Is Makoto Niijima going to be the canon P5 love interest?
Is Makoto Niijima going to be the canon P5 love interest?
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No that would piss off the other waifufags and fujos and Atlus isn’t stupid enough to do that
I mean she is heavily implied and has a lot of major scenes with the protag, that and she's very popular as a LI
Futaba's literally superior in every single way, and crucial for the plot.
None of the girls are. P5 anime will do what P4 anime did and just have Ren have some sort of romantic moment with each of the girls. Only reason Makoto has a lot of scenes with Joker is that Atlus needed someone to explain the plot and talk for the protagonist.
Yeah, atlus clearly doesn't give a shit about waifufags and fujoshits since they will get over their anger when they shit out another ugly ass pure lead-filled toy i.e. """figurines"""
Whoever they introduce in P5 Crimson will be.
As far as the anime goes, they'll just do the same dance they did in P4.
Makoto is pretty central because everyone stops being able to form thoughts so she can be the brains of the operation.
No, that's Futaba.
I still don't get why people like her.
Is it because of shitty anime tropes?
>P5 Crimson
Will retards stop calling it that. Currently the only unused trademark is for something called 'P5R'
Every character is some sort of base anime trope.
P5 Red?
P5 Red
My money is on 'Rendezvous'
has there ever been a canon interest? i saw a little of the p3 anime and it didn't seem like one of them was his gf, it just laid out events as if you didn't do any social links other than being introduced to everyone
But she isn't and this is your headcanon talking.
Not even close to the popularity of the other ships combined
Some girls have been more “pushed” than others but there’s never been an actual canon girl
Joker x Hifumi
Ryuji x Anne
Yusuke x Futaba
Morgana x Haru
>Makoto is pretty central because everyone stops being able to form thoughts so she can be the brains of the operation.
Nah everyone becoming a retard after she joins is just bad writing
Makoto was such a shit character. Fuck you waifufags.
She's very popular as a character, but I don't know about LI.
Unless that's how the nips voted.
Oh yeah, the nips totally give a shit about well crafted characters in popularity polls.
No. Characters like Aegis and Marie are more pushed than the rest, but there has never been an actual canon love interest.
Why do normalfags love Makoto so much?
The only good character in P5 is Yusuke, which is also the only one with a good SLink.
Lovers arcana always canon
who cares?
mokoto x trash
The hair braid thing
Ann never shows any explicit romantic interest in the protagonist outside of her SL like Yukari and Rise do though
>autistic poorfag artist
>best anything
Go back to starve, Inari!
That "hair braid" isn't even part of her hair
Justine/caroline/lavenza will end up being canon
No, you should always cuck the cat.
More like slut arcana, those bitches with princess behaviors make me furiously horny though
I'd be okay with Ryuji cucking Morgana
Bike persona.
P5 R-ena?
I would never buy another Atlus product again if they made any girl canon.
Makoto x Sae
Ruby confirmed.
They've done it before
Sae's too depressed
No they haven't.
I wanted more autistic fighting between these two.
It'd be nice to see anyone in the party other than Joker hook up.
Yeah only time there's any sign of interest is her introduction, and how she gets up during the ending when Joker comes back. She cares more about Ryuji than anyone else.
>Ann never shows any explicit romantic interest in the protagonist outside of her SL
The other girls don't either.
Fucking Makoto will cheer her up
Never said they did
shes been doing a good job in the past year amrite
The clarity that comes after an orgasm will cause her to crash harder.
I know, I just wanted to post Pixie
>Talking shit about best Inari
>heavily implied
Here's where user explains that one scene in Sojiro's house makes it a heavy implication instead of just making Makoto a wuss when it comes to spooky mundane shit.
Every girl has a moment where they're dere for the protagonist in the main story to get you hooked a little. Anne's anime introduction in the rain + coffee shop scene where she confides in Joker, above for Makoto, Futaba basically appointing you her protector and opening up to you, and rescuing Haru from a loveless marriage. They're hooks to get you interested in them as LIs beyond "chick makes my boner pointy."
People love to grasp at straws to try and prove their favorite girl is canon. I don't remember people being this fucking retarded about it for P3 and P4 though.
God that's really unnerving
You should see the original
Well to be fair Marie was the obvious canon li in 4
Why does atlus hate to make their persona girls look sexy?
Funny, I don't remember Golden forcing me into a relationship with Marie.
I mean shit dude, I have my obvious favorites for every game, but it takes next to no critical thinking skill to step back and say "shit, every girl's introductory period is structured in a way to draw my attention."
You should replay it
I don't need to replay the game to know that it gives you the option of friend zoning her rather than dating her just like every other girl in the game.
That IS her best feature.
Keep denying reality
Didn't they do that in P4 Golden with Marie? I remember it caused a giant shitstorm because she wasn't in the original game (iirc). They're probably gonna do the same thing with Scarlet with new love interest.
Marie was only Canon in the Golden Animation, not the game
Smuggles, you're watching me, aren't you?
>I don't remember people being this fucking retarded about it for P3
You don't remember the whole AIgis and Yuakri thing, but then again they weren't really grasping at straws with those two and was actually super heavily implied he at least fucked Aigis if not Yukari also.
And it's just a hair band. Can you imagine a character so bad their only redeeming feature is headgear?
Neither of them is canon but at least they have a leg to stand on with their arguments. There is absolutely nothing in P5 that points to any of the girls being a canon love interest.
That's what I mean, the only real girls who ever had leg to stand on any of games was those two even if was never flat out said it was canon.
>tfw I found out it's literally a headband
I remember being peeved. Also, Sae's "hair clip" isn't a hairclip, it's dye. Why she decided to dye such a pattern into her hair is anyone's guess.
Futaba is definitely the better and more relateable character, but she's more of a sister character so Makoto is still the superior waifu.
Nobody beats imoutos
Mako is best girl and all but seriously, even I thought of this too. I mean, I get that they might oppose to the idea because it would be dangerous for her to drive off alone in Mementos but at least bring it up.
I would love that but no. Every girl will get their ship tease scene. Makoto might get one or two extra little moments at most but no one will get anything definitive.
underboob >>>> sideboob >>>> topboob
Hopefully not. Her character is so fucking dissonant from the impression given by her PT outfit that it's almost insulting. I went in expecting gap-moe and a delinquent-at-heart, but all I got was this near infallible, incredibly generic, ladylike girl.
>Makoto might get one or two extra little moments
Even that would piss me off.
The real question is:
How much of a dumbass they will make him be in the anime?
It doesn't matter because i don't give a fuck who joker gets with, personally for me it's always gonna be sadayo, she's the only "real" woman along with all the christmas cakes in the games. i don't want no highschool plank i want a real women with real life problems that i can help her deal with by giving her courage and starting a familly afterwards.
No. Closest you'll get is the Aeon Arcana who'll probably be Morgana in a female human body or something but even then that's not "the canon love interest" because that's not how this series works fag.
Hope you enjoy never seeing your "real woman" appearing in anything ever again. She might get 5 minutes in the anime but that's about it.
>she's the only "real" woman along with all the christmas cakes in the games
She acts more like a retarded teenager than most of the actual retarded teenagers in the game by the time you get to the end of her Confidant though. If that's what you find appealing then more power to you but "real woman" doesn't describe her at all, not any more so than the rest of the chicks who endlessly bitch about what a drag it is to be them as well.
Why do autismo's love le super hacky wacky pandering girl.
It's true all girls get a moment but I feel like Makoto gets more scenes that can be interpreted as pushing her even if that may not have been the intent. Her entire introduction of following the Protag around is very cute and unique and can be seen in a romantic light, plus Sojiro's house thing, the moment the protag saves her in Futaba's dungeon, the fact that she's there with Sojiro and Futaba during Christmas regardless of who you took home the night before, plus the fact that you and her are pretending to be in a relationship and shit for her S.Link. All together it's easy for people to see her as getting shilled more than anyone else. I know when I played the first time I thought at least some of these scenes and other little moments were happening because I was doing her
bitch if anything the normalfag pick would be that slut called Ann
These games are designed let the player choose which bitch the shitty self-insert MC ends up with. There can't be a canon girl, that defeats the whole point of this. It's the only aspect you guys ever talk about so I can't believe that all of you fags don't understand that, do you just fish for shit to argue about?
but Atlus loves making stupid shit canon