Friend wants me to get into this game. What hero should i be a shitter with?
Friend wants me to get into this game. What hero should i be a shitter with?
dont forget to buy wards too faggot
Easiest hero in the game is Phantom Assassin
Most reliable carry hero in the game is Juggernaut
most reliable support hero is witch doctor
But really just see who looks shiny/interesting and just try them out. Read what their abilities do and figure it out.
I'm trying to be a shitter, not helping my team win.
Who's the hardest
Thats subjective but it normally falls under a few. Meepo is the "hardest" if you are bad at keeping track of muliple units that do the same thing.
Invoker is the "hardest" if long button strings that need to be made on the fly is hard.
Chen is hard if you dont know everything about the jungle AND cant micro.
I agree with this guy
I tried my hardest to get into Dota 2 as a league person and it was fucking boring. Do i have to learn the game completely to have an ounce of fun?
I played for 200 hours.
Do not pick her so her winrate stays up
Other than knowing when to place the ward and when to decrep Pugna is a good hero to go into when you've played quite a bit more
Don't listen to him
Wraith king is the hardest
Ancient apparition for support, gyro for carry.
Sounds insane but 200 hours isn't a lot for Dota 2, at least if you want to git gud
But can I be a shitter with him?
meepo, never level divided we stand
Pugna also has shit health so positioning is really important as well.
is pugna actually a girl or is it some big meme
You posted him. Juggernaut has been relatively strong every patch and has abilities that strike a nice balance between offense and utility. The most difficult thing you'll have to deal with is your teammates' toxicity. HOW DARE YOU PLAY THIS GAME IF YOU'VE NEVER PLAYED BEFORE The mute button should be the first thing you learn. Also, your friend might expect you to play a support and support him in lane, but supports are more difficult than carries so tell him that it should be the other way around.
Currently just a meme, but if reddit adopts it then valve will put it in the game (assuming someone in the workshop makes a model).
Spirit Breaker.
I have never seen someone who sucks at Dota playing him badly.
That guy has basically free teleports, so if you drop on health, get the fuck outta there.
Stop yourself while you still have a chance.
Nothing good will come from this.
reminder that traps are gay.
I already want to kill myself so what is there to lose?
Yup, taking the talent is a must and Rod can be a good pick to help with that
Meme, but a good one. With a healthy dose of lewd.
Some glorious bastard is making a model after someone in the general got him a detailed reference sheet
You're thinking small time. If you want to be a really good shitter like me (3k+ hours) you buy wards and place them as often as possible but still contribute nothing to the team so that when your teammates try to bitch about it they won't have paid any attention to what you're doing (picking your nose, stealing last-hits from the carry, casually feeding on a 'warding mission')
Pugna is a 6 year old boy, who turned himself into a spooky skeletal with deep voice from the Nether Reaches.
He is also a blatant Chink appeaser, since his backstory is basically Tibetan Buddhism, but evil.
why does an undead 6 year old boy have higher int gain than a thousand year old wizard
Save your friend somehow from this bottomless pit of hell, play something actually fun and relaxing like Overcooked or idk
You don't want to end up getting a heart attack in your 30s
Sorry, I'm playing with someone who can actually blame himself for his mistakes, so that won't work
You know the thing Tibetan Buddhist have going on? The reincarnation thing?
Dota is a world of magic, where this shit is real.
>ctrl+f sniper
>0 results
where is the bizarro Sup Forums thread
Pugna spent all her time learning about the nether arts, even making Viper who spat in her face
You literally need 1k hours just to become barely proficient. Not meming. You need to learn all the items all the abilities. 200 hours is still incredibly new to the game
Just grow a pair and pick Arc fucking Warden. He's literally uncounterable by retards.
>Play him mid
>He cannot lose a 1v1 unless he's ganked, which never happens in lower MMRs
>Just play passively until you get ult
>Do your balanced 2k damage combo at level 7
>Get Midas+Malestrom
>Start farming faster than any hero in the game
>Split push with clone and farm with main
>Shitters WILL waste important ults on your clone
>Get all the farm and 1v5 the enemy team with your clone
>Do this until you reach an MMR where you're actively countered
And voila, you've escaped the trench and also have developed the necessary motor skills to play literally any hero in the game
>There's already art of this topic
What next?
why does a ginger archer have higher strength gain than a titan who forged the world and a sacred warrior who offered to sacrifice himself to the gods
why does medusa's ult work on tiny and faceless void
why is night stalker's core item an item that worships the daytime
why is a fish who escaped prison with a butterknife a carry but a witch who has the hand of a demon and an elemental bird who wields the power of the sun are support
>You are now aware that you can do whatever you want to Pugna and her holes and she can just regen off some hapless victim to keep going.
fuck man, he has TWO buttons now
fuck that shit
Oh yes
why does Oracle even take part when he knows the match is fixed?
why does Arc Warden even fight when he knows he'll have to take down the other side too?
why is a skeleton so lewd?
but if OP's new at the game he won't be able to do half of the things you tell him to do for EZ wins
Arc Warden teaches you the most important lesson in all of Dota, that the game is an objectives game. Your 20 kills up mean jackshit if you've lost all your outer towers and you have some Fishbowl head asshole knocking on your T3's door
pick Rubick or Keeper of the Light
they are fun to play and you can piss off both teams
also they are supports so no one will give a shit if you underperform
You'll like what you start with in terms of MOBAs.
Once you get into the feel of things with one the others will just seem lesser.
Except DOTA is better IMO.
>mfw abusing the rapier/necro exploit when he first came out and easily winning a otherwise failed game
Legion Commander jungle
Death is my BITCH
Do you want to be an unkillable piece of shit and cause unlimited rage to the enemy team? Pick Bristleback, by Treads and stack Bracers, spam W and get a 8 minute Vanguard if enough noobs right click you.
My dick
you picked the worst time
the game is at its last breaths and its literally turning into
>reddit the game
both me and 8 other friends just sort of stopped playing with no really good reason and everyone shudders when anyone even mentions dota
we all have over 1k hours in the game as well
whichever one you can stomach practicing with for the next 400 hours before you actually start to play
>the game is at its last breaths
what, is the third or second most played game in steam