racing game because you have to drive in circles around a track.
>sells less than Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match in Japan
Fuck off OP
they dont even get that the "save" slot is a brand new character that uses all the shit you have from your first character. you effectively get 2 bases, 2 exploration teams, 2 base digs and you can quintuple it with all 4 slots bought. its not a save slot its a way for little autismos to gather as much mats as they can
>before release
>"the game is gonna be shit, because it's gonna have lootboxes, there's no evidence, but there are going to be lootboxes #fuckonami"
>game releases, no lootboxes
>some really fucking stupid microtransactions that have no real impact on gameplay
>"disgusting microtransaction model, I told you, didn't I? #fuckonami"
It's was the best selling game on Japanese PS Store last week.
would have bought it but found out its ONLINE ONLY SINGLEPLAYER
there is no reason this game needs to have a constant online connection, there is no dropin/out system
>allow multiple save slots from the start
>shitters have multiple goes at the first sucky 2 hours and drop the game
i think it's a good idea to time-gate the save slots.
Feels good to live in Australia. Close enough to Japan to get okay ping (
it's cool to hate this game
There needs to be something to actually do. Once you beat the game all there is is waiting until it decides to give you a rescue or boss battle, or trying to get S rank in Hard.
>mfw i've been opening containers slow and loud for 60+ hours
My god. So many konami shills for this garbage generic zombie survival game it never ends
the reason is microtransactions
>tfw I don't care about this and all the "someday the server is going down" argument had never been an issue
People are going to insult me now
you don't need a constant internet connection just because a game has micro transactions
You can't expect any western gamer to buy a game if they didn't see it advertised on Comedy Central or Adult Swim.
>popular in japan and asia in general
>so we should play it
yeah, i guess we should all get on the pachinko and workplace suicide train then.
stop shilling for this piece of shit game you weaboo
Honestly its because everyone hates Konami. They can make the best game in the world and it'll still get hate.
"I have a dumb opinion and want people to tell me I have a dumb opinion."
>hating this game = cool boys club: no girls allowed
Who even listens to reviews anymore?
They are driven by hateboners or fanwank or end with "and that's a good thing"
>but it fits in my narrative
I fucking hate poepl like this
Dead game
Opinion disregarded
its called a reaction image
redditfag, fuck off.
wait its not coop? what the fuck?
If postin 2 (two) pics of kyouko gets me a ban because of avatarfagging and a mad janny that got BTFO, than this should give you one two.
because they told me it was shit
>>popular in japan
I fail to see the problem
MGS Survive got outsold buy literal moeshit
there's a difference between being an avatarfag and posting a reaction which is relevant to the post/reply
the fact you dont even know this shows your newfaggotry and you deserved the ban since i assuming the pics you refer to are from some fag anime
The west embraces stupidity more than anything. They love being told what to think about everything and are incapable of thinking for themselves. They can not form nuanced opinions and start screaming like baboons at the first sign of something they can not comprehend in their tiny little brainwashed heads.
I think the problem is that while this game is decent, it's a big step down from the level of attention to detail that was put into MGSV. That's not to say that MGSV was perfect (literally half the game is filler) but it was helped by Kojima's typical "thinking outside the box" style that made it seem fresh. MGSurvive is just very forgettable.
see you in 3 days, user
Wait, should I not be? I've been doing it since I fucked up the first time and had to fight off a mob.
Konmai just give it up
i rarely post so if i were to be banned i wouldnt even notice since you know..i play games
but you keep thinking that
I only do it the quiet way because it is faster and don't degrade my weapons
>I play games
>shitposts with avatars
enjoy your time till it hits, bud.
It wasn't really "thinking outside the box", it was just a Kojima brand. It was a really mediocre game that only sold well because of that.
Japs have terrible shit taste in pretty much everything.
I bought it the night it launched, rushed through single player and deleted it. Was shit. But MGSV was also shit so I didn't expect it to be good.
ok there buddy, im just replying to you cause you got mad at my pictures which inturn you also use
atleast i didnt give money to play a game that will be shut off in 1-2 years
meh, I hear this meme since years and everytime the japs like a game that is popular in the west the narrative retcons itself for a moment.
>he can't stop and calls other people mad
Gonna call me reddit now? Soyboy? Show me how "levlel headed" you are with another reply
Look at the absolute desperation in this shilling.
so I'm in the postgame now
what the fuck do I do now
I can't play during the times that I can't actually get people for the salvage missions so I can't really reliably do those so I'm at a loss
>proving me right
thanks I guess
>but people are really showing their sheep minds with this one
You're right, it's making it very easy to find contrarian corporate cocksuckers
>so I'm in the postgame now
>what the fuck do I do now
Drop it.
Why playing COOP when the only thing COOP is good for is boosting you for singleplayer?
that wasn't me
but he is right
i wont be replying to you anymore, im gonna go play a game
whatever brah, I had my fair share of fun insulting you
you were insulting him? i don't think you know what that word means
i don't think he was insulted at all
>trying this hard
This is starting to get tiring ""arguing"" with a mad fag and a pass.
See you in 3 days.
>the average MG Survive apologist
>>popular in japan and asia in general
in its debut week it overtook a month old game in Japan. Kojima hate fags are so so desperate
Please don't shitpost with Miku.
>suddenly drop dead for no reason during base camp defence
>entire base gets fucked, only have fences and my onions left
>now have to wait 3DAYS just to be able to do that shit again because i already spent my free SV coins on it the first time
how do i cheat the timer?
I used cheat engine to get 2500 of every resource. And infinite use of fences. On the last mission I put down over 100 fences
fun game
>cheat engine
Because I hate gathering resources. I just wanted to see the story.
I just had a dumb moment in the story. Was rescuing the nurse, activated the teleporter, all went fine, but then the pulse from it finishing activation made me drop her, she slid down a slight incline and apparently died.
And now I have to trudge back out from the base. Little annoying.
But the survival aspect is part of the story
I just wanted to see the cut scenes