How's your game coming along? You have been making progress on it, right?
How's your game coming along? You have been making progress on it, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>construct 2
>unreal engine 4
can we ban these shitter engines from being discussed?
I've tried talking my brother into using Unity, but he insists on using Unreal 4.
Why are they bad? I thought modern Unreal Engine was just a better Unity
Because this user, who hasn't actually made a game and just wants attention, said so.
been trying to make a good testroom for it
i tried construct 2 and it was a mess, dunno about the differences with ue and unity
That's it I'm gonna buy those coding books from the humble bundle and make a game. Thanks pal!
Where`s your game OP?
I'm not really an "artsy" person, so take this with what ever salt you feel necessary, but your character blends in too well with the background. I had to look for a bit to find her. Not sure if this is going to be a platformer or a bullet hell, but if the player can't see the character it is going to be a lot harder for them to play.
this, add a black outline to the character
> guy with the nes style furry game
> blanco guy
> guy with the silent hill style game
> guy with no assets that has been programming blocks jumping around and fighting
> guy with the paper Mario knock off
> all the space shooters
> bad pixel art side scroller with just the jump mechanic programmed
thanccs i guess
oh i`m aware of it, this still a mockup but it`s good to know that you are feeling the same, makes it a priority fix now, also is going to be a platformer. thanks!
Made some concept art, the character is an escaped prisoner than can shapeshift into an eldritch monster
Which of the bottom of the designs do you guys like the most?
4th one (from the left)
2 or 3
post concepts of the monster
The face covering on far right is really good, and the full robes are good.
But desu the best one of all is whichever you like the most, user
I only have this unfinished painting of a single monster concept
i want to avoid the outline solution, what would you think about brighting up the unnecessary objects?
it`s that the transformation of the guy or another dude?
It's an idea for a monster form of the aforementioned escaped prisoner
The basic premise of the game is you play as an evil shapeshifter rampaging through a medieval world while player controlled bounty hunters try to kill you
Fuckin' wicked, dude.
Head of 2 clothing of 5
4th from left legs, 3rd from left top.
id darken the background over lighting it
Nice eyes remind me of the Wolf demon from berserk
C++ 2d roguelike.
Don't have a good setup for actors-tilemap communication yet. Vectors and indices and index copies are shit
Inventory system is done and I have a basic scene up for testing. Next I'll make a few basic items and spawn them to test the full interaction pipeline.
So many responses, thanks for the input my dudes
>you play as an evil shapeshifter
>player controlled bounty hunters
can you rephrase that? Or do you mean the game is multiplayer
Yes, the game is multiplayer
i`ll try both options when the time is given, thanks!
that sounds cool as shit man
Learning to model. Next step is rigging, then dropping into Unity to play with some animation trees and build a movement prototype.
Give her a light shadow or something, mate. pic related
huh, I just noticed my drawing has 4 fingers vs the 5 that I hated making while modeling.
concept "art"
you should probably be making actual assets or learning how to draw instead of jerking off to the idea that you're a big game developed making your ~ideas~ come to life
i`ll add that too to the list of solutions, will upload an image with various options so you guys can give me some feedback (but it will take some time) also, thanks for the fanart and interest
b-but I have made assets
dev animations and some tilesets anyway
Figured out the native zooming code I was using for the navmap just changed the FOV (fuck you your spine deserves to melt if you do this), so rewrote that and also added controls to pan the map.
you don't need "concept art" for shit of that shit quality, come on
Shit I wanna fuck this monster!
nonconstructive opinion duly noted
moving on
lets see your game :^)
this me bow for bow game
go to deviantart if you want to whine about MUH CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM ONLY
jesus christ your shitty attempts at drawing belong there anyhow
Don't listen to that tart. What madman settles on a design before putting it to paper?
bow wow, looking good, where are you modeling?
>"instead of hashing out a ton of different concepts in thirty minute doodles you should spend all your time on making your first thing the best thing!
so you can tell how much effort a thing takes to do just by looking at it? do you think the guys that do creative work just say "yeah this is fine" at the first try? have you ever created something in your life?
sorry for answering with questions
the second one looks pretty dope
I give up
Who one man army here?
to start at least
right here, too tired or uninspired 90% of the time to work on a game to adhere to a schedule. Would rather work by myself during the 10% of the time I'm actually interested in it.
I love the metal crown of thorns along with both torn clothes although I think the fully bandaged second look and second symbol with 1's top and wrapped stomach and 4 or 5's bottoms would look the best.
Make him talk like the invisible man under the wraps
Also made the basics of underspatial rifts, which destroy storms if you take them out.
>make assets aimlessly with no guidelines
The whole point of concept art is to quickly hash out low detailed drawings to show a design to whoever needs to see it. There's plenty of indie devs on youtube that upload videos of themselves going through their process
This guy farts out a bunch of interesting designs pretty quickly and sort of talks about why he designs each weapon the way he does.
Today I made a bat swoop
It was a good day
>mfw trying to understand NOT logic
Why are there storms in space?
i think that assuming that someone didn`t passed trough the same process of the guy in the video is a little senseless, it`ll be foolish to make a dump of all your steps while creating something here by fear to be called a blogger, etc
you baited a ton of people
well done
put me in the screen cap
How else are underspatial snakes supposed to reach realspace?
The character lacks an identity. His face is obscured and his clothing does not look distinctive. He looks like an NPC instead of a hero.
I think the background is quite nice but I'd play around with different color palette as this will hurt people's eyes. It's just about color balance I think everything looks pretty nice for what they are.
Make the character bigger. Change the colors and add outlines. If you don't want to add outlines then just use some popping colors for the character.
I want to make small universe simulation. Can you give me pseudocode for simulating gravitational effects between each particle. It's derived from Newton's F=ma but I'm a brainlet.
I was making some first-steps progress on my 2nd game with GMS. That's put on hold though. I was having just a ton of trouble learning GMS (I guess I'm a retard since everyone says GM is easy). I basically dropped it at this point and am now learning C++ through a couple of online tutorials. I'm hoping to be able to create that same game in C++ though, the game itself is meant to be really simple.
This is about as far from simulation as you can possibly get in any capacity and I despise realism.
>identityless and faceless
He's a shapeshifter, that's the point, also he's not meant to be a hero by any means
I'm a fan of 2nd from the left
You have a great framework for space shooter. Just keep on going. I'm playing around with Houdini and I thought if you have a quick formula for calculating gravitational effect between two points. I think the system will get exponentially harder to calculate the more points you add so the optimal situation is only two points but that's not optimal. The stuff scientists do when simulating universe involves having hundreds of millions of points.
im learning shader shit, hopefully ill give my game a good aesthetic
Don't be lame, user
it won't. Shaders are a tool to improve your art direction, not make the art direction.
I recently found other game devs in my state, but they seem like sjws
going to gamedev meetups in real life is awkward as fuck, it's nearly as bad as joining an anime club. And I speak from experience before social justice was a thing, I cant imagine how it is now
yeah the colors can get in the way`ill tone them down or try different palletes, about the character size i want to keep her tiny in the screen but the sample image is maybe a little bit too much, popping colors might be a nice alternative too for highlighting the character, thanks for the feedback!
I don't see how it's being lame. /vg/ was made specifically to house recurring threads on Sup Forums, and I'm not sure why you guys make threads here everyday when /vg/ has been doing game dev threads for years.
cause the /vg/ threads are absolute garbage
then make them not garbage by actually making games. I still don't see the need for two simultaneous game dev generals across two boards.
they're garbage because they're an insular degenerative community
This is the only game dev thread. /agdg/ is for pedo posters.
Made an API for a Password Server
The API is meant to be run internally and securely. No one except for my next project Authentication Server should be able to access it.
It has 2 endpoints
>"Create account"
Pass it an integer representing an account id, and 3 passwords (primary password, secret question answer 1, secret question answer 2)
>"Validate password"
Pass it an account id, the type of password you're validating, and the password itself.
Passwords are encrypted in a pretty standard way using .NET Core's encryption classes
>Every password is HASHed and SALTed, which you can google if you're interested in what that means.
>HASHes are hashed 15K~ and 30k~ times based on a random value derived from the SALT and provided password, so every password has additional protection.
>The number of hashes is just about right to deter brute force attacks.
Was a pretty fun project.
Next I wanna make an Authentication Server that works with it to authenticate people.
Basically I'm building out components I need for a multiplayer game, but could be used for any multiplayer game, that way if I decide to do something different later on I still have usable stuff to work with.
I wouldn't mind open sourcing it when I'm done, but it has some more boilerplate stuff and testing to be releasable.
MMORPG here I come
there are still lots of recurring threads on Sup Forums, /vg/ didn`t fixed anything it just created cesspools
Would making a gamedev board be too extreme?
I'm reading the current thread now. It's largely the same, with a little more shitposting. They're posting updates and advice.
What more do you want? Go make your own board if you want your own safe dev space.