Hey wassa matta you altair?

Hey wassa matta you altair?

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Desmond was a shitty fucking character. So bland and fucking boring I nearly fell asleep typing out his name.

The desmond arc was interesting and killing him off murdered the storyline of asscreed.

That's racist.

the entire modern plot was awful and the series would have been better off without it

you're racist

You're racist

>an annoying bitchy stronk lesbian who dont need no man fuck the patriarchy mary sue-type is Desmond's successor
mmmh yes loving it

you and like 2 other people must have been very disappointed

who even is she, dont remember her at all

Where vidya started to go wrong tbqh

can confirm, I'm one of the other 2

she's in the newest one, dude
it took them 5 years to give us an actual character in the modern day again

What is the modern plot now? Dropped after 3

>Make a Second half of the story in the Present
>Build a protagonist for Modern times that will become a Blend of several Key Assassin Ancestors through experiencing their lives virtually.
>Gets killed the minute he finishes this Training to prevent Supernatural Doomsday
>New Modern Hero is implied to be working on away to alter the Past via the animus

What the fuck were they thinking? I wish the original creator didn't quit after Revelations.

Number 3 reporting

The parts with Desmond in Asscreed 1 are the reason I never played another Asscreed game

>Fast forwarding to a more recent memory
Fuck that. I wanted to play as an assassin, not a guy dreaming about being one.

oh, I stopped playing the new ones after Unity

So pathetic I can’t even believe I’m typing this.

At the end of three that blue god was set free and was going to take over the world. When is the next game she’s trapped in a computer without an explanation. Next they find some shroud of rejuvenation and never mentioned the gods again. Now it’s Laura croft being attacked by abstergo.

honestly i was really expecting all the desmond arc to eventually lead through all the historys to the modern day where we play as desmond as an assasin with ubisoft blending in some elements of splinter cell
would be have a kino game series to finish it as

This shit is the primary reason why asscreed never became some next level shit. You can't just build up modern day assassinations for multiple games and then drop the idea altogether. How fucking cool would it have been getting dropped into the first modern stage completely hudless, and having to actually do some stealth play since the enemies would have guns and shit.

pretty sure they did that in 3

>literally Tessa Fowler
Why did they choose an erotic model for this?
Not that I have nothing against it.

Not according to my memories. I remember some modern stages but it was just small time shit, not tense infiltrations to assassinate key targets.

>tfw origins was so horrible you honestly miss the times off assasssin's creed 3

I remember having to infiltrate a boxing match and the abstergo HQ from the first game, no HUDs and guns only tickle you iirc

thats some grade S tier bait

>Not that I have nothing against it.
so you do have something against it
double negative there bucko

What ethnicity was this mocking?

Because the writer got fired, he wanted to end it on 3 so they just fired hin after he finished brotherhood.

Then they bought the company he went to work and fired him again.

>That's racist
What did she mean by this?

you're racist

Nigger left in the MIDDLE of Brotherhood's development. He wanted a trilogy and AC2 was clearly leading up to it. Brotherhood and Revelations weren't supposed to happen. Once he realized what Ubisoft was gonna do to his series, he quit as as soon as he could, still being forced to work on Brotherhood for 6 months because of contract shenanigans.

Ubishit completely ripped what he had planned into shreds and made shit up along the way to support a yearly release cycle. That's why everything after 2 feels weird and made up. It's because that's exactly what happened.

We will never get the AC3 that we were supposed to get after AC2.

Sissy ass assassin virgin
Chad Templar sea captain

>All that work with Haythem and getting a gang

>You are now a Templar

Best shit Ubisoft ever did

Incest is wincest

The concept of time is now the actual enemy now. No you read that right. The First Civ were trying to master the flow of time, but failed which led to their destruction. Before they died, they relayed messages into the future. One to Desmond, so that he can delay Earth's second destruction (like it happened during the First Civ era), cause time always repeats itself and shit and the First Civ were trying to break that flow and "escape time's flaws". The second one to Layla (new protag), to do what they couldn't: Master time, manipulate it (hinting at time travel), and save themselves. Maybe even unfuck everything and create a timeline where humans and first civ live together.

It's a bunch of time fuckery basically.

>they're bringing time fuckery into this
it never worked, and it will never work, to many fucking paradoxes and shit

until 3 the story was fucking fine, the glyphs connected everything together trough history

current Ubisoft doesn't have the balls to pull this shit
when Lucrezia and Cesare kissed, I got a boner

He didnt quit man, he got fired out of spite. They bought the next company he went to work in and fired him again with no explanation.

they used to make fucking god tier waifus, pretty much every MP templar had great design

Assassin's Creed died with Ezio. Everything else is just a spin off.

Nah he quit the first time and did it to take a break for one year before going to THQ. Then Ubisoft bought them, THEN he got fired.

the colonial trilogy + unity was good too
and the way they used Rogue to tie it all together was great

I find Elise and Cleopatra hot myself.

why is cleopatra black though

she's tanned, not black


yeah, tanned
are you stupid?

thats really fucking dark for a tan

Do you consider Haytham black too, then?

the blend of unity and rogue was fucking kino
the whole intro of the protags parental death tied to rogues final assasination endng
wish ubi had the balls to do more shit like this

We could've had a game with Arno teaming up with Connor chasing Shay down. The man responsible for the downfall of the Colonial Brotherhood and the death of Arno's father.

But noo.

Wrong, retard.

Firstly, the entire series is a trojan horse to deliver philosophy bombs to the common denominator AAA audience. They make these huge fucking games just to deliver four or five speeches from those ancient alien niggers. And since these messages are all about existential duality and shit which has been lost in modern times, the virtual reality frame story is fundamentally important.

Secondly, the modern segments are obviously pulling their punches, and are clearly teasing you with "wouldn't it be cool" shit like doing a single tiny bit of climbing in a neat modern area.
That's obviously intentional; maybe they're saving it for a later modern creed game, but I think it's more likely that they're asking you to consider how people like these ancient forces might be operating IRL in a world like ours, how you might be a part of the revolution etc, instead of giving you the empty and meaningless narrative fulfilment of actually playing that out in a videogame.

No I wouldnt
but that is not how a tan looks like

I love that he shaved.

why does Unity look better than Origins when Unity came out in fucking 2014?

that would have been epic and a better choice instead of syndicates lame double character gameplay with no substance

I dont know what magic they used for unity but damn did that game look good. Im amazed most people dont talk about it more often, aside from how shit it was day 1 due to the bugs.

Aya's butt in Assassin's creed Origins the hidden ones dlc is fucking massive, best part of the game honestly.

Fucking sad there's fuckall r34 of her.

Shay wouldve been in his 70s by then if not dead already, or halfway around the world

>not a guy dreaming about being one.
Demond was actually raised to be an Assassin since he was a child. He ran away and ended up being kidnapped by Templars. Later he reunites with his dad. Desmond dies and the Templars get his body and successfully load his memories from his DNA.

That's about as far as I know about Desmond. last AC I played was Black Flag and it was surprisingly fun, because AC3 was shit and almost completely turned me off from the franchise.

I could not not care less

>Broke into Achilles place
>Trying to make sure Achilles can’t find another first civilization place at all costs
>grabs book
>open fireplace in room
>has hidden blades and more than enough physical strength to rip the book a part
>decides to pocket the book instead

damn thats a big crowd

He was already held at gunpoint and books dont burn all that easily, throw a stack of papers into a fire and see how fast it burns

By the time he could throw it into the flames he wouldve been shot and the book would be safe with minor damage if any

>mfw they removed blending in Origins
What were they thinking

I remember getting like 12k points off of slow poison, focus, incognito and a few other stuff. highlight of my life.

Would there anywhere to blend in even? Most of the time you're just fucking around in the desert and enemy camps.


What a waste of potential - the series
dropped it at Revelations and never looked back

I'm guessing because origins is larger and they're still having to get it running on the xbone and PS4.

>using poison
Fucking babbie mode

They explained this with their narrative. Blending in with the crowd is one of the tenets of th creed, a technique used by Assassins. But the Brotherhood doesn't even exist yet, so basically it's not there because it wasn't invented yet.


I thought gun was the scrub weapon

Assassin's Creed plot went to shit when they added all the ancient civilization shit.
I'm fine with mind-control instruments since that's a MacGuffin it makes sense for Templars to go after, but then they started to create more and more shit to explain the other shit and ended up creating more unexplained shit.
AC would be better if it was just Assassins vs Templars with some sci-fi stuff in the plot instead of "ANCIENT ALIENS THAT GAVE ORIGIN TO THE MYTHS CREATED ARTIFACTS THAT PEOPLE USED IN HISTORY AND NOW WE MUST GO AFTER THEM"

It is but poison was the worst shit ever, you just have to be close to someone, and bam theyre dead, with the gun at least you knew you were aimed at and could evade it if fast enough

>when they added all the ancient civilization shit.
So AC1?
While not being shown, Vidic talks about them to Desmond. They've always been there.

isn't that basically how the game is meant to be played? using poison basically puts yourself in danger of getting contested plus other people can also steal your kill so it has it's downsides

But as background to give some explanation for the whole conflict, not central themes like they are now.

>Alter the past
What? Pretty sure the only time fuckery in the series came from a single Piece of Eden that even Abstergo had the common sense to lock away.

Yeah that would work if the poison didnt kill you in 5 seconds

If only Ubisoft had the balls to continue with the Desmond storyline and make a proper spinoff series. And you know, make Watchdogs actually good.
We could have had the cool historical fantasy and modern day conspiratorial stories at the same time.

it's not about pieces of eden doing it, it's implied that the new protag will be able to alter the past/use time travel with her Animus, since it's different from the others
she somehow managed to build an Animus that is more advanced than what Abstergo produces
basically we got our very own Rey in AC now, a mary sue

I'm still mad Connor wasn't in it. I remember back when that pre-order mission "The American Prisoner" came up, and several people thought you'd be springing Connor from prison or something. Disappointment ensued.

Oh ffs its over
Who writes this shit

really? this is what you guys are doing?

Oh my God, you idiot, you got it all wrong.

She is also an arab and a lesbian.

False. He shoved it his pockets before he knew Achilles was even there.

literal whos do
the people that wrote AC in the early days all left a damn long time ago
series' creator founded his own studio, writers are scattered through the industry (2K, Square Enix) and whatever else

enlighten me then fuckhead instead of just saying that I'm apparently wrong

In fact, lots of techniques are left out. Bayek can't double assassinate properly, the assassinations he can do are obviously primitive compared to later generations, only one blade, he can't do parkour vaulting. Maybe he'll do more cool shit in the sequel, if the rumors are true he's getting a trilogy

>that feeling of complete and utter disappointment when the game forced you to do the modern part of the story line

Then i remember it wrong

Still tossing it in a fire wouldnt destroy it fast enough, and he probably wanted to warn people not to fuck with these things

>tfw Shay won at life

Wait, when was past-altering implied? I thought the new cool thing about Layla's Animus was that you could see the subject's entire life, even past them having a kid, and the whole "pop their actual biological matter into the Animus and boom you got memories" thing


I swear it seems like they wanted to but chickened out or something

no, I'm going to let you spread misinformation and look stupid.

>trained by the assassins
>join the templars, get mad dosh
>achieve your life goal
>assassins cant even touch you
>live a happy life till you die of old age
He makes his own luck and his breakfast, sponsored by lucky charms