Was in prison for the last 5 years, what games am I in for
Was in prison for the last 5 years, what games am I in for
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Overwatch is as good as it gets
go back, nothing is worth living for anymore
Didn't miss too much
The Witcher 3 mate it'll cure your depression
Lots of bad games, I suggest playing games that are 10 years old or older
That you Lex?
Half Life 3
Skyrim of course
aren't they giving you guys ipads in the clink now? you couldn't find an emulator?
Nothing online. You get banned for saying nigger and faggot now.
Thad holy shit how have you been
i was busy emulating heterosexuality
you're gonna want to go back after playing the shite these days.
Welcome back, user. Try and stay out of trouble this time. Oh, and quick, play this game before anyone tells you about it, especially Sup Forums.
Sony is still the king, baybee.
Here's your starter pack, pal.
Why would you bother doing that in prison? Prison has got to be fantastic for faggots.
>Was in prison for the last 5 years
See boys this is what happens when you pirate
Bruh I would go back to jail if I was you. The world has jumped the shark since 2013.
Monster Hunter World
Stellaris is pretty good.
Bannerlord still isn't out yet.
That's a nice blanket user. Look soft.
i killed someone user but they couldnt prove it
stay away from the internet
pretend like it's still 2013
don't learn anything new
thats alot of weeb shit
>filename from July 2017
OK user.
You thought you killed me but I lived bitch
>this face ruins the fap
Nope, although I was caught pirating once, had to pay 915 Euro....
Wait, he's out?
Kyle Paramore?
>still doesn't know Japanese games are by and large better overall than Western games
aaaaand now i'm searching for this on xvideos. thx user
Was Grand Kingdom good? I just got it off PS Plus.
I call bullshit. You could murder 100 plus people and Europe and they'd only give you 2 years and they'd still let you game while you were inside.
what kind of games did you like before prison?
I started in on vita last week and it seemed pretty good. Not sure how it runs on ps4 though.
Please tell me more about the laws of an entire continent of ~50 countries you've never been to
the fuck is that?
As said, could you take another pic without all that shit in the way?
How's disgaea 5 ?
Yeah, I bet faggots just love having dicks forced up their torn up bloody anus. Very romantic.
>Shit broken combat
Fallout, Bioshock, DXHR, CoD4, Dragon Age, Batman, Dead Space
>nothing worth living
Nigga I got to see 3D Mario go back to it’s 64 roots after getting more linear with each game
Grand theft auto
I was there last month. Fucking armed robbers are given suspended sentences half the time.
Feature from Sup Forums X that lets autistic shitposters get away from being called out for posting the same picture over and over again.
>what games am I in for
How the fuck should I know what games sent you to prison?
I mean yeah, probably. Haven't you ever met a faggot?
It's actually April 3rd, but what's the big deal about the date? I took that photo and it satisfies OPs request.
Haven't you ever met a faggot?
Yeah. I am talking to (You) aren't I?
Fallout 4 came out and it's complete garbage.
better than what you left with the last time, somehow
not much but still
Prison architect
Monster Hunter is back on a Playstation console again.
ohhhh. thanks.
>can't even quote
You have to go back.
Trump won and America is doomed. It is honestly more safe in prison now that all the Nazis are roaming the streets.
this is why you look at MD5 instead for when you wanna check/out someone as shitposter
sure you gonna get randoms but if every file name is also different while every post is a pure shitpost then that will tell a tale of its own too
You don't deserve a meme arrow or a (You)
There are new CoD's, Fallout 4, maybe even a newish Batman game.. I haven't been keeping up.
Popular games at the moment are games like Dark Souls 3, Monster Hunter World, Player Unknown's BattleGrounds. Of those games I can only recommend Dark Souls 3 due to personal tastes but Monster Hunter is getting real popular.
At the moment, Nintendo's console the 'Switch' is a year old and has a pretty nice stack of good games. If you just want to play games that I liked in the past couple years, I'd recommend DOOM (2016 Doom game, is honestly pretty impressive compared to other modern FPS titles), Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild. (got many game of the year awards and lets you kinda just sink into it for hours). Dark Souls 3 (all Souls games are fun and each one has been more refined than the last). Mortal Kombat X (sequel to the Mortal Kombat reboot).
Can't really think of much else off the top of my head.
If you think Nazi's are walking beside you at you are really mistaken
I wish the Nazi's we're taking over your shithole of a country, it might be a cure for the infestations that's been left to thrive over the last 85 years
>Trump won
Best timeline.
Fucking golden post
You got fucking wrecked, stupid nigger.
like i said..
crimes on the lives of people are highly punishable in even the most developed parts of europe. a lot of smaller shit is what people get away without life ruined and stuff doesn't stack as hard, but violent behavior is looked extremely harshly down upon and yields massively higher punishments than are otherwise common
hows this?
Prison architect
But only if you are not muslim
Imagine being such a faggot you unironically claim to be afraid of nazis.
>an ideology based on using the state's power solely for protecting and nurturing a flourishing nation and its people
O noes how terrifying
>its an user gets out of prison and immediately begins HRT episode
And you still can't quote ya neogaf fuggee samefaggot.
>proceeds to kill millions of innocent jews
Terrifying indeed.
Just like all those dindu's in America right now. Totally innocent.
>facebook frog
ok I guess I'll be the one to ask: what did you do OP?
can't punish the dead
OP obviously doesn't care enough to samefag but go ahead and keep trying to save face on this anonymous Chinese cartoons discussion forum, it just makes you look even worse. Btw not replying to you anymore, stay mad.
I think even the Jews realize they probably had it coming.
>Btw not replying to you anymore,
Don't worry I want talk to you or your wife's son ever again. Especially if you fuck off back where you came from neofaggot.
Nothing but soyboy weeb shit
Nah thads out in october