She is just kidding r-right g-guys?

She is just kidding r-right g-guys?

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of course NoA meme dialogue is core canon!

Marina prefers fries over chicken nuggets don't listen to a word that stupid bitch says

>He prefers chicken nuggets over fries

I don't trust anything you say.


I feel like that would be something Pearl would say, especially since they made Marina side with Love. How can you believe in both?
Once again NoA Treehouse butchers their personalities.

One job.

The egg clearly came first because dinosaurs.

Obviously the fucking egg came first. Dinosaurs laid eggs. Fish lay eggs.

What about the first chicken egg? Is it the egg the first chicken hatched from or the first egg layed by a chicken after they evolved?

I want some of Marina's eggs

The former
Evolution does not happen over the course of one creature's life

No shut up
There would have had to be an inbetween step, a single mother child pair with one that counted as a chicken, and one that didn't. The mother (nonchicken) laid an egg, it hatched into something we count as a chicken. Probably some extremely minor skull mutation or something, it's always something stupid like that.

Egg came first.

>those pics

Shitty theme. Euro splatfest tier

This, the egg came first in the context of the chicken. But thats not the philosophical question being asked here.

I believe life first came from the formless matter combining together in inconceivable ways to make the first life form. Might have been an egg, might not of been.


The worst crime in art is when a good artist ruins his or her work for the sake of low tier fetishes.

Also, if you go outside right now to a busy street you will see 4-7 black or white cars for every 1 red car.

The better question is, is this comment directed toward us players of the game, or is it a videogame character breaking the fourth wall by outwardly stating that she's just doing and saying what she was programmed to say.

the later


perl ugly

Nah futa is great. If you want some human crap just go to a human porn site or browse a more common artist via your favorite website.
