why didnt they just stick to the formula for 1 and 2(to a lesser extent)? why would you purposely sabotage what should of been greatness
Why didnt they just stick to the formula for 1 and 2(to a lesser extent)...
none of the people from 1 worked on this game
incompetence cant sabotage anything dude
In what way did they not stick to the basic formula of 1
>should of
Jesus you autist. 1-3 are incredibly similar in the grand scheme. Good games that the company forcefully ended and that is all anyone dislikes about the trilogy, the forced junk ending.
The dev team was majority women
Call me Sup Forums all you want but the quality of a project will go down with white or asian men are not in control of it
why would any military add ammo back into their supply chain after removing it?
>should of
Is it me or does Andromeda lack characters to interact with, compared to other Mass Effect games?
Is it just me or does every single asari besides PB have the exact same face
Can I get a quick rundown?
>and that is all anyone dislikes about the trilogy
I think even the beloved Mass Effect 1 is utter trash and I remember this opinion being nothing controversive whatsoever back when it came out. Looking with positive nostalgia on the series is a sign of neo-Sup Forums, the same shitters that love Dragon Age, Halo and Call of Duty.
Not to mention 3 of the characters are ryders.
There's a few main reasons for Andromeda's failure.
MEA was intended to be a soft reboot of the IP. Fresh setting, new characters, a clean slate. Its natural that a new formula come with that.
Second, it was developed by a different studio. More specifically, a studio assembled specifically for Andromeda, and composed largely of fresh college grads and other assorted cheap hires.
Third, EA's insistence on deadlines. Andromeda clearly needed more development time to quash bugs and do some polish passes. But delaying the game would throw off EA's books for the quarter, so they pressed ahead. In a sense, all of the bad press that MEA received (and that ultimately doomed the game) was EA's own doing.
It blows my mind that there are daily Call of Duty and Halo threads, even people waxing nostalgiac over Modern Warfare 2
Someone teach me how to Vanguard. Finished my ME1 playthrough where I more or less played as an adept who could pull out a shotgun when needed. Kind of lost on what I need to be doing in ME2 though
There have always been Halo threads.
>even people waxing nostalgia over Modern Warfare 2
Kids that were 12 when MW2 was released are now in college, user.
The game is real time with pause, so use it. Use incendiary ammo, upgrade your charge and your class passive asap to get as fast a cooldown as possible. When you charge, look to take a quick shot and or a melee and then hop back into cover, then repeat as much as possible. Dont charge to where there's no cover at. Sprinting into an enemy still does damage like in ME1 but it's only useful in a pinch or for style.
>Someone teach me how to Vanguard
Its been a LONG time since I've had the chance to post this.
Mass Effect 2 is a bad game, especially compared to Mass Effect. It's a straight up shooter instead of an rpg, and the whole game is party formation without an actual plot.
>the whole game is party formation without an actual plot
This is the first time I understood why people say Mass Effect 2 is worse.
>It's a straight up shooter instead of an rpg
To be fair, ME1 wasn't really much of an RPG either.
find a flaw
Her head.
uhh thats racist
>should of
I still don't get why people use this.
>STDs from bestiality.
>grammer nazis
kys you're selves
I've realized Bogs are the new dominant species, so I've been training myself to be sexual attracted to Bogs so my offspring can have superior genes.
Post more Bog edits, my dick needs to become trained to stay erect for them.
that goes for pretty much every ME character that didn't have a unique head built just for them
They did. I don't understand this.
The game's failure was entirely in bad execution, which is an incredibly easy trap to fall into.
completely different team filled with amateurs and diversity hires.
This isn't a draw thread but I am officially commissioning anyone to draw as best they can, that Boulevard of Broken Dreams picture but instead of Elvis and James Dean being on there, it's Shepard and Tali.
six years and I'm still mad
The first game was made by Turians..
The second game was made by Humans.
The third game was made by Hanar.
Andromeda was made by Batarians.
Tell me about Liara, why does she wear the eyebrows?
A propaganda piece meant to brainwash the peasants into the false beauty of the Hegemony?
SJW retardation is considered popular to have nowadays instead of being treated as mental illness. Which leads to...
Are we ever going to get a Mass Effect game where we can choose to play as a different species? Hell, it wouldn't be too much trouble since most of the species have the standard build of a human.
This one thinks it refers to the quality of the writing.
Never. They killed it.
This one thinks you need a 20 kilo ferrous slug up your ass
EA doesnt understand games and what gamers want. They understand money and buzzwords that they think are associated with money. Such as multiplayer, loot boxes, paid dlc, target demographics. Its all just a bunch of faggots in suits with a list of shareholders telling the dev team what they think makes a good game and if it doesnt meet their criteria, they blame the devs and shut them down. Mass effect will soon join deadspace and Im fucking mad.
>hand off one of your best franchises to your lesser sister studio comprised of french cunts
I hope Anthem fails so hard, it kills Bioware forever.
>maxed charm
>do his stupid family armor sidequest
>still shoot Wrex on Virmire
All fucking Krogan must fucking hang. Can I still save Mordin in 3 if I had Ashley shoot him?
lol, reminds me of my brother who studied finance. I run a business with my brother. And often he makes decisions that only make sense on paper.
>Killing your only true bro
Garus may be your second bro but Wrex is the only one legitimately excited for your return.
It was a development clusterfuck; there's a lot that went wrong; somebody probably has the screencaps.
I don't know what kind of friends you keep, user, but my bros have never pulled guns on me.
>Need more time
5 fucking years.
40 million dollars.
They literally scratched their asses all day instead of working it.
EA ALSO understands how to utterly fuck their workers up and force engine changes not once but TWICE during a game's development and simultaneously leech workers away.
Andromeda had the makings to address every fan complaint I've seen up till now. They were trying to hand animate every conversation and scene in the game instead of using the same reused animations from the original trilogy, they not only brought a rover back but also allowed you to upgrade it to perform better, in my second playthrough where I tried to do everything and do things differently from my first, by the end the Nomad could scale sheer cliffs and handle much faster than the Mako ever could. They overhauled the class system and made different sets you could swap to and change to any class you wanted to, added all the cool shit from the ME3 multiplayer like many of the powers and cool melee weapons, then put in neat weapon customization that could do things like perma-incindiary ammo, give you ME1 style heat sinks instead of detachable thermal clips, and other shit. Then they tried to address the complaints of your choices meaning jack shit, so they did away with the paragon/renegade system and instead tried to give you 4-6 different responses per conversation. In my first playthrough I rescued 0 of the Pathfinders, then in my second playthrough to compare differences I saved most of them, but failed to get the gay Turian to become a Pathfinder cus I picked the wrong dialogue option. Then in the final battle, the different forces you helped over the game aid you in the fight, or the different Pathfinders get extra cutscenes to help you fuck the Kett up. Ultimately they tried to address every major fan complaint and in return EA neutered them and forced two engine changes over development and siphoned workers to build Anthem instead.
It could have been as good as Mass Effect 1, because that's what it was shaping up to be, but instead every there are 1000000 technical problems.
>fucks space dogs
What else needs to be said?
I just don't know how they had an easy win on just making a new fucking game in the existing universe but then they had to make Andromeda and create a whole new story that is disconnected from everything known and loved about the game. Like sure it also sucked but if it at least took place in the galaxy where all the story and lore is taking place it might be cool.
The broad story of whatever the fuck Star Trek Beyond villains and underground ancient aliens shit was cool, the ending came a little suddenly but it was a 7/10 main story. All the squad members sucked meaty cock.
A HUGE thing about it is the camerawork. Both in cutscenes and in-game. First of all, the minor quest camera is absolute garbo. Why the fuck am I playing an expensive AAA RPG that treats you like an MMO peon. Then you get into the cutscenes - the moments where big ass spaceships are flying around, yeah, that's dope. But otherwise you have a bunch of wooden aliens talking about their bullshit lives and being random and quirkyderpy.
If you go back to Mass Effect 2, the camerawork of the cutscenes is phenomenal. It knows when the big moments are happening, it knows when to make a character a big deal, it knows all that shit. It's sexy, it's gritty, it's fucking marvelous. Andromeda is like watching an SJW gape it's just so fucking stupid. Every potentially interesting characters gets neutered by dumb shit. The Mexican dude was like their gambit for every fucking bit of flair and intrigue they had. He's charming, rogueish, oh and also secretly he's user, and also he's gay as fuck because the office SJW whore traded some rimjobs to get her LGBT bullshit plugged in that stupid ass game.
Andromeda is the realest 6/10 of all time, that bitch who gonna suck you off with eyes wide open but like she just a mess all the time and you wondering how she doesn't just do it better.
It was in development hell and they scrapped a much better game before it released and redid it in a year, none of the original team worked on this anyway on top of being on a brand new engine AND on top of that the new team was totally incompetent, so it was going to be shit from the start.
>Then they tried to address the complaints of your choices meaning jack shit, so they did away with the paragon/renegade system and instead tried to give you 4-6 different responses per conversation.
The paragon system was pretty good though. People just wanted the decisions to be referred to back again later in the game.
The asari were problematic and have been corrected to fit BioWare's progressive moral standards. You're welcome.
Yeah, I got a few problems with this line of thinking.
1. the new dialogue system was WORSE than the Paragon/Renegade from the trilogy. Instead of getting only two but still wildly different responses in the form of ruthless or badass or universe saint, you get four homogenized responses that only in differ in tone. The choices you made in the trilogy ended up doing something, somewhere. It was a mechanic that was part of the core gameplay.
Then Andromeda rolls around and suddenly I'm either logical, professional, sarcastic or....fuck it was so bad I can't even remember the fourth one. The problem though is that you make these different four tonal choices in a vacuum. Does choosing logical over any other response most of the time DO anything?
The answer is a resounding no. You don't gain new dialogue options, more "Logical points" or new options to pick in critical moments of choice.
Bioware seemed to equate more as automatically being better when it was never about the number of options that was the real problem with the trilogy. In the original trilogy, I could at least choose between angel or devil, whereas in Andromeda you can just be whatever the hell you want, whenever you want without anything really happening or having it go anywhere.
Most Ryders probably come across as schizophrenic in playthroughs because of the arbitrary differences in dialogue responses.
Also, being able to be every class in the game was not a good thing. It was a fucking terrible design choice and ruined whatever replay value the game could have had.
Don't try to pin everything on EA, user. We know BioWare fucked up a lot on its own when making ME:A. EA is the Great Satan but its studios are capable of making their own mistakes
>Retconning the entire point of their race
Why would a race without genders care about genders anyway?
i just don't get how someone didn't get murdered for this cashcow kill.
They never even got to do a straight to movie release.
Why isnt casey hudson blacklisted? he cost a lot of jews possibly billions.
They wouldn't, but this is modern BioWare we're talking about and they know their core audience
Having a Reaper secretly follow the Ark through Dark Space could have been a cool plot point.
>all the bad press was EA's doing
not at all true. These fuckers scoped the game to be a AAA No Man's Sky with 300 planets, then dropped it down to a few dozen, then started again from scratch a year and a half before release.
They squandered 40 million, did not seek any senior guidance, emphasized getting diversity hires, changed animation programs late in development, and supposedly rejected an offer from EA to have more time. This whole abomination is their own doing.
They wouldn't, it's showcasing the mental gymnastics and double think of current day liberals that work at Bioware.
Biodrones ate it right up, though, if they even knew any better in the first place. I've seen them fantasizing about butch asari and tranny asari and wanting them in future games
>future games
Guess they're drones for a reason, this franchise is as good as dead.
>walls of text
Somebody give me a rundown on the bogs
wait, they dont have genders?
The adversary in Andromeda looks like he should be in Dragon Age
they fear the big heads.
One of the bogs got arrested fighting with his mistress gf and started ranting about "big heads" controlling things
>pretending to be an oldfag
How pathetic can you get
Because markets change
Nobody wants some crusty old rpg
Mass Effect Battle Royal when
They're basically all female and can fuse other people's DNA into their offspring if they want but fertilization is not necessary.
this but unironically
I have that book, it was a good read.
Monogender =/= no genders, it means one. They were supposed to be an all female race, a throwback to a bygone era of science fiction when men were allowed to be men, but EA had to make it about dysphoria.
>Nobody wants some crusty old rpg
I do...
Truly you are Nobody
Be careful or I'll blind you.
They are effectively genderless because they have no concept of gender division. Their concept is "sexy alien women" but we're told by Liara her species aren't women and that male and female have no meaning for them. At the very least we can be certain they wouldn't have the tumblr-style identity issues BioWare projected onto them in ME:A because asari identity comes from their life stage and perception of the effects of their parentage. People bitched about them being just blue human women with head prosthetics and then BioWare made them even MORE like that
"Kill Your Self your selves"
that's not bad grammar. that's just stupid.
Liara also says that they aren't promiscuous and that that's a baseless stereotype (which we know not to be true). Not to mention the codex outright contradicts her.
I guess you could argue that they wouldn't have thought of 'female' in the same way, given the lack of contrast, in the same way white may not be perceived the same way if not for black, but being with species that do have two genders for so long, I'm not sure how relevant this would be.
>No tumblr-style identity issues
That much is for certain.
>Blue human women
Not just human, White specifically. It'd be interesting to see one with Asian or Negro features.
>ywn play manguard for the first time again
Here's Samara for more confirmation. She's also modelled after a European, which is perhaps better evidence on my part than a gimmicky website.
It's not just her, though. Even at the beginning of the infamous ME:A pronouns scene the VI says that the gender binary of other species is irrelevant to the asari before she contradicts herself with what's seen in that webm
Hot Take: Three wasn't that bad till the end.