Head dev acts like a caricature of an anti-SJW redditor from 2011

>head dev acts like a caricature of an anti-SJW redditor from 2011
>game turns out like an utter rushed, bugged mess; fun for first 10 hours and then goes to utter shit, not to mention boring as fuck

Lol, the same exact thing happened with Hatred except this is just barely better

Other urls found in this thread:


They're anti-Sup Forumstards too, so I like them anyways.


>le niggers and trannies in games lmao xD am i i right fellow pedes?
Sup Forums is so embarrassing

And now comes the time to say "well he was a Jew so of course he was out to fuck us".

I'm 20 hours in, and that's wrong.
I also pirated it.

based liberal poster telling it like it is fuck drumpf and fuck white people

That cunt got BTFO

That's pretty based. Glad they're doing well.






Still based.

>Soynautica dev's fire people for holding moderate opinions
>Based Varva let's the most soylent of his team have his own opinions without repercussion

Absolutely based.

> Promise huge battles
> Deliver this as your most epic battle that closes the game
It's ok tho because the dev is #based amiright?
Don't forget

I don't know how I'm gonna recover from this. I've been shilling this game for a week now, all without taking any breaks other than sleep and my daily masturbation session. I feel betrayed. This is what Hitler must have felt when Himmler backstabbed him. Can we get this soyboy fired? I'm looking at the logistics here

This man is BASED to be honest.

You may not like it but this is peek based!

Supporting video games on the steam platform is the best way to fight the globalist Marxist feminists!

Sup Forums btfo once again

Stop crying about Sup Forums already. A lot of threads go to shit because you faggots always complain about Sup Forums every time someone makes a joke about spear chuckers or creepy purple haired feminists.

t. Sup Forumstard

that's a single numale dev out of the hundred person team.


Enjoying the totally present and fun large scale battles?

>leftist identity politics have become so warped up and utterly insane that anyone who makes a medium that is against it is rewarded with millions of dollars
Really fires up them synapses

Right. I'm sure the others are all for your epic magapede antics.
Keep being delusional, Sup Forumstard. You lost once again.

>soyboys get absolutely destroyed in 4v3 battles
>demand larger battles

Personally I like the shitshow free for all's when a group of c*mans fight a group of bandits, because I'm capable of playing video games.

Shut up, cuck. Black Panther is a pro-segregation movie and it sold well. We're winning.

>nearly every bethesda release has been a bug riddled mess
>10/10's all day
>this game comes out with a bunch of bugs
>suddenly game "journalist" have an issue with launching a bug riddled game


I'm fucking sick of it

It's always pol pol pol pol with you soyboys pol pol pol pol pol


I'm seriously getting tired of you leftist shills

>leftist shills
You were so close to not revealing your Sup Forumstardation in your falseflag post. So close.

niggers are winning

>wolf 2 barely ran on pc
ran just fine when i pirated it, it was a shit game but it was a shit game that got a lot more hype and marketing than KCD.

It's not even "a bunch". The only one people are able to reliably recreate is something about repeatedly using a specific alchemy thing many times in a row.

Are you ok? You seem to have missed my point. You should re-read my post and think about it. Really rack those two brain cells you got.

old Sup Forums complains about Sup Forums faggots because you retards ruined this board. No one can talk about video games without 1-3 instigators shitposting about political shit. Ironically, the dumbasses who cry about politics in video games are the first ones to interject them.

I hate how people keep propagating this shitty Sup Forums boogeyman, it's the most retarded shit ever. Bluepilled soyboy cucks need to leave Sup Forums. Shadilay and praise kek.

Is kingdom come really 'against it', though? I mean yes they are steadfast sticking to historicity, but is that necessarily right wing? I am a leftist and my friends are as well and I can almost guarantee that they would say the game is not racist in the slightest and the VICE and all the hacks writing about it are just 'tards.


Most of the dev team has come out as national socialists

>waah he didnt put black people in the game i wanted to play

Just a fellow Sup Forumsirgin passing by, nothing to worry about :^)

reminds me of rise of the planet of the apes.
You think the world will be a global detroit dystopia if niggers manage to outbreed every other racial phenotype?

Yes, it's definitely Sup Forums that's ruining video games.

leftists are the real racists

>That pic
You wish, Sup Forumstard
Never gonna happen

>It doesns't happen to me so it doesnt exist

bro I had to restart my save 25 hours in because an important event became unfinishable

Sup Forums is a right-wing activism website

>Sup Forums needs to stop complaining about pol! It's not like we invade constantly

>*posts propaganda*

Holy shit Sup Forumssters are dumb as fuck.


Oh sweetie...

If Sup Forums wasn't so assblasted over literally who's, I really do not think that SJW shit would be as bad as it is now. It's kind of like how Trump got elected. People got tired of liberal shit. Well when it comes to gaming, people got tired of the death threats and shit over gamergate and so they took the SJW stuff seriously.

>I am a leftist and my friends are as well and I can almost guarantee that they would say the game is not racist in the slightest and the VICE and all the hacks writing about it are just 'tards.
Well, if you're anything like me, then you're what "liberal/leftist" used to mean approximately a decade ago.
It means something radically different these days, where I can no longer call myself a liberal/leftist in good conscience. To even identify as such is to give more power to those who drove the train off the cliff a long time ago.
If anything, I call myself a "classical liberal".

>not masturbating while doing other stuff
>not edging yourself for days, only taking breaks to sleep
Comon, user!

I'm just pragmatic

>Sup Forums BTFO
>sjws BTFO
Radical centrism wins again boys.

that is the point, the people going after the game are not liberal or left wing, they are Marxists looking for a cause and wishing for a revolution that will never come, they fill there time fucking with normal people.
And yes Nazi's are marxists too so we are honestly looking at retarded left wing Sup Forumstards and retarded left wing tumblerenas who both never play games but love pushing games they think fit there agenda.
In the end Kingdom Come is a great game, looking forward to the next one but it falls short of masterpiece.

Hell yeah.

>If anything, I call myself a "classical liberal".

fascism and national socialism are radical centrism

Daily reminder that Sup Forums are redditors now that they've been taken over by /r/TheDonald

>Radical centrism
Isn't that just market speak for "too lazy to leave the house for any reasons"?

>Soynautica dev's fire people for holding moderate opinions
>creating a white ethnostate and kicking out all non-whites is a moderate opinion
fish hook theory is real

Embarrassing thread

hitler was a liberal

No, it's market speak for "Non-extremist that thinks my kind of extremist and my enemies kind of extremism are both shit so he must secretly be on their side"

Outed yourself for being retarded and buying into marxist memory hole historical revision of gamer gate, Gamer Gate was many things but it was not even close to what you are on about.

>moderate opinions
>Retard was agreeing with Alex "Sandy Hook was a setup" Jones

I love this attempt to shift the overton window. Keep it up, you stupid nigger.

Thats bullshit.
I am not sure if this is bullshit or not but I think it might be bullshit.

This is what the soynautica dev was fired over.

Reddit is based.

SEETING libs can't stand that an evil conservative SHITLORD's game sold a million. Keep crying, faggots. Fun game.

Also from this kkk goosestepping nazi

i'm still wondering why to this day this guy was using some random instagram thot as his avatar pic


All lefties can do is try to mock you because they don't have arguments. Just read pic related, Vavra was being truthful and sensible. His independent thought makes the left wing authoritarians furious.

so he is not a marxist? Better string him up and kill him then!

Isn't that backwards? All I hear now is that Reddit is a far-right website that r/_dasdolan owns.

Friendly reminder to report gamergate threads and blatantly racist posts

yeah so leftists = based
right wingers = cucks


I think it's his gf(female)

>game turns out like an utter rushed, bugged mess; fun for first 10 hours and then goes to utter shit, not to mention boring as fuck

Just like the last 4 Bethesda releases. Yet those sold like hotcakes that came with coupons for free blowjobs

Just face it: most people just have shit taste. It has nothing to do with video game politics.

Maybe you should stay in your reservation and stop spreading your retard rhetoric


tell us about what games you like user

Whoops, wrong picture.
Here it is, this is what all the fuss is about.

>Sup Forums calls libshits snowflakes
>libshits copy Sup Forums and call them the real snowflakes
>Sup Forums calls libshits rebbitors
>libshits seize on that too and come up with the brilliant /r/DRUMPF maymay

you'll never find originality from them.

he types and acts like a thot so it makes sense

Life is Strange
Depression Quest

As a right-wing authoritarian, I agree.


no gone home user?

Great choices user.

right wingers are "racist" but in a based way

fuck off nigger lover

>You think the world will be a global Detroit dystopia if niggers manage to out-breed every other racial phenotype?


The fuck are you talking about

r/the donald isn't real.

Sup Forums has always been in favor of right-wing activism.

here comes the larpers

>you'll never find originality from them.
I know, but that just makes the banter depressing.
It's like going to go hang out with your liberal friend, only to go inside and find his wife getting fucked by a nigger. When you go "Dude, what the fuck?", he just goes "WHAT? YOU'RE THE REAL KEKOLD FOR WATCHING ME WATCH MY WIFE KEK ME!"
There's more than enough to make fun of the right about, but for some reason all they're capable of is trying and failing to turn back insults which literally only apply to the left, instead of making fun of the right for being religious extremists/farmers/flyover states/rednecks/whatever.

I am laffing

Neoscavenger, Mount & Blade, Gothic 2, Drakensang, Grim Dawn, Diablo 2, Dungeon Siege, and more recently Battle Brothers.

fuck off resetera

I really don't give a fuck about SJW or Sup Forums theories, I just want to play a good god dam game.

Fuck you guys, fuck the sjw and fuck Sup Forums for ruining video games with your retarded fucking shit.