World was my first MH, and I'm confused when people say it has no content. I've dumped more than 100 hours into it already with my mates.
Why do people say this? Are MH fans entitled to thousands of hours of shit to do?
World was my first MH, and I'm confused when people say it has no content...
>World was my first MH
There's your answer.There's more content in 140 Rajang rooms than in MHW you newfag
Why do people get salty when newcomers get into their series?
It's not that ""newcomers get into their series?"" it's that newcomers come and start talking like they know what they're fucking talking about which
they don't
100? Boy I spent over 400+ on my 3DS Monster Hunters so don't even think you know what the fuck you're talking about. you don't
140 Rajangs' rewards were more satisfying than receiving Poison Attack decorations from tempered Elders, again
And for full disclosure I bought and duped over 200 hours on MHW, and it has no content in comparison to older series
I will say I'm hopeful for future content, but as it stands it's really lacking
I'm not saying I know what I'm talking about. I'm just saying that 100 is nothing to complain about; I'm still gonna sink a lot more time into it, too. Probably double-dip and get it for PC.
There is no need
to be upset
For a high rank game i don't expect much. But they should have at least made a fucking attempt at one like generations did. It's easily the best high rank game and if they tried to add deviants or even styles the endgame would have lasted much longer
Everyone got spoiled by MH4U which had wayyyy more monsters plus G rank.
But that's because it was the Ultimate version, which was the later iteration of MH4.
Newfags expect every Monhun to be like MH4U on launch, not realizing this is how every game works in the series.
No one is upset, passionate is the word. Though you're probably not acquainted with the term
And sorry but in comparison with older additions to the series, MHW has no content
The typical mentality of your average MonHun fan is akin to an MMO addict. Case in point
I'm passionate about my favorite game series, but I'm not gonna gatekeep and complain about 200 being a low number of hours.
I'll probably go back and pick up some of the other MH games, to see how much there is, because, by my standards, World has a lot of shit to do.
I was looking at how many gunlances you could make that are unique in MHXX and its in the 50s or 60s range and all have unique models.
Compare that to World's 15-20 or so and half of them rehash the rarity 1 model and yeah, you can tell that MHW is lacking in content.
Nevermind the fact that you get to fight double the Monster count in MHXX vs World.
The best thing World has over old MH games is the QoL stuff such as autocrafting, quick looting, not needing to go out of your way to collecollect whetstones, etc.
And to be fair I love how MHW evolved the gameplay while keeping it tied to it's roots, it's a fucking perfect MH in that sense.
But like I said the game, as you say, has very little content
Nintendo fans autistic children it's what we get for having the games on them for so long
Don't know why people insist on comparing ultimate editions to MHW, at least compare it to Generations or Tri
>Barroth, Anjanath
>Diablos, Black Diablos
>Great Jagras, Great Girros, Dodogama
>Rathian, Pink Rathian, Rathalos, Azure Rathalos, Legiana, Paolumu
>Tobi-Kadachi, Odogaron
>Radobaan, Uragaan
>Jyuratodus, Lavasioth
>Kulu-Ya-Ku, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
>Elder Dragons
They so no content, but what they mean is not enough variety. You've only got 28 monsters and all the fights feel too familiar. That combined with the fact that for people good at the game, it's just stagger hunter, means it's easily the most boring game in the series.
the other games had content that would last more than a few hundred hours
in comparison, this is definitely less content than I'm used to seeing in MonHun games
Not only that the full game hasn't even dropped yet.
In that case, generations still has a good amount of monsters to hunt.
Also, how many additional monsters did they add between Tri and 3U?
I still think it's more than World.
Also, aesthetically the more plate looking armor sets don't feel like you're wearing monster parts and It's pretty lame that stuff like bone HH looks the same allnthe way through its upgrades.
I do have to admit some of the new monsters are fun to fight however and it'll be hard to go back to the old way of inventory management and not being able to switch out weapons while on a hunt among a slew of other things.
>plays games
>thinks he is not an autistic child
Fellow newcomer here, I feel you. It's weird how spoiled the MH community is when they say 100 hours is not enough content, and I mainly play long-ass JRPGs.
the only good thing waiting as a PC bro will be in hope the dlc monsters will be included on PC release
Any particular crossover events you guys would like to see down the line?
I'd personally like to see a Bloodborne crossover involving a giant Odoggo hunt to get the Hunters Set and the Moonlight Greatsword.
Having played every single series introduction from PS2 to PSP to DS to now.
MH:World is just fine.
Salty cum stains only complain because they're fought the same thing over and over again and nothing has changed. And as for the Rajang bit in the beginning a simple youtube search shows how much of a pushover he was just like he was in all the other series
The fact that they put in 2 rath recolors in a game that already has barely any monsters is fucking retarded
Literally every game after Tri has offered at least 200 hours of meaningful content. MHW goes into pointless grinding of same monsters after 60 hours.
>giant Doggo
No, you don't.
I'm hoping for some new challenging content but for an initial release on new hardware World is pretty damn good. I'm over 200 hours now and still have to do arenas and try to get a handle on 10 weapons I've barely touched.
>mfw I'm picking up MH4U on my 3DS because of MHW and the eshop sale
My brother has MH World in the next room over, and he says it's the easiest one so we went back to finishing XX. I'll be picking it up for sure, but I'm fine waiting for PC or later for more content because there's not much incentive to play this over other games.
I have heard complaints about armor and monster designs. IMO they could at least have made the handler cute.
got 400 hours
now im at a standstill cause now i cant progress in the game
TED's are full the moment you see them in the list, by chance you get into one fucking faggots cart wasting your time, rewards and the investigation count
im done since i cant make any progress anymore, ill wait for crown events and then maybe do the 50 arena quests once that's done
I quit playing MHW after around 90 hours. Even before that a good 40 hours was stuck unable to advance because you had to gather tracks.
It's because the previous games the west got had an insane amount of content in comparison, people are used to playing 200 hours and still bumping into new monsters, where as in world you've seen everything but Xeno after 50. Sure for you 13 monsters you've never seen before is exciting, but to everyone else a good half of the roster is a returning monster, a reskin of a returning monster, or a subspecies of a returning monster.
Hell the minor monsters being declawed don't help either vespoids used to be a threat if they were in the same area as a major monster, even fucking bullfango would fuck you up, now the worst thing you've got to worry about is maybe a jaga thinking about attacking you before fucking off.
>Blades of Mercy or Rakuyo dual blades
>Chikage longsword
>Kirkhammer or boom hammer hammer
>Whirligig saw switch axe
Have you tried sniffing around after Kirin or Nerg? It's a good way to build up investigations.
Seeing how it's Capcoms bestselling game right now you can bet your ass they're gonna dump a shitload of new content into it in the upcoming months/year/years.
Even tri had the decency to include an actual endgame monster to reward you for grinding to a high HR with Alatreon. If they put a new monster at HR 100 there wouldn't be nearly as much complaining
Shit I forgot about that weapon It may not be a Gunhammer, but it's damn close. Gimme.
>finally get some Tempered Elder INvestigation
>Tempered Kirin 1 Faint, 15 min
Alatreon's still coming. I'm not defending the DLC spacing but there's still at least a handful more mons.
>played only one game
>favourite series
>31 large monsters
>of which 8 (Dodogama, Great Girros, Great Jagras, Jyuratodus, Kulu-Ya-Ku, Paolumu, Pukei-Pukei and Tzitzi-Ya-Ku) are tutorial tier monsters that you will never ever fight once you get to later game content
so i spend an entire day eating monster shit hoping for a TED investigation
say i get a few
post it, sure i get full party but then they FUCKING CART instead of playing cautious so we get that NEEDED fucking loot, spending 2-5 extra minutes in a TED is worth not FAILING
why the fuck would i want to solo them in a game meant to be played in a GROUP
I'm not talking about MH, my guy.
Yes. Getting hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of hours from a MH game is not unusual. For a game to feel like you've done just about everything after like 150 is pretty lacking considering the series as a whole.
>100? Boy I spent over 400+ on my 3DS Monster Hunters
Woah watch out guys, this guy is more HARDCORE than you will ever be.
>World has no subspecies for it's new monsters
biggest mistake desu
just because i replay portal for 500 hours doesn't mean its has 500 hours of content
world is lacking even for a non-G game
I only play to do the weekly shit now. Endgame is a boring slog.
>Are MH fans entitled to thousands of hours of shit to do?
So you're a homosexual sperg then ? It's a game, not your life's achievements.
>fuck all areas
>fuck all monster variety
>fuck all weapon models
>fuck all armor models
>complete removal of the multiplayer campaign
all this leaves a sour taste in the mouth when they have clearly wasted so much time and money on stupid bullshit like voice acting, facial animations and fancy cutscenes that could have been much better spend on any of the above.
I really wish they kept solo and multiplayer separate, or remove that stupid cutscene crap where no one can join you until you've watched it. Also wish the gathering hub was actually necessary to use, I miss being able to see the people I'm playing with before a hunt and doing stupid emotes with them.
does playtime continue to tick up during load screens?
this is very important
wut? You mean it has no multiplayer town or endgame monster that even Tri had?
I'm pretty bad, but I'll tell you what. Had more trouble with HR Gendrome on MHFU than the entire MHW, even counting double tempered Bagel.
>he waste 400 hours on grinding
I feel sorry for you, man.
And I’ve spent over 300 hours in World with no end in sight. Still crafting shit and still building builds and having fun. Maybe you’re a bitter retard who doesn’t know what he’s talking about
yup, all multiplayer is just playing village quests
It's not a fucking contest. Stop being a contrarian and accept people have opinions. This thread starts out attacking fans of the series. Why do you do the same?
play with friends or if you're desperate, play with /mhg/, they usually have tempered rooms going
I think what you're trying to say it that it has less content then previous entries. Saying it has no content just because its less then the recycled assests they used for a decade is bullshit
>Whirligig saw switch axe
You know how to talk to my penis user, what could they use for lance ?
You forgot simons' bowblade ofr the bow
>hey guys why do you dislike games that is known to have ALOT of content suddenly have very little content?? xDD
just load the game, save, and check
>Why do people say this? Are MH fans entitled to thousands of hours of shit to do?
They got use to having content recycled from game to game on the 3DS because it never changed engines or platforms for about a decade.
Last time the franchise had a major console release that was built from the ground up it was Tri, and it had even less, but arguably better content.
>Kushala and teostra don't have pokemon starter tier skills for their armor
Did the bloodstarved beast fuck everything up
or is this some anti-traditionalist bullshit?
I got 400 out of P3rd before I got bored but World only lasted 110
Those who don't Know God, will pray to any saint..
the game less content because they fucked about making it a CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE making content that you will experience once like voice acting instead of wisely focusing on repeatable content like monsters and areas
>it's not a fucking contest
>100? Boy I spent over 400+ on my 3DS Monster Hunters
It was turned into a contest lol
>he's being retarded
>so it's ok if I'm retarded
One G-rank is patched in, there'll be more varied weapon designs, right? RIGHT?
>get bow
>spend the next 5 minutes beating the entire game since this weapon is too op
>get insect glaive
>spend 90% of the fight collecting insect farts
>get any other weapon
>spend 90% of the fight hugging the monster's balls or waiting for it to land
Why do people even like this game?
Here's hoping user
God those designs
>MH World has no content LOL 3DS 400+ Hours LOL that proves it!!!!
>But I have 300 hours in MH World maybe you just don't enjoy the new ga-
>It's because the previous games the west got had an insane amount of content in comparison
It's not that they all had A LOT of content, but that the ones we got had a ton of content
>It's not a fucking contest!
>But user, it is a contest
>Hurrr retard
Alright man
You're implying the two posts are the same person. This is an anonymous image board implying to know who's posting what is braindead logic
>Tries to start dick measuring contest
>Gets mad when someone retorts
This, 3U, 4U and Generations were essentially bulk packages of an older game, with the old engine so they could just inject all the previous content in.
World is an all new game and probably took way more time to make than 3U and 4U put together despite there being less content.
You missed the whole point so let me spoil the joke for you.
First post "turns it into a contest" which is absolutely retarded
You follow suit, but your argument is that since the first post did it, you doing it is ok
It's absolutely retarded in the end
How many anons picked up other games in the series after trying World?
Do you like the older entries?
If you don't get at least 3000 hours worth of entertainment out of a game it ain't worth it desu
I like the game
The endgame stuff seems a little overwhelming with all the armour/weapon skills, decorations and all that, but I guess I'll figure it out. Typical of a Japanese game to give you loads of upgrades and menus and not explain them very well I guess.
I think the only things I don't like so far are that the music is kind of underwhelming and you don't get to see little versions of monsters like Jaguars babies often enough. It's like the current monsters just sprang from the earth or something
>You're implying the two posts are the same person
They are the same person
Re-read your own post. A hundred hours is normal, and people spending hundreds will know more. You're the one taking it personally. But who cares, aren't you still having fun?
I can't move while drinking potions AND THIS FUCKIGN TIGREX DOESN'T STOP CHARG-
You have fainted
So you're admitting that you're a retard for starting a dick measuring contest?
Good job retard.
If there was a way I could prove it to you and you'd believe me I would do it. But this is Sup Forums so that's out of the question
>t. guy who posted Boy I spent over 400+ on my 3DS Monster Hunters
I tried the 4U demo after playing World and holy hell the controls. Doesn't help that I have a regular 3DS
>Implying I'm the same user
I'm just saying that if someone starts a contest and someone else participates, good on them. But you can't be like "It's not a contest!" if it is a contest to them
Again, not that user. But he also said he had nearly as many hours as that guy did total in his 3DS MH games in MHW. Wouldn't that make him, by your logic, more knowledgeable in MHW?
I've used Greatsword exclusively so far, I'm at like the first pink Rathian fight.
Is how fun? I always like bows but I can't imagine the gameplay of just shooting and dodging shit is that exciting.
Thanks retard, glad you finally understood