Are there any games where you can shave your face?

Are there any games where you can shave your face?

no, none


What does he look like bald?

Deadly Premonition

Assassin's Creed: Origins

OP was probably asking for a game where you are actually in control of the shave.

What's his name, Sup Forums?

regular sized coworker

>there are people out there that think men look better without beards

WarioWare: Twisted

Dont shave your eyebrows you idiot, they protect your eyes.

fucking soy boy


that cat attack still gets me

Why the hell are people obsessed over removing the beard that makes up BiBo and MedicBo?

It's a sacred cosmetic; lose it and you lose your whole self esteem.

>it's a "Sup Forums doesn't have the testosterone to grow a beard so they call people that have them soyboys" episode

t. low test soyboys

most people who keep a beard have poor definition in their face so they mask it, a clean shave is a better look for any mature individual

Moustaches are okay though


Beards are still awesome, but the beard alone won't make you look good. Fitness, posture, and genetics can all help or fuck you over.

>implying any of the men in that picture have testosterone

Come on people, it's just hair....

And soy


Now I'm curious what movie was being discussed in that thread.

Here you go,


there are fucking barbershops in Witcher 3 where you can decide on your hairstyle, hell, your hair and shit grows gradually as well. Did you actually play the fucking game?

I mean a game where you are directly controlling the strokes of the razor over your face.

no such game exists, and if it did it would probably revolve around just hair

i'm not gonna waste my jawline

More games need dynamic hair and facial hair growth.

Don't Starve

>muh jawline meme
A well groomed beard will bring out your jawline and compliment your thick eyebrows

You do have thick eyebrows right?

shit I wonder what he thought about the 2016 apocalypse


>You do have thick eyebrows right?

i just don't care about grooming. i try to shave as much as possible but i can't make it into an habit


Without the beard he looks like Brandan Fraser.

Electric razor or manual razor?

Indeed, beards are precious.

I use electric.
It's quick, clean and I can do it in my car since my hair grows so fast, I need to shave around noon.
Life is hell.

My ex-gf made fun of my eye brows for being so thick. She used to say it was a sign of someone with an aggressive personality.


i think you can in KCD

Whats the best razor for trimming my beard?

Clippers for a trim, manual for shave.

The only ones who look better with beard are chinlets. Well-mainted stubble > shaven > full beard > goatee, chinstrap, extended sideburns, etc

okay i laughed

testosterone has nothing to do with facial or body hair, otherwise soyboys wouldn’t exist since they all have beards.

Heavy Rain

The first thing that came to mind was Heavy Rain.

i really dont think he was asking about that but i think there are girly flash games out there that ket you play as a hair stylist

I grew a full beard at 14 and haven't shaved since.

>tfw patchy beard
>only keep a moustache and goatee

yeah, are you guys sure thick eyebrows are in now? i was bullied relentlessly for them my entire life and i find it hard to believe

You forgot to put mustache over everything


this. there's even a leaderboard for it

>posting fb comics

the reddit spacing meme is funny because you'd have to be a redditor to know it's even a thing

Leave me alone, I'm just trying to fit in here.

>heavy rain
>a game
I liked Heavy Rain, but I wouldn't go as far as calling it a video game, that would be like calling a VN a video game. You could technically be correct, but nobody would take you serious.

it's kinda like accusing people you don't like of being gay, really

Only a 12 year old writes in one incoherent paragraph

Man, Boss looks generic as fuck without his beard.

interactive movie then

It branches out way more than a VN I'd say. Definitely not a walking simulator like "every one's gone to the rapture". It's like in between the two.

you haven't played too many VN's if you think Heavy Rain branches out as much as VN's. the only VN's that don't offer more diversity than Heavy Rain are linear kinetic VN's

This. Isnt it actually called a interactive drama by the devs?

I mean the endings were few, but the middle branches out and is well developed rather than just text.

well developed how? as in there's models and animations?

Really? You still have his mullet, if you remove the beard of the actual Boss.

Medic, as seen in OP, has the staggering ponytail that contrasts too much.

Wait, nobody's mentioned GTA San Andreas yet? The fuck.

You're right actually.
I guess that's the real difference between VN's and interactive movies in the end.

Those aren't beards.

Guys I have an amazing jawline but can't grow a beard

What do I do

show off your amazing jawline
beards are used to hide weak jawlines and chins

>ywn grow a beard like this or look like a legitimate caveman
Why even bother?





My beard grows fast on face and neck but extremely slow on my chin. What do?


You're in for a real surprise when you open a book for the first time

Solve the problem.
Now you just solved it.

>tfw 26 and still can't grow a proper beard, just messy pubic hair on my chin and a reverse hitler


trim the bits that grow fast
once everything is even then trim it daily to maintain it
are you perhaps retarded?

You have no manners.

you have no intelligence

Are you autistic?

yes, but at least i have basic problem solving skills

I'd rather have manners.

i'd rather have basic problem solving skills and intelligence

Both of you are fags, just in different ways.

agreed, but at least i ain't dumb


Your also a fag for using cringe.

Another stupid off topic thread on Sup Forums. Why cant you fags talk about vidya?

Oh how embarrassing. You forgot to point your message at the user.