>buy game, agree to TOS, play on a private server
>act like an edgy Sup Forumstard
>complain when you get banned
Why do brainlets do this?
Buy game, agree to TOS, play on a private server
Neocommunists are dogshit
>Halo 2 let you scream nigger and faggot at the top of your lungs
>Everyone laughed and screamed it back
What game?
>pre 2007 was good
>post 2007 is bad
>buy game, agree to TOS, play on a private server
>act like an edgy Sup Forumstard
>complain when you get banned
>a retard makes a thread about it
Why do brainlets do this?
>Every person who bans racist is a commie
Okey dokey.
>buy game, agree to TOS, play on a private server
>act like an edgy Sup Forumstard
>complain when you get banned
>implying stirring up the SJW this makes you a brainlet
OP is a faggot as always
Don't worry, this developer's games are all borderline flash game shit. You don't have to worry about encountering this cuck.
>Be black
>say nigga all the time
>me and my black friend call each other nigga
>some scawny white dude with thick rimmed glasses and a red soviet flag sticker on his lunchbox calls me out and calls me racist
>I tell him it's ok, I'm black
>we carry on
Prove me wrong you fucking piece of shit
Free speech only protects you in govermental instances.
Free speech arguments does not work in the private sector.
it should. we need a first amendment that applies to tech companies and their customers.
>Valve is now also SJW devs
where did we go so wrong...?
>playing overwatch
>someone keeps killing my team in cheep ways
>they start gloating and calling us niggers
>report him
I dont care about people who say things like niggers and I think banning them is excessive.but i fucking hate hanzo mains
>Chad SJW Dev
>Virgin beta consumer
different observer here,
nice argument pinko faggot. Even if you're not literally a commie, you stink of the same madness.
>crying to mods
I guess crying worked because scatter arrow is out ;)
>private server
Fuck you're stupid
Why do you feel you deserve such a right? Do you not value private property, communist?
this is the same people that cry about vac bans
>"I din du nuffin"
he didn't buy the game, it's an indie f2p with microtransactions
no, on someone private property may it be land or a server it cant exist if someone comes in your house and starts shitting up the place you have the right to send him away.
if some player comes into the servers you help maintain and before hand has agreed to the tos but still the decide to shit up the place then they have the full right to ban that person
Why should the creator of the game have the power to ban people from online play completely because of what happens on PRIVATE servers? Moreover, why do they even care enough about what happens on said private servers to ban them in the first place?
If you're on a private server why do they even give a fuck?
It's called a gateway, boy. Once they have enough rules battening every aspect of your life, they'll get you to self police sub consciously and be easier to manage. The whole goal is subversion and compliance. Along with putting crap in the food and everything else.
shut up commie
>defending the concept of private property makes me a commie.
Honest question, do you have schizophrenia or is there a history of it in your family?
It's just cheap advertisement. This thread is advertisement, probably made by the dev himself. Not only he can signal his virtue, but he can also create controversy, which means free advertising.
>literally the definition of commienism makes me a commie
>private company enforcing rules on private servers will lead to government doing the same
nice slippery slope
You need to read some books man, then compare with politics and socio-economics. People like you just stare on as yet another great kingdom is falling.
So, when a bunch of niggers and thugs go and loiter about your house, you're going to let them stay right?
lmao grasping at straws now commie
go back to your hugbox at reddit
commies are not allowed here and should be banned
The fuck it did, just because you didn't get your ass reported enough or were lucky enough to get a mod in a game with you doesn't mean they let you do anything. You just flew under the radar like most little 12 year old shits.
So that's a yes then. There's nothing to be ashamed about it, but you really need to seek professional help before you hurt yourself.
>a flaseflagger and a guy who shares his real opinion arguing back and forth while the falseflagger is going "IM SILLY"
I fucking hate this site
The number of decals you put on your car is directly proportional to how much of a twat you are.
false equivalence. I don't think private companies banning from their product (unless it was bought) should be made illegal by gov powers, but it should be mocked and heavily looked down upon. People should take back control of their own domicile.
>being a snowflake
hilarious how easily offended libtards are
How do you know its a false flag and not someone who is legitimately retarded? Give the retards of Sup Forums some credit, they're not all pretending.
thats not really out of the ordinary though. plenty of people in the world hate niggers and not just white people either
Being a twat isn't bound to any political view.
except democrats
because of the picture bud
I wonder if this person actually knows what liberalism is
Why are people that started playing video games this generation so soft? 360/PS3 kiddies weren't this bad.
>complaining about what people do with their private property
Deal with it Communist
it's basically communism
they want to remove free trade and free market and the free movement
>thinking people can't actually be that stupid
First day on Sup Forums?
Come on dude... How new are you.
I've been here all summer.
nvm im probably talking to the guy who posted the picture lol
They banned a faggot for talking shit you autistic faggot retard cocksucker idiot and you act like the world is out to get you, you are fucking pathetic
It really boggles my mind why third worlders think rules don't apply to them
this meme needs to be banned
I guess you never researched a communist tactic called "a victory by increments". They will chip away at everything you love until you don't notice its been replaced with sterile beige trash.
If we start banning the truth because it's hurting people fee-fees we'd be no better than tumblr.
t. soyboy libtard
Choose one and only one.
An interesting question to ask is why conservatives/libertarians never create their own games where people are allowed to say whatever they want without consequence.
>all these kids getting upset over getting banned for behaving like kids
Grow up. If you think this is normal acceptable behavior outside of Sup Forums, you may have serious autism.
>Be black
>say nigga all the time
>me and my black friend call each other nigga
>some scawny white dude with thick rimmed glasses and a red soviet flag sticker on his lunchbox calls me out and calls me racist
>calls me a liar and a white supremacist
>*You have been permanently banned from the server.*
Why doesn't Sup Forums just use it to report all pavement apes? Then you won't have to deal with them in your games.
the jews are stopping us
Look up Yuri Bezminov on youtube. Their ghost still plagues this country like they never died.
I notice you fags use "grow up" alot. Like a child trying to mimic an adult, insisting they are mature and wise, by jumping up and down or acting the moral high ground. Your hubris will cost your future generations. Along with apathy.
Wrong, the Supreme Court already ruled that online media still falls under the protections of the first amendment, as a "virtual town square". We're just waiting for the first lawsuit to come up.
Because they're being suppressed by the other side user! Any time I try to get capital for my game people call it a scam, and why? Is it because I have no formal training, is it because I have a criminal record for various credit fraud, is it because I have no studio, team, or business plan? No it's because of the Jews/SJWs/Big Government.
It was until you faggots showed up and took part on every company
The only 2 midnight releases I have ever gone to were for Skyrim and Borderlands 2. Both times I played the game for around ~12 hours before going to sleep. Its been 7 years and Im graduating college, will I ever get to have that fun again? I know it is part me, but no game has been as exciting or open ended since (tesv). What was the last game that fully captivated you?
>I notice you fags use "grow up" alot. Like a child trying to mimic an adult, insisting they are mature and wise, by jumping up and down or acting the moral high ground. Your hubris will cost your future generations. Along with apathy.
Leftists have this weird habit of "pretending to be right", without actually going through that minor detail of arguing why their position is the correct one. Other common terms are
>It's the current year!
>You're on the wrong side of history!
>What I support means progress!
Hi pot, name's kettle
Stellaris. I put about 20 hours into it the first time I booted it up. The fact that every patch that comes out fucks the game up more and more is painful.
>While the court’s decision may set certain parameters for governments looking to restrict people’s online access,
>it has no bearing on what companies like Facebook and Twitter can do.
>As private companies, they are already free to ban anyone who violates their terms of service
Game mods have been banning for harassment and racism since day one kiddo.
Social media. To us, there's a clear distinction between real life and the internet. We don't mind calling each other candle sniffing fuck-fences because that's just the online banter. To these newcomers, there is no distinction. Everything is connected, not just with a username, but with a real identity.
Why do you think so many online services started asking for real names 5 years ago? It was absolutely unthinkable to give away your name on XBL/PSN last generation, but the default setting on the newer consoles is to show your full real name. Youtube outright told you not to include personal information in your page, until the shift to Google+ when they tried to force users into using their real names on a social network instead. It's not corporations pushing the Orwellian internet - these newcomers are asking for it, and corporations are happy to oblige.
>WAAAH I got banned for being racist and acting like a retard in an online game! DUMB LIBTARD KEKS
Oh Sup Forums you so silly. I'm not even a leftist. Keep up the tears.
no but you're a communist (extreme rightwing)
>I'm not even a leftist.
You one of those soft spined "centrists" who think they won't be getting a bullet from the victors in a few years?