Is there an MMO with a worse community?

Is there an MMO with a worse community?

I love this game, but after pugging O8S... No, I really don't think there is any online game with a worse community

GW2 by far

Tera and its pedo only fanbase

Stopped playing this game when MHW came out. Is the new patch worth getting back into?

WoW has a worse community, hands down. You can't prove me wrong. Remember this is the same community that killed the entire genre.

I think at this point they're just all equally garbage, actually I don't know a single MMO community that is any good

>people either salty tryhards or safespace retards

It's pretty bad

I can't think of any online gaming community that's good.

WoW is straight up worse in every way imaginable.

If your definition of MMO is a loose one, then LoL's community takes the cake, no doubt about it.

GW1 was surprisingly good from what I remember.

all I remember was salty NEETs and spam bots.

What's wrong with it?
It has its fair share of wierd furries/scalies but RP is pretty well quarantined
I've played since ARR and I think one person ever has been rude to me. I've had tons of people make things for me, boost me through a dungeon queue, even just give me money just by asking in a town.
People are a bit over nice/reddit-y but as gaming communities go that's a small crime indeed

City of Heroes was nice

>people gave me lots of free gibs me dats and carries
>i don't contribute anything to the game though
you are part of the problem and you don't even realise it

I hear nightmarish stories from XIV, generally from aether, but haven't experienced anything terribly awful on primal. PUGs are fine, and the only place to generally avoid is novice network.

Now, TESO on the other hand. Maybe there's not as many degenerates and dramafags there, but the skill floor is so very much lower. Tanks who aren't tanks, stealth-archers who plink away at enemy health bars with bow light attacks, dps who use a frost staff and didn't read the passive so they keep taunting the boss. There are so many instances where you have to carry an entire party. I'll take a blizzard wizard or netflix healer over those any day.

How do I not contribute anything to the game? I created an FC and help others clear content all the time. That's what MMOs are about cooperate with other people to do things
You're the kind of faggot that will cry about how muhh dungeon finders killed MMOs - and then when I say I grouped with people in game to clear content you call it 'boosting'
Dumb faggot

yikes judging by your reaction it looks like i hit the nail right on the head

I really hope relic armor is more than just dyeable AF3

gw2 has been the best community for me, very friendly people that are willing to help you out

the worst mmo community for me was runescape, not sure how it is right now

i tried wow for the first time 2 years ago because i had a 30 day free pass and it was a terrible experience, nobody to party with, nobody wants to help you, the world was damn near empty, people were just in the big cities afk, trading or just standing around... i hit level 20 and stopped playing. inb4 "you're late to the game" blah blah blah, i know... it's just my experience.

>get BTFO
>no response available
>haha look, you're reacting to my obvious bullshit, you must be so le mad!
Good one.

yeah you got BTFO hard and had no response other than trying to deny your own posts lol
>walks around town asking for gibs
>leeches carries
>contributes nothing
total cancer and oblivious to it baka

We dont have dyable AF3 yet, so that's exactly what its going to be.

A1N to A12N and Deltascape in trial roulette when?

Aether datacenter is the worst of FFXIV. on the flip side, Primal datacenter has been cool as fuck.



Battle of the communities, which is worse?

I'm just saying I hope there's multiple steps, with the last step being a new job armor skin

Nigga what? I spent a few weeks on primal and I ended up reporting 3 people. 1 for afk and two for being useless afking cunts. One of them was a healer than refused to do steps of faith because they swore it off forever. This shit was just a week ago as well, meaning after the insane nerfs to it. On aether ive reported just one person and black listed only one person.

Both servers are absolute trash at mechanics and DPS however.

This. Anyone on Aether is just asking for the worst of the worst

I can't wait to play 4.2 when it releases
I can't wait to play Eureka when it drops
>FFXV Royal Edition Update

>>FFXV Royal Edition Update
why the fuck would that stop you

I met a lot more friendly and social people on Primal compared to Aether where everyone is just a horny teenager or only talk to their private discord/linkshell cliques.

>Waiting for a release of a game and it's season pass

Really user?

>close knit group of friends
>almost all of my linkshells are them
>we raid together
>get salty as fuck during raid but otherwise we're fine
>ignore literally everyone else
>game is suddenly a lot more enjoyable
Sucks when I have to pug shit and I get a mnk pulling 600dps in full creation gear but beyond that life isn't so bad.

>Both servers are absolute trash at mechanics and DPS however.
that's every server except JP region

but Aether seems worse than Primal in terms of average player skill. Like people on Balmung actually think extreme primals are too hard.

Only the American playerbase ruins this games reputation. Playing on JP servers with other English speaking players who want to escape balmongoloids and redditmesh is the best.

Yoshida is a bigger hack than Tabata hands down.

a hack wouldn't get promoted to board of directors, he would get fired just like the guy that ran ffxiv 1.0

pso1 universe and everything after are only good if you're JP english speakers are cancer

Go to bed Koji-Fox

Pso and it's other online games aren't MMOs. If they were, Sega would call them MMOs instead of "online action rpg".

Well yeah of course if you have a static (with people that can actually play well) the game is great. The next level of hell for you will be "only login once a week to raid".

A hack would get promoted for sucking the dick of every other game that came before it on an update by update basis and not creating an interesting game in any sort of way at all. The only nice thing about FF14 are the visuals and the music. Even the music is pretty hit or miss too.

I can honestly say that for this raid tier, pugging Savage is easier than raiding with a static.

>friend pugs and clears O7S on week two and O8S the week after
>static just scrapes by with a O7S clear on week six

>216 Suspension for saying "Aight!Square up nigga" in U'dhal when some /box ed me
How fucker am I?

someone that hates you or is easily triggered reported you

baby get excited when they see lalafell

I drift in and out of that hell. I raid log until I give a shit again, level a couple jobs, and then raid log again.

Overwatches community is 100% the worst.

why is he in prison?

Wouldn't doubt if it was the former.
I was kicked from almost all the hunt Linkshells I was in for early pulling ARE hunts.

people still care about hunts?

based user blowing the fuck out of shitters

what anima do I make next?
already got PLD DRK and AST so not those obviously. Was considering SCH or BLM

why do relics? they're a huge waste of time and they are already obsolete.

I still find them fun

For distributing CP.

glamour is real endgame

the gameplay is completely braindead and the community is filled with degenerates

one look at the general on vg was all it took for me to refund

vg is aether datacenter which shouldn't be taken as example for the entire games community since you got people playing on yuro,japan,etc.

something to do mate.
also look cool

>which shouldn't be taken as example for the entire games community since you got people playing on yuro,japan,etc
why would i care about regions aside from my own. you're fucking dumb buddy

all of the biggest retards i've met in mmos so far were from WoW and i quit around 2010, i can't even imagine what it's like now

I like hunts too but I wish there was more incentive to do them.

in that case, go for BLM

you say community is filled with degenerates when you're playing on a server that's designated for degenerate instead of on a server that's not such as primal or chaos.

Fucking scum I hope he fries.


you should throw that baby in the garbage

WoW is by far the worst. People are given 3 button rotations and they still FUCK IT UP in NORMAL MODE content.

WoW honestly i swear to god wow players are so god damn hateful towards anyone who plays a different mmo

>that one FC member that lets everyone know you logged in as soon as you load the game and they want to do stuff together all the damn time

If anything, I just want people to learn how to undercut so it doesn't fuck both you and the other sellers in the end

they're right to be mad since pretty much every MMO straight up copies WoW down to the dungeon finder and boss mechanics.

so did they get mad when WoW copied relic weapons from FFXIV or is it only ok when Blizzard does it

Did you get your house, Sup Forums? What housing area?

i got my house but i lost out on the one i wanted thanks to some stupid catgirl

>park in front of empty plot i wanted
>goblet 18
>log in
>1600 in queue
>finally get into balmung
>plot is taken
>rush to gate
>see empty plots
>go buy plot 1 because plot 1 in goblet is awful and thus empty
>search for empty plot 18s
>find one
>snatch it from under 5+ people camping it while its cooldown was on

My static is shitting the bed and still haven't cleared o7s it's getting depressing how people can't stay concentrated for 12 minutes and I honestly don't know what I can do to get the clear at this point, we have a couple of good members but the rest come to fights completely blind and expect the others who have poured over povs and prepared in other ways to waste raid time going over every single mechanic and then dying repeatedly to it over and over until they eventually realise that maybe they should move over there. Fuck man I don't know how much more I can take of this community, it feels like if you aren't in a hardcore static raiding every night you might as well kiss your sanity and any decent progression goodbye.

>brimming heart
seriously, the only area in Goblet that is worth getting a home at.

I wish SE would do something to spruce that place up. It was sad seeing so many goblet plots open for days after the initial rush because of the terrible locations. My ward had most of the small plots still available

Got a large in shirogane, I'm happy and couldn't care less about housing for the rest of the playerbase anymore, weird how that works out.

Finally got a Shirogane house. Got plot 2, its tucked away next to a staircase and is close to the markets and everything.

Its a great plot. Bara roes and cat thots swimming in the hot spring, aesthetic as fuck holiday decorations.

I feel kind of bad that my house is relatively unfinished compared to my two neighbors, but i honestly didn't expect to get it so I didn't have any plans

is it me or is the average item level for stuff in PF keep fucking inflating to crazy levels each week? I used to be able to do susano ex no problem at ilvl 310, now everyones requiring ilvl 340+

any requirement over the minimum gear level to queue is just the party creator looking to get carried

>bara roe
>he's flexing towards my home

best plot

Large + Medium on my main and got a house for my two alts on different servers

>seemingly cute quest to help a loli during Little Ladies Day
>suddenly she's a ghost of a girl who was kidnapped and sold off to slavers during the holiday years ago
Goddamn I just wanted some cutesy adventure, not some spooky ass murder/rape story.

Nope. This one's the worst and you're cancer for supporting it.

Die already.

it's really frustrating as a new player or returning player. you see people demanding 100+ ilvls more than recommended for heavensward fights. if you make your own PF with lower ilvl then no one joins it.

It was dark af i kinda commend them for that

That always happens every tier, low ilvl generally indicates bad players because they aren't playing to get the better gear, even when someone doesn't have any mendacity gear it can mean (not always) that the person doesn't care about their DPS / gear and hence their performance will often be shit.

I think it did well to address something that needs to be in the back of everyone's mind. Not everyone is the Warrior of Light who'd do anything from pick up rocks to killing gods for the good of the people.

Remember, its a community's job to protect the princesses, not just one person

Thats what I actually like about it, a grim reminder of a world they already established has had lots of horrific things happen and still happening.

Coming into the game years ago, I really didn't expect some of the content within the lore/stories/quests that tackled some pretty heavy stuff.


I really wish you could send tells to people from different servers so I could send them my good parses even though I don't meet their ilvl. I know the mechanics and can dps well, I just haven't played in a while and I gear different roles so my ilvl isn't as high as it should be.

Shirogane, on the day the housing got unlocked. Got an SSD and put the game on it in preparation, to actually stand a chance with the horrendous loading times. I was one of the very first to successfuly log in, too. I could have grabbed a large, but i set out for mid instead. Worth every headache.

Posting my cat because she's the longest I've ever played a single character in any MMO. Singlehandedly cured my alt-itis.

On topic: I think TERA is worse. I don't see a lot of the bad in FFXIV; not to say I don't believe it's there, I just think it's a minority.

I had my house since heavensward, it's right by the beach in the mist. Honestly housing is overrated. You spend so much gil and subscription money for a doll house.