Why does Sup Forums hate action rpg?

Why does Sup Forums hate action rpg?

if it's a badly designed action RPG. Like FFXV.

Also, that webm is cherrypicked footage used by an infamous shitposter to try and make XV's combat look better than it's actually is.

This was supposed to be an rpg?

since when does shallow flashy shit count as the "action" of action rpg?

>This was supposed to be an rpg?

supposed to be.Not the game is like a fucking guinea pig that SE is experimenting with.

i love arpgs, but this game is a mess. It does not give a good feel of control over my character while attacking.

This, it's really unpleasant to play.

FFXV is a mistake that should have stayed buried
>Too graphically intense to run on consoles
>They had one chance to port it to a platform that could actually run it.....
>But end up releasing a shitty port
>Something like 60% of the game and world was cut
>What they salvaged is mediocre at best
>Combat for the most part devolved into holding two buttons
>You can press a third button to spice things up
>Product placement out the ass

>hold O for combat
great action

Why is he attacking those poor animals?

Awkward mix of both genres

thats a neat webm and everything but i fucking hate this game so much you dont even understand. it makes ffXIII's combat look like the greatest thing ever made by comparison, i have 15 so much i wont even spell it out in roman numerals. i hate it so much i hope the devs all fucking starve and die.

>Why is he attacking those poor animals?

a lot of side quests in XV are "go to this specific spot and kill everything"

>infmaous shitposter

It's several people, they take these webms from a Twitter account that makes silly bullshot edited gameplay clips, that's where the one HZD guy got his clips from. I'm shocked they haven't been posting the Monster Hunter one they made.

>It's several people, they take these webms from a Twitter account

I have only seen XV-kun post "cinematic" webms like the one in OP's to try and defend XV's combat and not an actual fucking fight.

I was thinking of reposting the horizon ones because they make autists start screaming, but im just too lazy

we don't

>action rpgs

I genuinely do not see why everyone hated FF15 because I genuinely liked it
Is it just a thing that long time fans of all the games hate? cause I've only played three of them

God that looks terrible

>cherrypicked footage

Wait, is that supposed to look good?

>God that looks terrible

welcome to FFXV.

One character WITHIN FFXV summed up XV.

according to the troll, yes.

Whoever recorded this webm is seriously just bad at the game
>wtf I only jumped and spammed warpstrike how did I get him omg bad game

>I genuinely liked it
Well, i'm happy for you, but you also probably have low standards
>Is it just a thing that long time fans of all the games hate?
Nope it's a more universal thing, it is just a bad game (bad combat, lacking scenario, empty open world, terrible fetch quests et c etc), that was released after way too long in an unacceptable state

No that's seriously just how it plays, it's an absolute mess.

4chins hates everything. There is nothing they like except some nostalgia bullshit that was considered mediocre on release.

Its my first FF game and I only downloaded it to test my new PC, it really has some of the worst gamepay I've ever seen in a game. A clunky hold button input scheme, poorly coded attack tracking, they forgot to animate attack cues for enemies and it has no difficulty. I feel bad that people waited 10 years for that.

Real question: how do I perform a link strike consistently.

dark souls is great

There's never a reason to do anything else since you can easily heal any damage you suffer.

>Real question: how do I perform a link strike consistently.

to be honest, no idea. It feels random when they happen. No idea if any of the patches since Feb 2017 made getting them easier or not.

>There's never a reason to do anything else since you can easily heal any damage you suffer.
This. There is no cooldown to item usage

I actually have really high standards for games but for some reason I just really liked it, been a while since I really liked a game and I had fun with the combat but then again I played far differently than the people in the threads. I enjoyed the the fetch quests and open world cause I just admired the animations and visuals the whole time while I was roaming around and I really liked the setting and towns.
I only waited 7 years luckily but I still am glad I liked it, it's on my top 5 list. Then again this is just purely opinionated if it's a terrible game to everyone that's fine I just really enjoyed it.

lol that looks nothing like ingame gameplay

What the fuck happened to this game? All the trailers were hype as hell but it just isn't fun, missing a lot of content that you have to pay extra for, and basically boiled down the series into a "hold button to win" fuckfest.

The only people I see legitimately enjoying this game are tumblr and husbandofags

Guess who came to say hello, guys ?


>touched up webms
What's the point

Nevermind I know who you're talking about
I was never in any XV-kun threads but didn't he have a tripcode?

>What the fuck happened to this game? All the trailers were hype as hell but it just isn't fun, missing a lot of content that you have to pay extra for, and basically boiled down the series into a "hold button to win" fuckfest.

all the good trailers were back when Noruma was in charge.

then Tataba, the hack, took over and XV went to shit.

it's not "you know who". He would deny that the game was worked on for 7 years and say that
>if it's a terrible game to everyone
that those people did not play XV.

>I was never in any XV-kun threads but didn't he have a tripcode?

nope. He never uses a trip because if he did, we would just filter his shitposting ass.

>got XV for console
>haven't beaten it yet, kinda burned myself out grinding up hunter rank and getting sidetracked
>really tempted to get it for PC for some reason
somebody stop me

I only see tumblrfags hating it though?

Makes sense, I didn't know.

Why does this looks so nice? 4K textures, or is it just the benefits from down sampling the original source?

I can guess why, even Sup Forums thinks the female characters got shafted hard. Specifically in importance, this game really is just for fujos, casuals and contrarians.

I liked Luna, iris, and Cind

Good for you I guess, I did too except I feel nothing for Luna because she had no screentime or character to speak of. I wanted to like them a lot more than I did but the game fell flat super fucking hard when it came to non-party characters. Also it's Cidney

The female characters were treated like garabge though, luna who's supposed to be a central piece of the scenario is almost invisible and dies like a bitch, cidney completelly disappears after a certain point of the game plus i really don't like her outfit ( aside from the fact that she looks fucking hot, it's not really practical for her job so it kinda throws me off). Iris ..... who ?, gentianna .... who ?

Video editing

That's... exactly what I said? What do you think shafted means besides dicking?

oh fuck sorry i wanted to answer to

Did people who played the game actually do this or is this just literal retards?
Every weapon had directional inputs and move sets.

Whoever is playing here is retarded.

>Did people who played the game actually do this or is this just literal retards?

the combat tutorial said that Holding O was the best way to go.

and it's not like you needed those directional inputs

Looks like an average NIntendo fan. Make sure to preorder Octopath Traveller that looks like dogshit!

The combat tutorial is wrong than. You literally do better moves/can chain easier/do more damage with inputs. What the fuck, play the fucking game.

>directional inputs and move sets.
People keep saying this specifically one person but I finished the game and all they do is change the direction your animations take you then there's a different finisher. There's literally no depth to the combat, you just pick the weapon the enemy is weak to and wail on them with the occasional dodge for which there is a massive fucking prompt and no timing required or friend tactic whatever they were called.

imagine going back in time and showing this to somebody from 2003

>What the fuck, play the fucking game.

I did. I didn't find them to be that useful in combat.

>People keep saying this specifically one person but I finished the game and all they do is change the direction your animations take you then there's a different finisher.
For example the spear down circle does a charge thrust, or the great Sword does a heavy swing you can actually hold to charge.

I agree the game doesnt have much depth but I can't recall any action RPG that really does. You are just retarded.
The real issue with the game is the reactive inputs were too easy.

They would think its a CGI movie.

Like I said it's just a different finisher. Changing the animation doesn't actually do anything beyond look different and maybe have a higher chance of staggering the enemy.

Not at all, when many of them have movement changes/damage differences/ and effects. Seriously, did you just do the main quest and hold O the entire time? Did you do the dungeons at least? I can't believe you can be this retarded as to not even try out inputs.

>runs around in circle for no reason
>runs around in circle again for no reason
>jumps off

Breath of the Wild combat depth in a nutshell

I did everything in the game except the deep dungeons because traversing the same room 100 times got mind numbingly boring after the first one. I used everything the game had to offer, it is astoundingly shallow I don't know what depth you're imagining but it isn't there.

>Did you do the dungeons at least?

not him but I did the ones that got you Royal arms and nothing else because fuck the combat

people actually play final fantasy?

its literally the nba 2k of the rpg genre

there are much more exciting and diverse rpgs out there, such as suikoden and smt

ff needs to die

They were actually really cool and had unique bosses.

sorry no one's biting user

You're an idiot. I'm talking about the person in the webm focusing on style while not doing much of anything. It's not the games combat for me, it's how fucking stupid the person that made the webm is.

They're mediocre action games and bad RPGs.

You just did Switchlet.

I actually really liked FFXV.
I'm angry Tabata wants to change the fucking ending.
I'm angry the port is a broken mess.

Ultimately it's a very ambivalent product.

>b-but nintendo
calm down sonygro

Ya, reminds me of BOTW

The animation of him hitting the enemy is so awful it looks like he spanks it's ass.

not worth the bad combat.

Costlemark was already hell.

I didn't say anything about Sony.

Look you can play the game in this terrible way
>isnt that completely boring and not fun?
yes, look how dumb it is
>well, is that the best way to play the game?
well, no...
>is it the fastest way to play the game?
well, no...
>does the game in any way force or incentive you to play like this?
well, no...
>then why the fuck are you playing like this???!
because I want to record myself doing it to make the game look bad in Sup Forums?

checkmate, I guess?

that happens because the game only checks how close you are to the active enemy weapon hitbox when you dodge, not where you are in relation to its facing

>is it the fastest way to play the game?
Actually it is, because the alternative is a bunch of useless fluff that doesn't actually do anything besides look pretty. Rushing headfirst like that is the best dps you can get, and there's no consequences since you can just spam items.

Pathetic. The thread isn't even about BOTW.

Its fucking confusing. The attacks have no real kick to them, theres no consistent timing between each slash, when a hit connects it feels awkward. Jesus this game could have been twice as good if they let someone who knows a bit about action combat design it. Who the fuck likes holding down a button to perform a combo?

Also outside of the daggers, sword and greatsword most of the attacks feel the same and even the three I listed are extremely limited. Noctis as a character should play like fucking Vergil given his powers but jesus its just awful.


your "argument" in a nutshell

Equip the bros with friendship bands and try to always position yourself behind the enemy. Parrying also works.

>Final Anime
>Final Anime
>Final Anime

Different Movesets implies different combos for each individual weapon. Noctis only has one sword combo unless you tap which he will then perform a shitty looking finisher. Also the directional imputs are kinda meh. Would have much prefered a tap the button system that allowed use of extra buttons.

Also dont tell me to tap the buttons since it works since it kind of doesn't. Feels like shit when I tap a button but Noctis is doing his own thing out of sync with my tapping.

what's the twitter account?

What should I spend my AP on? is one skill tre objectively better than the other?

Was this game any good? It looks great

it's an average 7/10.

>What should I spend my AP on? is one skill tre objectively better than the other?

spend AP on the skills that get you more AP

also eat every meal at every diner

Start with the exploration tree so you can grind AP as you go through the game.

Ive maybe played two final fantasy games and only ever finished 7. But when Versus 13's (now 15) trailer was released I was seriously hyped for it considering an interview came shortly afterwards saying how it was going to be a full action combat game. I hyped it for 10 years and was utterly disgusted with the end result. Whole game felt like a fucking tech demo for their new engine.

I like it too, user. The alternate Ignis ending pissed me off because of how it broke the fucking rules just to satisfy the fruitcakes.

This footage is heavily edited by some twitter account to look 10x more cinematic and more appealing. The actual game looks nothing like it nor that smooth.

Are... are you me?

I think a lot of people felt this way user.

it was ok. pretty comfy atmosphere, neat characters, lots of sidequests some really creative dungeons, some less creative dungeons, plenty of grind

The teamwork and combat trees are best, but you'll want to level the exploration tree to get there quicker.

>console games
shit taste. why Sup Forums doesn't play real games for real man, not this fruity DSP difficulty games