>tfw your best friend calls your 2017 GOTY a repetitive, empty, sleep inducing waste of 60 bucks
>"Those guys made Bayonetta right? I fucking hate those faggots"
>Only played the first three missions
>He loved Metal Gear Rising
Tfw your best friend calls your 2017 GOTY a repetitive, empty, sleep inducing waste of 60 bucks
Other urls found in this thread:
nier is a shallow mess with no difficulty and balance
He's not wrong and actually has good taste in vidya.
Just accept when you're a shit loving loser, faggot.
What game
Your friend is right.
It hurts senpai, I at least got 1 friend to play until ending e
I see the ADHD brainlets are here
Why are the androids supposed to suppress emotion again? Just because? Seems like a silly rule to make.
why the fuck do you care? just shut up and play your game.
he isn't wrong.
Have a friend who constantly refuses to check out things I suggest to him, despite him enjoying similar titles. He's afraid of the whole "weeb" thing, even though it has nothing to do with the shit I suggest. He also turned into a prick lately with the way he has acted. Thinking of just dropping his ass because it's the second time hes done this shit.
But he's right. MGR was much better and a boring slog like Nier was.
>"Complaining about gameplay issues? You're just a dumb Platinumfag. Taro's games are SUPPOSED to be bad, you just aren't smart enough to understand this."
>implying you know anything about his taste in vidya
Just because you think a lot of games are shit doesn't mean you're a video game patrician Sup Forums.
>play nier
>it's grindy weebshit with sexualized MC
>sold the game back to gamestop
Considering getting this game on PC since it's on sale, but I heard the port is godawful and the tutorial is an hour long and has no save points so you're fucked if you die/game crashes.
>sexualized MC
I feel awful that someone bought me Near the Tomato, it was like other Platinum games but with watered down, worse combat, high school tier existentialism and trash characters. It was a mistake.
>Sup Forums suddenly hates Near A Tomato for no reason at all
I'm done with this shitty fucking board
If it takes you an hour to get past the intro you are retarded.
Nier: Automata is a great game.
Here's your (you), dangling in my post.
Crashing is not really an issue. There's shit that should have been fixed in a day one patch, but there never was a fucking patch at all. In full screen, it won't render in the correct resolution. You need the "FAR" mod for that. With that mod, you're also able to tweak the lacking performance. AA in-game for some reason is more taxing than AA forced through the nvidia control panel. Most guides also recommend not using the ingame vsync and force it through the panel instead. It's a fucking mess, but entirely playable.
oh no, it's like different people have different opinions.
You should just go ahead with your plans tho
Not no reason, it's because it became popular and critically acclaimed. Sup Forums is contrarian as fuck and as soon as a game is widely liked people here will act like they always hated it, despite how popular it was on the board before the high quality of the game got noticed elsewhere.
Sup Forums is contrarian as fuck and it makes discussion impossible for anything that's even slightly well received elsewhere.
He's not wrong, but MGR is also garbage
Sounds like a hassle. Oh well the game is on sale for nearly 2 weeks so I'll have time to decide.
You'd have to be a total brainlet to die during the prologue. It is piss easy on normal difficulty. They give you a ton of healing items that are automatically used whenever your health gets critical. And if you die: Congrats, you've just unlocked an ending.
Have you tried not being P C u c k s? Just play it on PS4 you fucking mongs.
They're both good. But honestly, I can see why your friend does not like automata. Revengeance is far superior to automata, playing automata is basically a downgrade.
I'd say buy it if you don't have other options. FAR mod is really easy to use: auto install, auto updates, comfortable in-game overlay etc. Not really much of a hassle and it runs pretty fine afterwards. It triggers me though, that SE/Platinum never cared to fix at least the fucking resolution bug.
>Pointless open world
>Barely any reward for exploring
>Side quests include taking pictures and delivering fan mail
>Pacing is an absolute mess, story and character wise
I had a hard time getting through route A, and honestly I have no desire to suffer through the boring shit to get to the meta narrative
The meh PC version is still superior to the PS4 version though.
Revengence's gameplay is a dream. I would love to have another one.
so much this, IT'S FUCKING BORING
Your friend deserves a better friend as you Automata faggots are worst cancer even by Sup Forums standards.
Which is quite an achievement considering everyone is cancer on this board.
The early automata breads were great fun but now its just contrarian bullshit because the game is popular with normies now.
Sup Forums is a complete shithole and has been for a long time. I'd leave this site if I hadn't already wasted a majority of my life here.
Why is she sad? I want to hug that 2d qt what anime is that
nier isn't a goty quality game
the actual gameplay isn't good at all, the animations are probably the best animations of all time for an action hero, but the fighting itself is completely one dimensional
the rpg parts and side quests felt like slogs and i ignored them all
are you guys enjoying the livestream
Hey, fuck off. I liked MGR AND Nier. Why can't people like both?
Early threads were just circlejerking and SE shills. You weren't allowed to criticize because the mods would delete your post and ban you. It was the worst kind of hugbox
OP didn't mean it like that, retard.
His friend said he hated everything made by the guys that made Bayonetta and that's a stupid comment to make if you like MGR because they also made MGR.
In what way is it grindy?
natural leveling from main quests and the entertaining sidequests is enough to get you through the entire game if you aren't ass at the gameplay.
>game you wouldn't spend more than like 5 hours on without grinding
>You spend 40 hours on it because it has grinding
that's how it is grindy
unlocking things is not gameplay, gen z kids.
>hating something you once loved because the majority loves it
So you're thinking of ending a friendship because he doesn't want to play weebshit?
Grow up.
Watamote senpai. Tomoko is my autistfu
Nier Automata had good combat, but enemies were not a challenge in any capacity. That's it's main problem.
Welcome to Sup Forums
What are you talking about it has literally 0 grinding.
Why do you pretend to play a game you haven't?
MGR is orders of magnitude better than N:A and I say this as a person who likes both.
You made it further than I did. Fuck what a boring game.
>I fucking hate those faggots
lol someone got blocked
Count me in user. I enjoyed every second of Revengeance. Hopefully Konami would make it happen one day. fuck Kojima btw
Nier and Nier: Automata are not open-world games. They're sandbox. Please learn the difference before shitposting.
they're not sandbox either
they are simply games with large maps. you can't do any "Sandbox" gameplay
people on Sup Forums are extremely confused and dont understand that something having a large or open map does not make it open world or sandbox
>Nier Automata has an open world
>user claims it's not an open world game
What did he mean by this?
You literally just described sandbox, retard. They're conjoining areas that make a map.
They are sandbox games.
I'll be honest I tried the demo and it seemed surprisingly shallow in terms of gameplay. It was even more basic than the transformers game they did.
I'm sure like everything else you can handwave it and say "the real game is better" but it wasn't a great impression and not something I'd pay full price for at all, especially with how bad the environments were.
>Nier Automata has an open world
No it fucking doesnt.
Automata is an open world game
No it fucking isn't, and anyone who implies otherwise is a fucking idiot.
t. bonehead
MGR beats Nier:A in pacing and "fun" combat for sure
-t 100%ed both games
Where'd you pull this retarded definition from?
If Automata is an open world so is Dark Souls.
What even is the difference between sandbox and open-world?
I suppose you think Fable isn't an open world game then?
Then why does the game's Wikipedia page include the term "open world" eight times?
>ITT: Automata is bad because the combat isn't as good as MGR
Well I guess MGR is shit because it isn't anywhere near DMC3 and 4.
Because Wikipedia can be written by any old retard?
Yes it is. Everyone says so except you.
No not really, Dark Souls has a pretty linear structure all things considered, but it has some paths that loops back on each other.
I suppose you think Dark Souls is an open world game then.
>Gutted fishing.
>Removed gardening.
>Shit tier replacement for Weiss.
>Less interesting story and characters.
I liked Automata, but the first was more enjoyable to me. I want Nier, with Automata's combat.
Another Platinum game that has shit controls, shit camera, shit voice acting, and shit gameplay.
Who could have possibly seen this coming?!
>You can't ALWAYS trust Wikipedia you know!
t. teacher
no, they're not
"Sandbox" means multiple different types of gameplay, it has nothing to do with the size of the map or how the map is connected whatsoever. you are fundamentally mistaken
no, they aren't, because you can't do any significant gameplay that's not fighting. you can fish or whatever? great, that's not anything
a sandbox is a game like just cause 2 or 3
GTA V's an open-world sandbox, Nier is not. Nier is just a series of interconnecting areas.
Shut the fucking up.
>"Those guys made Bayonetta right? I fucking hate those faggots"
Yeah I literally just taught you how stupid you are.
You replied to the wrong post there, bucko.
He sounds base-
>He loved Metal Gear Rising
Nevermind, I guess retards like to stick together.
>A sandbox is a style of game in which minimal character limitations are placed on the gamer, allowing the gamer to roam and change a virtual world at will.
>In contrast to a progression-style game, a sandbox game emphasizes roaming and allows a gamer to select tasks. Instead of featuring segmented areas or numbered levels, a sandbox game usually occurs in a “world” to which the gamer has full access from start to finish.
>A sandbox game is also known as an open-world or free-roaming game.
haha so contrarian dood
>MGR is shit because it isn't anywhere near DMC3 and 4.
true but MGR at least feels fun while nier: auto attack fails at that, it doesn't help that the higher difficulty is just flat bonus to enemy health/def/attack as opposed to the much better/more fun revengeance mode where everything and everyone including you does more damage especially the perfect parry
So is Nier though, there are clearly very distinct areas that have one way in and one way out at most. Some are accessed through menus like the Bunker.
The seaside area you go in through a tunnel and there's no way out.
Desert is through a valley that might as well be a corridor.
When entering the machine village? Game goes 2D for the ride.
The only entry to the forest kingdom is a doorway.
The forest kingdom itself goes full Castlevania as the camera goes orthogonal again.
Copied city is accessed through the elevator, so is the Tower.
How the fuck is this open world? The main ruined city only serves as a large firelink shrine.
>sold the game back to gamestop
Brainlet detected
So is nier sandbox
Why don't you fix it?
But why? Bayonetta is just a bad game that is only thought of fondly because of the fap bait. The dialog alone is enough to put it in the garbo where it belongs.
Sup Forums is full of hipsters.
That just sounds like a game with a big HUB area, kinda like Ocarina of Time.
>A sandbox is a style of game in which minimal character limitations are placed on the gamer, allowing the gamer to roam and change a virtual world at will.
I can see that happening one day maybe.
Umaru-chan's! Bizarre no Pico
it technically is though you can progress around the world mostly unimpeded at will barring a few paths behind bosses/dungeons ect sort of like how Ultima 9 was open world but good luck getting anywhere without the pirate ship
I call that: consistency.