How do we fix the horror genre, Sup Forums?

How do we fix the horror genre, Sup Forums?

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At this point, just make more and hope 1 gets the job done, can't get picky right now famalam.

Indies are our only hope

Stop making dedicated "horror" games, instead you should implement any scary/creepy/horror element into an actually good game instead of milking a brainlet audience for a gimmick

first person
no third person
no weapons / very ineffective weapons
90-120 FOV
better sound design
linear but not too linear

horror themed FPS games are not horror games

>no weapons / very ineffective weapons

great post buddy

Same way we fix shooters and RPGs. Give time to breathe. There need to be moments of quiet to take in the environment and atmosphere. Not just tension either. Safe times where you can experiment or think. Practically every genre thinks that we want nonstop action tension or cutscenes but I don't and it ruins games. Or worse, they think open world solves the problem. I hope the failures of the last few years have taught at least some lessons to devs.

>no weapons / very ineffective weapons

And there you just described Amnesia and all the shit it spawned. Even Condemned knew that you can have perfectly good combat with a decent array of weapons while still being scary.

bet you think Outlast is good horror

and this is the brainlet audience i was talking about

you bring back team silent.

you bring back Resident evil 1-2-3-remake era design and stop making shitty funhouse first person hide and seek simulators.

Only decent one was alien. I'll still play scorn and the other new one i forget the name cause they look interesting but seriously just stop doing first person horror already.

nothing is scary when you have a gun lol
what's outlast

>nothing is scary when you have a gun lol

funny you say that Ive played dozens of horror games. The only ones I usualy get "scared" are the ones with guns. Because the thought of getting cornered and having to fight for my life and the last hour of playtime, is better than running away from checkpoint to checkpoint and lose nothing if I die.

show me one (1) example of this and i'll tell you why it fell flat on its face in the horror department

t. never actually played Condemned

Also, Outlast is basically exactly what you described with your "fixed horror game" list, except it revealed exactly why such ideas are shit.

Horror games aren't scary if you're expecting it.

An FPS with good horror? what about STALKER

why did you sign your post with a sentence

Only terrifying thing about it is the bugs and crashes


you mean autistic slavic fallout?


>i dont have an argument but heres a meme
thanks for proving my point brainlets

>STALKER is scary
Whatever you say you fucking 12 year old

is this that new boring early access crysis engine game where nothing happens and the "horror" themed enemies are pathetically weak
brainlet in itself is a meme
why is Sup Forumseddit so insufferable

go play your jumpscare riddled Outlast games brainlet

never even said it was

is it your natural instinct to double down when you know you're wrong or something

Is it yours? After all you're saying we fix the horror genre by making everything like Outlast and Amnesia.

Outlast is fun, its very tense but Im dying for a classic survival horror experience.
RE7 tried but I couldnt get into the first person mood.

I like my third person fixed cameras. They add so much to the atmosphere.

anything outside of those parameters will by nature not be a horror game
it doesn't have to be a carbon copy of the games you mentioned and i'm not sure why you still assert that that's what i want. both of those are just shitter versions of penumbra to begin with, a game which had means to defend yourself with while still maintaining grit instead of just having cookie cutter zombies fold over when you click on them lol.

>Outlast is fun, its very tense
Because it throws jumpscares at you every 2 minutes.

>anything outside of those parameters will by nature not be a horror game

>things that don't scare me aren't horror

Resident evil 7 was literally looking for the amnesia normie audience. Absolute garbage.

ah yes this lovecraftian barnacle monster is so horrific when i can shoot it twice with a shotgun and it explodes

We go back to ps2-era graphics and japanese developers

Whatever you say you feckless maggot.

You cannot fix horror, ever.

Fear is a reaction predicated on a perception of danger. You can never truly make someone playing a video game feel like they are in danger, barring some futuristic shit that interfaces directly with the brain. You cannot provide adequate consequences to generate actual fear.

Better to aim for anxiety and unease, and once those have been properly established, use very sparing jump scares, chase sequences, etc to create crescendos.

Of course, you can never let the player feel powerful, but you also can't let them feel completely helpless or lost, either.

Pic not related. PUBG clones are not horror.

Ah yes, this dull as fuck stealth game is horrific when the AI is predictable as fuck when it is not either cheating or rubber banding with level design that makes DOOM2 look golden in comparison


blatantly ignore the legion of retards who think "horror game" means "walking simulator that makes you uncomfortable" and make good games with horror aesthetics
Dead Space is a horror game
Grim Dawn is a horror game
DOOM is a horror game
fucking fite me you obstinate autists.

Ambient > all

This. The only games that really have accomplished this are Resident Evil 4 and 5, the Dead Space trilogy, and The Evil Within 1 and 2. They are extremely action oriented and intense with a pace that never lets up while also never really giving you enough ammo and supplies to feel safe and secure or able to rely on a single strategy or weapon.

we aren't talking about stealth games sweetie
doom 3 can be considered horror
nü doom cannot by any stretch of the imagination

It being a "PUBG clone" which it actually isn't makes it scary in the first place, especially at night.

Outlast/Amnesia is one dipshit, and fits your dogshit of a criteria

>Evil Within 2.
The game fucking overflows with supplies, the fucking game allows you to create fucking ammo on the fly because dipshits that played the first game had no idea how to use the matches or any tactic beyond shooting shit in the head and failing.
Gunpowder is also abundant as fuck and both exploration and evading enemies are easy as fuck.
It is the one of the most laughable attempts for a horror game.

Shame the hunt turned out to be PvP trash streamer bait

Soma is pretty good, though it's more depressing that terrifying. Much like SH2. I don't know why but horror and sadness go really well together, maybe we could have more of that.

my dick would be a good fix .

my dick in your but

I'm talking OG doom
>nü doom cannot by any stretch of the imagination
it's got demons and gore and guts. Is Friday the 13th not a horror movie because it's also a comedy?

and it being a boring 4player co-op game wouldnt be streamer bait how?

better ai
increase difficulty in ways that are not 'you take more damage and other things take less damage'
no fucking music at all ever holy shit why do horror games ruin everything by having music

t. bitch

I actually haven't played it, I only listed it because I assumed it would be the same as the first which was extremely stingy with supplies. That is unfortunate to hear, glad I've held off until it goes down to $10-$15 to buy it.

should have been 2 players max and much harder. the Battle Royal style shit really kills it. boring.

it being yet another zombie coop shooter would have been a lot more boring.

Not at all. The game being a total flop certainly seems to prove you wrong at any rate.

Having it more about hunting a monster bounty in a monster hunter style and zombies just useless side things rather than the nothing it is would have been much about

the game is hot fucking trash as it is

it wasnt the jump scares that made me tense it was the chase sequences.

>total flop

But it's not.


Go play MH then.

Make more Hunt style games.

enjoy your dead streamer shit lol


>4k online right now
>not a flop
right buddy

Literally bring back Team Silent.

>not a flop
>Literally dead as fuck
>mixed reviews at best
>Crytek CEO stepped down a few days ago
>Company on verge of bankruptcy
Yeah, ok. Whatever you say.

Why are you eager to hate on this game, my dude? It's just an early access title.

>5 in the morning in europe

>sold 150k
>1% away from having a positive rating
>Crytek was run by 3 brothers, one of them stepped down, became major shareholder and gave power to his brothers
>developing game for MS

Also stop stalking me, you're everywhere.

hes like in every thread shitting on the game even if the OP doesnt have anything to do with the game. he also shilled for SC hard before. probably gets paid by Chris Robbers

Let me play as a defenseless little girl. Stop with this adult male bullshit.

A better question is how you two are able to differentiate between anonymous posters

Did you just start using the internet?

>always the same arguments
>always presents them in the same way