Once and for all : piracy is wrong and killing the industry

I've seen people posting this picture in various thread when the matter of piracy was brought up. Surely those people and the person who made this are baiting or expecting brainlets to agree with it directly without any critical thinking.

Piracy is wrong.
>b-b-b-ut everyone else is doing it!!!
The first non-argument depicted in this picture. You are a fucking degenerate subhumanwaste. What happens if you don't give money, the first incentive for creators to do their work? They receive less payment. So if you buy you're giving them the 70$/€ they deserve. You're showing interest and appreciation toward their content.

>b-b-b-ut in other boards people don't complain about it, f-f-f-uck off already!
Are you retarded? Piracy doesn't work the same way with all forms of media. With music and film there are always people who watch them on TV or on YouTube, bombarding their brain with advertisement. With videogames, there is NO revenue created.

May I remind you how much piracy hurt the Ace Attorney series in the west? We had to rely on a god-tier fantranslation who was generous enough to provide us with such quality for FREE. Pirating AAA games is stupid (understandable, but stupid nonetheless. If you don't buy you don't have the right to criticize and make sure the devs create better games) but doing it with niche games is even worse. You deserve to be gassed.

Videogames are not a necessary part of your life. If you're too poor, try other forms of entertainment.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off.

I don't care

only a nigger would disrespect copyright laws

game developers don't deserve money

Only a jew or rightist would be butthurt about copyright laws

dumb frog poster

>Videogames are not a necessary part of your life.

Then what the fuck are you doing here, shilling for free?

that ""Sup Forums"" reaction is from the marketers

>Worth a shit in 2018

based frog poster

Ubsioft please go nobody wants your games for free or otherwise

I only buy software that has transferable licensing

dumb frog poster enabler

And on what basis?

>b-b-b-ut everyone else is doing it!!!
That is not the argument presented in the picture. Its only point is to highlight your idiocy on this board, which you're doing tremendously well at btw.
So how about you deal with it, faggot.


Who is the guy next to Sup Forums? Bane from Sup Forums?

>european union suppresses 300 page study that found piracy doesn't harm sales
sageru, desu

Have a link for said study?

>tfw tell a shitty "singer" bitch on instagram from an alt account that I wont listen to her on spotify but im gonna pirate her album
>she tries to sue me

>With music and film there are always people who watch them on TV or on YouTube

And there will always be suckers like you that buy full priced games and 200$ worth of microtransactions.

>but doing it with niche games is even worse.
Maybe if indi devs made more than flash games or actually finished games instead of shipping us alpha copies more people would buy them.

I'll be over here enjoying my free games.


Hah. Poorfags.

If people that pirate games left it at, "Deal with it," I would be fine. The problem I have with most of the people that pirate games is that they fall all over themselves trying to morally justify their shit. Don't try to sell this bullshit image that you're some sort of modern day robin hood fighting against some bullshit you don't actually give a fuck about; you just want free shit. Leave it at that.

If you mean Western game developers, then yes, I agree with you.

>Piracy is wrong
you think i care?

>Do something that doesn't affect anyone besides yourself
>Faggots online try to make you look greedy for doing it

>OP talking about Ace Attorney
>talks about indie games

You don't know how to read?

>Ace Attorney
>Not a glorified flash game

Pick one

The only people i've encountered who moral fag about piracy are centrists and ancaps.

Nobody is trying to morally justify it lol

What's the board between Sup Forums and Sup Forums?

Here's my take. Piracy doesn't hurt the industry. However, it is wrong and you're a piece of shit who should be punished for doing so.

>Doesn't hurt anyone
>Should be punished for it

You should be punished for being this retarded.

I didn't say it didn't hurt anyone. I said it doesn't hurt the industry.

Stutter moar faggot maybe that will stop me

>hahaha eat shit cucks I am going to get this game /forfree/ and there is nothing you can do about it... p-please pay attention to me
>fuck off rat
>WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? H-How could you treat me like THAT?!?!?

>and killing the industry

good. the industry is bloated trash and i've already got enough good games to play. burn it to the ground and start over.

>The industry isn't made of people

Drink bleach

>piracy is killing the industry
wrong unless you mean indirectly because studios still dont understand and keep fucking it all up

That could be Sup Forums

Anti-Piratefags are the ones that keep making these garbage threads.

AAI2 wasn't localized because the translation team disbanded and it came out too late in the DS life cycle. Piracy had nothing to do with it, retard

>the year of our lord 2018
>people are still using mental gymnastics to justify piracy instead of just admitting they are poor/cheap and just want free stuff
At least own it if you are gonna do it

>Videogames are not a necessary part of your life.

Then why would I pay money for one if I have the means to experience it for free?

This tbqh

I love how you subtly proves the point of the picture, but of course you will never understand this because you need 200 iq or more to realize this.

>>killing the industry
good. Hopefully it dies soon, only manchildren like games



I do it because its fucking free games, there are no laws on piracy on my contry (I dont know if there is any and if there is it would still be impossible to enforce it)

Fuck the game industry, I do it because I want to

i wonder how butthurt you were to type out all of that shit, or save it in a file somewhere so you could repost it

i didn't read any of it, btw
ok, i guess you don't deserve video games. stupid frogposter


everyone should feel bad for bumping this thread

Then you don't deserve games.


From the business point of view, they will never defeat piracy, it just got easy with digital means.
So that means they are now competing with 'free' or nearly free(ISP connection charges).
Bottled water is a good example of how to compete with free. Tap water is regulated to be clean to drink, and its pretty near free. They compete with this by offering a better product.
For video games they do the opposite with DRM. A lock that only paying customers can access will always lead to a bypass, creating a worse product for paying customers. Not only that, but money was spent on implementation of the DRM itself rather than the product. Pirates get the better version.

Gaben new this. He created steam to compete with pirates by adding things a pirated copy would never have. So he created a better product, just like bottled water. Streaming media is still horseshit, and not anywhere better than the pirated version, so thats why those boards pirate as a matter of course.
Complaining about piracy for the one media that actually somewhat successfully competes with pirates is incredibly foolish. If you want to see sales, then compete with free.
A new platform that offered downloadable seasons and movies, in open source vp8/vorbis or upcoming VP1, wrapped in MKVs, with the payment going directly to the producer of said content, with no bitrate crushing done to save on bandwidth, would be the better product.
It would create no networking rush hour slowing down the pipes when normalfags get back from work, create a platform for use of customer reviews, an easy catalog with which to organize your shit and best of all your money is going toward what you want to see more of in the future, not Amy Schumers Netflix Special.

Should we make reselling used games illegal as well, since that arguably costs the industry more than piracy?
What if a game is taken out of distribution and pirating/emulation becomes the only way for people to get the game at all?
Is the always-online alternative to piracy really better for video games in the long run if it means that video games will effectively cease to exist after a few years because the developer shut down a server somewhere?

I'm not going to say that piracy is 100% okay all of the time, but any attempt to crack down on it is going to be more harmful than the piracy itself.

kys poorfags you're ruining my board
kys kys kys kys kys kys you have no right to be here or to complain about the state of the industry why do you have to act so entitled in the first place get out redditors get out


>pirate game
>play it
>money to devs: $0

>borrow game from friend
>play it
>money to devs: $0

Now let's see moralcucks trying to argue it's not the exact same shit.


pirate here, dont care if its killing the industry or not. if i can get a game for free/cheap as fuck on g2a, i will. simple as that.

>pirate a friend
>play with him
>money to devs: $0

Never debate or argue with buycucks. Nod your head and let them call you cheap or poor or evil. Let them continue to be fucking morons, assured of their superiority because they spent thousands on shit they could've gotten for free. They spent money so you don't have to, they basically spent their own money to assure you will have more things to pirate in the future. You get everything they do AND you get it for free, the victory is total and there's no reason to do anything but let this continue.

>know game devs
>Ask em about piracy from their perspective
>They all do it as well
>They don't care too much
>Even pirating the games they worked on doesn't bug em
>Ask em about anti piracy measures
>They all hate it but do it because higher ups force this decision ultimately
>Ask em how they feel about any revenue loss
>They lose nothing, the company loses nothing, the retailers lose money
>Devs company get money because retailers bought their shit to sell
>This only affects the game distribution industry not the development or big company at all

Talking to actual devs is fun sometimes. I highly suggest you befriend some because it's quite an enlightening discussion when it happens. Every anti-pirate is a Jew/good goy


Buying used is worse than pirating.

>be me
>pirate games
>retarded buycucks literally paying game devs so i can pirate shit


Gee it's as if if you both owned the game you could play it at the same time.

It also requires you both to have the same console, you can't share games on PC unless you give someone your Steam account to use when you aren't on it.

Killing the industry has been a major goal of Sup Forums for years.

>Buy game
>Play it
>Money to the devs: $0

It's not video games anymore that's why
It's walking simulators while people fap to art direction.

Second crash when

I'm a game dev and I know you're spouting nonsense. Don't belive his lies

>They lose nothing, the company loses nothing, the retailers lose money

Are you fucking stupid user, retailers don't get 100% of the profits from sold games either from digital or physical distribution.

A hefty % goes back to the publisher, who pays the developers to make the game. So if sales are poor it's going to lead to cutbacks to the developer.

Either you're making shit up or your 'developer friends' don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

I'm a game dev also and I know you're spouting nonsense. Don't belive his lies

I'm a game publisher and I know you're spouting nonsense. Don't belive his lies

I'm a game publisher as well and I know you're spouting nonsense. Don't belive his lies

I'm a double game dev and cannot lie
i swear to dog if you fuckers keep pirating my shit i will put facebook, twitter, g+, instagram, snapchat intergration so far up your anus they'll all know what your innards look like

My dad is working for a game retailer and he told me that you're spouting nonsense. Don't believe their lies

>poorfags on Sup Forums can't just admit they pirate games because they can't afford them
>they turn it into a crusade against publishers, fuck da system xD!

I don't care if you pirate, just stop lying about why you do it.

If you think the developers / publishers don't deserve your money then it's poor logic to want to play their games in the first place. Because if you actually liked the games it feels like you'd in turn like the developer for making it for you.

this video should clear up any confusion as to why people pirate videogames



why did you (You) me?

Which post is (you)

What if I don't want to join steam/psn or other retarded shit and the only way to play is to do this? Any digital only game that I can't download from dev site is instant pirate for me.

>Is piracy killing the industry?
>is the publishers killing the industry with retarded choices and overinflated marketing budgets and unrealistic expectations?

>killing the industry
you realize that's a positive, right?
the industry is a miserable corporate dump

>May I remind you how much piracy hurt the Ace Attorney series in the west? We had to rely on a god-tier fantranslation who was generous enough to provide us with such quality for FREE

So the lesson, as laid out in your own post, is to just pirate as much as we want so that eventually people just start giving things to us for free in the first place?

Sounds like a plan, friend!

I could really give less of a shit if pay for a game or not so long as I have fun with it. I mean hell, I pirated minecraft for near 4 years until the anjocaido launcher was broken on update 1.6.4 but I still had a blast playing it and eventually bought it last year because I was feeling mild nostalgiuh for it. I do admit, I can't always afford games, but I do own a fair amount of games as a physical copy and on steam. I don't consider emulation piracy, but still. If I like a game enough to warrant buying it, sure I'll buy a copy, but for most of these AAA games by like ubisoft and activison and shit, the developers aren't getting money from sales, the publisher does. Saying that pirating hurts developers is inane, as the publishers have already paid the devs for making them, so a "lost sale" isnt hurting the devs at all. I pirate all the time, I could literally give less of a shit. Piracy isn't hurting the gaming industry as a whole, only the PC gaming industry, as piracy isn't really much of a problem on consoles in the modern day except for maybe PS3's with cfw. All in all, it's a problem, yeah, but it's not significant enough to kill the whole industry in my honest opinion.

>Any digital only game that I can't download from dev site is instant pirate for me.

Uh-huh user, I'm sure you'd totally pay full price for it if you could download it directly from the developer's site. That's what's really holding you back right? Wow you're such a brave soldier fighting against the system!

The fact that Steam and PSN are not intrusive forms of DRM at all and have a lot of great sales and features is you just grasping at straws for not wanting to pay for it. You don't even have any arguments against it other than calling it 'retarded shit', oh you got me there user.


The only people who care about piracy are the people who own the (((copyright))) for the product.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Vidya Piracy Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

>torrent game
>like it? buy it
>don't like it? don't buy it
fuck off

the one about transferable licensing

Were shills always this obvious? I think they unironically dumbed down themselves in accordance with the non-stop influx of redditors and newfags coming here since 2011.

i honest to god hope that it fuckin kills the industry and they stop making video games


Now kill yourself corporate cock sucker.

>like it? buy it

Hahahaha good one!