>Arby and the Chief became some retarded drama
that season 7 ending still makes me depressed
tel them i hav
I actually got recon on the last bungie day before ODST came out. Faced Bungie employees that day. People would ask me all the time how I got it. It was cool for a while but alot of people would ask me to be in their youtube videos and stuff. Felt really shitty when ODST made it available to everyone though
>he hasn't seen the latest episodes
u are such a n00b
RIP Bungie
Are they back to being two bros playing games?
Reminder that Machinima is the reason why the series went to shit. even the creator said so
dude was pressured into making more drama instead of comedy ever since the first Arby 'n' the Chief movie
Matched against a Bungie employee with flaming recon.
Map was Assembly.
Small enough map for me and my friend to teabag him every time we killed him, which was a lot.
We never said anything, just played the game.
He blows the fuck up in post-game chat, telling us we'll never have recon no matter what.
Tell him he's a good little bitch.
Cant even tell what he's saying half the time after that.
I need some fuckin pussy
Season 8 isn’t bad desu
believe it or not, yes
for now
god damn, this shit's pretty old by now, huh?
I liked the direction the show went. I think it could've only remained purely comical for so long and stayed fresh, Jon made something entirely his own out of something which had such a modest origin. But I'm a depressed faggot so the themes resonated with me
Until Arbiter decides to brick his girlfriend's 360, for some reason.
I just got a noscope
must have been you, stay affected.
there's another?
endgame's the second one
>mfw watching RvB fall farther every year
Whats the deal with RvB now?
Last time I watched was the season Monty Oum (Rest his soul) came on and they did a few scenes with Reach at the end.
It go to shit?
Please stop guys... I-I just cant handle all this nostalgia
Even the later seasons of the show were good except one problem was he gave some of the characters a very stilted and awkward style of speech. Especially the female characters. It's not too bad but it comes up sometimes.
Also I unironically like the soundtrack.
They're not as dark as Season 7 but they're about Season 5 and 6 level still.
holy fuck I miss halo 3
fuck. it hurts. how did they let halo become what it is today. I'll never forgive them.
>Arby and the cheif started 25 years ago.
>time moves forward
Wtf bros?
Oh not again
Was he autistic?
>time moves too fast
>tfw Halo 3 and it's moments, community and general fun will never return
What happened? Where did the times go? Why can't Video gamed be about fun again rather than how many niggers/ strong wimminz are in it and fuck whipipo?
Times change.
He'll be the most famous autist in history
God I miss it.
For better or for worse? I think worse because it is considered socially acceptable to make black nigger nazis and nigger Brits, Germans and Frenchies in a WW1 game. That's not even going to detail about nickel and diming everything that was normally bought with reasonable in-game currency or unlocked achivements in the form of slot machine stimuli gambling boxes.
Does anybody quite understand how insane it is that they didn't just get Halo 3 looking the way it did on last gen hardware, they did it at the START of the xbox 360s life, and then somehow, made EVERY campaign/every multiplayer match rewatchable in a archive straight after the game started, no downloads, nothing, right there ready, and you could watch EVERY single persons fps view of the game, the entire thing, from all angles, free camera, everything.
how in the FUCK did they do it?
I legitimately wasn't expecting Cheef to say that. Jon did directly reference Sup Forums in an earlier episode though.
Jon sometimes posts here. He's very aware of Sup Forums
The graphics and gameplay still amazingly hold up. Halo 3 was Bungies ultimate ass kicking tool. This moment of the campaign made me almost shit myself.
We're talking about different things now. Times change because video games got too popular, and when that, comes casuals, which ruin everything. Also comes jewier money practices to rinse said casuals because they eat up anything. The whole thing about Nazi blabla, times change because it isn't our time anymore, its everybody else's. This is growing pains, and it feels bad because we just have to be the transitional stage.
Well in that case:
Jon stop making Cheef about to say nigger. Racists are illegal remember? I get that he's a stand in for people you hate online but it's out of character for him to embody every single aspect of that culture.
Reach was the pinnacle of Halo. Strongly tied with CE.
>times change because it isn't our time anymore, its everybody else
I'd rather western civilization get burned to the ground than to hand it over to shitskins.
>Reach was the pinnacle of Halo
>tfw never hit rank 50 because the first match and subsequent matches I played at rank 45 there was non stop standby lag switchers
>tfw I got a double kill in rocket race from across the map, an official bungie game type where the only way you can damage your opponent is with assassinations
Oh well at least I got the set after ODST. I just wanted the shoulders.
You're experiencing that as we speak, user.
Or, it'll thrive, who knows. Either way it's going to suck for a very long time for us, believe me. Just have to count your blessing and be thankful you're not born in some shit hole like Africa dying of aids, ya know?
We are back user. We’re finally making this a better place
But when will times get good again? I want my 2000's video games again. Discussions focus on the fucking game not how many minorities or fags are in it. I was fucking appalled with the feedback from these inept retards over Kingdom Come. Wanting Niggers who would never, ever EVER be in the middle of Bohemia, Czech 15th Century 1409 Europe. At best there could have been a nigger who made it but was subesquently lynched and burned by locals thinking it was some kind of diseased human, at worst it's a blackwashed Triple A thing where nigger traders are "staying at an inn" in the Countryside.
The word kino is thrown around this place like a fat kid in a cake shop, however, if there has ever been a video game cutscene that comes close
We can't turn back time. We can only walk blindly into the future. Back then we had no idea we were living in the Good Ol' days, that things were just going to get worse
>tfw you had no friends who had either an Xbox 360, ODST, or Halo 3 to play with so you could complete Vidmaster
I hated that shit, my little brother and his friends would always beg me to help them with that sort of shit since I was the best out of my immediate circle of friends.
This attitude gets you know where. Not even anywhere in videogames. Something tells me you go negative in every game you play. Just a feeling, ya know?
Times won't get good again, it is out of our hands. Nothing you can do about it. I understand where you're coming from, but in your attempt and anger and throwing the word nigger around, you're only making this side look more petty. As I said, times change. We just happen to exist in this part, somebody had to, I guess.
Also, if we're going to talk about KC, I'm going to blow your mind user. The people who were complaining about KC being racist or sexist, w/e, these articles you see on click bait sights, in the grand scheme of things, do you know how many people see these or even read them? around 5k, and that's pushing it. Nobody cares. On the internet, and in this microscope on it, it seems like the whole world was screaming WOW THIS IS RACIST we need MORE GAYS etcetc, but I can assure you, gaming journalists effect nothing. All it is, is shouting into a echo chamber, that's it. If the game is good, which is it, it sells regardless. Never be fooled into thinking that any of these journalists on a fucking VIDEOGAME have any say on anything, none of it matters. The only time something like that truly changed the reception of a game is when EA got fucked up with DISNEY and lootboxes in battlefront 2, because well, its Disney, and star wars. If you just ignore all the things about """racism""" and the such on games, you'll realize how little of a group it is just shouting very loudly, and of course, if you go on Sup Forums, you'll trick yourself into thinking THE WORLD IS TALKING ABOUT IT, but in actual fact, its about 50 people in a thread trolling, and 15 genuine people complaining.
Negative k/d personified.
It felt very "Breaking Bad" to me, in how everything just went to shit.
and had it all be shareable both on their website and inside their game. fucking insane
We speaking to Jon? Okay. Cortana was a terrible character who added nothing and I'm glad she burned to death.
it used a demo-playback system, where it just re-runs the code that played during the actual game
source uses the same thing for demos
>Get a perfect line on the flag guy in muh chopper
>Hit tiny chunk of debris while boosting
>Miss by literal millimetres
>"Flag: Captured."
Every. Fucking. Time.
fun fact: the flag carrier in this video died of brain cancer IRL
Racests are illegel*. And I agree why the fick is Jon making Chief into a Seth Mcfarlan character? It comes out as disingenuous and ruins what was already established about him. How does he learn the insult cuck so fast after JUST coming back?
you just reminded me
You just record all of the movements, save it in a file, then spawn npcs that look exactly like the plays and make them do those movements
>hones in on the word cuck
Oh, now I get why you dislike it
the most optimal play would have been to just shoot the flag carrier on the chopper but most Halo players want to have fun and go for splatters. I agree that splatters are more fun.
That's a very basic version, but yes, that's what's happening.
Did they ever fix the Master Chief Collection? There was a split second I thought the magic could come back when it released along with rumors of windows 10 port.
Granted all my 'xbox friends" had moved onto PC or now PS4, making my once huge friend list a barren wasteland (I was an idort) and thus had no one to play with even if the magic had returned.
But as much shit as it gets, I really did love Reach.
It just didn't capture that "file sharing" scene 3 did. I remember spending hours and HOURS just fucking around in forge mode or on some Burger King map someone made in Foundry.
I never understood why it never "advanced".
Reach had some Forge maps, but it didn't take off the same way, and while I don't really hate 343, the way Halo 4 went made it obvious why it's attempts at "cool forge maps" never went anywhere.
Then despite owning it, I never even finished Halo 5, and kept hearing they tried to go all out with forge mode and even made a version of just forge on Win10 (to which I said to myself to beat the xbone version before investigating), yet despite that, I hear nothing of it.
What happened?
...woah... do you make vidya game for a living...?
u seem really smart and know exactly what you're talking about user
Not him but it's a little weird for Cheef to be throwing around modern day buzzwords while still using internet slang from 2006 like "cancer get." The scene where Arbiter forced him to explain what cuck meant was kind of funny but probably not worth it.
It just doesn't make any sense that he uses this after having fgt imbedded into his head for 10 years. Seems like Jon wanted to do a Seth Mcfarlan thing by having Chief magically learn and use cuck.
Chief spends a lot of time on the internet.
Truly, the shoot/splatter question personifies the conflict inherent to the human condition.
Do you guys remember that one faggot who would get the sniper on Sandtrap and go up the fucking giant sand cliff to the side and just camp there all fucking game and pick off people one by one? Dear god I hate those guys.
I WAS that guy.
He just got out the fucking box and he was using Cuck after dying in 2013. Doesn't make sense. Would have been okay if it was discovered while he was browsing the modern internet looking at soyboys and Cuck memes.
>there are people who exist who never got to experience halo 3 zombie mode with all the unique maps that bungie put out
like tears like in the rain
As far as I'm concerned Chief is still in cryostasis drifting in space. Everything that supposedly happened afterwards is some kids cringey fan fiction.
>Everything that supposedly happened afterwards is some kids cringey fan fiction.
Oh sweet Summer child, if only you knew how bad things really are...
It works like fighting games. It’s not a recording of footage. It’s actually just recording all the players inputs. When you watch a “recording” it’s actually creating a new game and then playing each players inputs in sequence. That’s why it was so easy to implement a free roaming camera
>you will never play Tower of Power on Ascension ever again
feels really bad man
>tfw 21
>First Halo was Reach
I thought it was pretty good too, except for all the stupid spartan abilities like armor lock.
Was a xbox 360 halo 3/reach boy for years and years, jumped to ps4, how is the master chief collection? Can you play Halo 3 properly? thread has made me miss halo 3 so fucking much that I will buy a xbox just for it.
*breaks your zoom*
Yeah, Rookie isn't dead.
It’s a new day
Spartan laser, fully charge, aim it directly at a enemy warthog,
I can't think of a better video game feel.
That shit is still going? Christ
>tfw Rookie dies and Buck's Squad brake up the worst way humanly possible, offscreen in a fucking BOOK nobody will read
Whoever wrote the nu-halo line of books needs to fucking die.