Go to buy a game at a video game store

>go to buy a game at a video game store
>over-excited chubby dudebro working the register has to remark on the game you picked >makes a terrible joke at some point in the transaction
Fucking why?

hes trying to get along with his kind chill user

i remember when i was buying fallout 3 the cashier said "are you sure you want to purchase this?" i thought he was implying it was very violent or something so i shrugged it off. i should have listened to him

>go to buy a game online

i dont know why people liked fallout 3

T. Brainlet
Thunkung 2herd

>package was stolen
>call customer support
>the girl at the call center audibly smirks while reading the contents of the order.

I ordered STALKER Clear Sky online 10 years ago and it still hasn't arrived.

What are things that never happened?

>grill at gamestop register
>she's fat

I worked at Game Stop for a day. Got fired within my first two hours for calling a dude trading in dark souls 3 a casual faggot when he said it was too hard. Fucking normies need to learn to stay away from vidya if they can't handle the heat.

>those fossils who still overpay at dedicated game stores because of anecdotal incidents of extremely rare events

I got STALKER shortly after ordering online but barely touched it because I couldn't use a controller with the PC version.

>waiting in line at the midnight release of borderlands 2
>gamestop employee going through the line to divide it up
>gets to me and eyes me up and down
>he tells me to go to the front of the line with the rest of them
>confused and reluctant to lose my spot, he has to repeat himself before I head to the store entrance
>it's a bunch of people dressed up as borderlands characters
>mfw I realized he thought I was doing a shitty salvador cosplay because I'm short, brown, had a shitty haircut at the time, and was wearing orange

>I'll take Things that never happened, for 200 Alex

i actually like the kids that work at my gamestop
they dont make jokes but they do buy all my shitty used crap no matter how broken it is. althought thats just gamestop corp policy.

> audibly smirks
What gives her the right to be a smart ass? She's the one working customer support for a company that sells dragon dildos, not me.

I had to call amazon about it. The chat customer support said they are responsible for faulty or damaged items, not ones stole in transit so I needed to talk to a supervisor to demand a replacement.

No I buy on Steam or GOG sales, I only have physicals of my very favorite games.

As long as he's friendly I'd appreciate it over the awkward silence and glances I normally have experienced

>fallout 3 is a thinking man's game
lmao just lmao

I just use the webchat because it's easier than talking to some indian in a call center

Would you consider that a lucky or unlucky situation? Funny either way

Funny thing is I went to the local game store today and some skeleton was saying how much he hates the newer gen and how pc is master race I wanted to hug him no homo