Excuse me Sup Forums do you have a moment to talk about the fact that Kingdom Hearts thread is DARKNESS?

Excuse me Sup Forums do you have a moment to talk about the fact that Kingdom Hearts thread is DARKNESS?
Will you now come and open your heart to DARKNESS?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes I submit

Yes good every light must fade every, heart and world returns to DARKNESS.


He is gone now, his heart has been extinguished by the DARKNESS whence it came.

Jumba's VA is dead. Sorry "proper" Lilo and Stitch world.

Add him to the list bros

Just finished dream drop on PS4 today, ask me anything

I've also played all of 1.5+2.5 but not the remainder of 2.8 excluding kh3d

Was the collection your introduction to the series?

No, I played 1 and 2 back on the ps2. Played com and started days but never finished cause it bored me out or my mind. Played bbs. Then I fell off on the series till the ps3 collections which I didn't have time to finish and I got em again for PS4 and made the effort to actually play them

>those flying bat heartless guys in KH FM on Proud

How did you enjoy Nomura's ride having it played from start to.finish now?

>Being a magiclet


>not picking shield and discarding sword
>magic build being fun at all

Okay I believe you

How about picking an EX banner?

I see you are a pancakelad as well.

>magic build being fun at all
>Not using your loads of magic to spam limits.
>Not having fun wrecking shit like a wizard.

Its been amazing. There's nothing really like kh out there

I recently played through the entire KH series, I have no nostalgia links to any of them. They're a cute little gem with a absurd anime plot and I strongly believe KB2 ending was perfect, everything else story wise felt a bit tacked on, however

I found those pancake videos, and the ENTIRE playthrough was worth it just to understand the references in these stupid fucking videos. I haven't laughed that hard at a video on the internet in a awhile. They shoyld be used as a selling point to play the KH series, JUST to understand it.




>tfw no Air Bud summon

I am glad you understand, some say that the contrived anime bullshit is a weakness, but I think it is one of it's greatests.
With a concept as bizzare as KH, it is only natural to have a plot that matches it.
I have completely submitted and opened my heart to this middle aged chuuni's ride and I am loving every second of it.

My favorite was by far the the COM one and with coded being second.

I am the user who played through the entire KH series, every single fucking game. I know the fav of the internet is KH2, but is DDD shit on for some reason or loved? I unironically think DDD was my fav KH game and I can't even place why, I liked the level design and the fantasia world music was fucking great. When that iconic fantasia music kicks in at the boss and you're just flying around anime weeb mystical adventures its hard not to fall in love

This might be my fav because it is the only one I have nostalgia with, because I watched Fantasia about 50000000 on repeat as a child, and I had NO idea this world was going to show up in DDD.

>As soon as I get to the fantasia world, all I was thinking the entire time was "please god do the iconic dudududdudududdu dudud ududdu music"
>I think it isn't going to happen, slightly disappointed
>get to the final boss
>mfw 8:25 kicks in

>favorite Disney world
>least favorite Disney world
Tron in kh3d
>cool thing you like
Command styles from bbs
>most hated thing
Dream eaters

I'll never understand how people retained interest in this series.

If this nigga don't shut the fuck up about his gay game..

>favorite Disney world
I really liked the Tron aesthetic in kh2, Fantasia was also really cool
>>least favorite Disney world
Probably any version of atlantica
>>cool thing you like
Drives, I really fucking loved DUAL WIELD.
I hope it comes back in 3
>>most hated thing
The card system in chain of memory.

Will the ice cream appear in KH3?

Screw you man, sleights were fun and breaking op combos with 0s was great. Also fantasia world level design is ass like most of kh3ds big empty worlds. The music makes it just ok

>favorite Disney world
Wonderland. So many little secrets that you'll be digging up throughout the whole game and I like the music and aesthetic too.
>least favorite Disney world
Is Atlantica too easy an answer to count?
>cool thing you like
That clock system from recoded where racking up hits unlocks auto abilities your current keyblade has. This made each keyblade feel so fucking unique and no other game in the series handles keyblade differences quite the same.
>most hated thing
Dream eaters. I can get behind the concept at least, but I still don't like having to stop and play tedious minigames so often just to not feel like I'm gimping myself.

Right back at you card based combat sucks ass.
The fantasia world was a really fun novelty.

>mfw fighting Terranort as Aqua in the Final epsiode



Not even hardest story boss in the series. Come back after you played through kh3d

that's next on the list after i finish BBS, faggot

I used quick attacks like Thundaga and Thundaga shot. He's still pretty annoying, especially when he heals and HMM HE HEs all over the place.

unmitigated cancer when i fought him as Lingering Will, and now against aqua he abuses the shit out of it.


No, Kingdom Hearts is artificial