Anyone else play this game as a kid? I absolutely fucking loved it but I'm not sure if it still holds up today...

Anyone else play this game as a kid? I absolutely fucking loved it but I'm not sure if it still holds up today... might try playing it soon. I remember the sequel being absolute ass though

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I got stuck on the Chicken Temple.

I dont remember exactly what part that is but still loling at your dumbass

This was one of my childhood defining games. Definitely an underrated 3d platforming gem.

Why wasnt it more popular?

>that nickelodeon series

Never played the games, but it was a show I put on for background noise sometimes

>when you make a cartoon about your videogame and people retroactively think the game is a shitty tie in

It's got some real nice tunes

fucking banger

I only played its sequel

you played ass

I remembered watching my older bro played it and I watched the show as well. Nick seems like they’re trying their hardest to make everyone forget that that had existed like Class of 3000 with Cartoon Network.

niggers naturally scare children. No wonder this show did so horribly

The show was pretty bad but it wasn't class of 3000 bad.

Which platform had the best version of this game?


Literally the first game I ever played in my life, Nick pushed it hard on TV and I guess the commercials made me want a game system for it. I remember my dad getting the impression that it was shit and going back to GameStop to get me Super Mario Sunshine and Lord of The Rings The Two Towers for himself.
I don't remember them being bad, but I can kinda see why my dad would have went back to get Mario instead.
I remember the sequel trying to be edgier right? The commercial had this dramatic animation of an older Tak and cool music jumping down to some arena to fight a bunch of the tiki monsters.
The tie in to the nick show was the last game right?

Nice. Any idea if it emulates well?


Yeah I did but honestly can't remember much of it. I actually replayed Ty on Gamecube recently and now that I'm on a nostalgia trip I may just play that or Pac Man World too

i recall dream like areas which were really fucking cool and surreal to me, i never actually tied the game to a television series

Why is the artstyle so obnoxious

Didn't this game have a show?

>as a kid

Show was good awful. Like anything nicklodeon gets their grease stained paws all over. All I can say on it though

user the ps2 was almost 18 years ago

>The ps2 came out on march 4 2000
It's going to 18 tomorrow

sounds like shit

>class of 3000

You can't be fucking serious.

>Class of 3000
it actually got me to learn the violin

>I like my races to be as stereotypical as possible

>Class of 3000
wtf, I loved that show and am surprised it was canned so quickly

>Class of 3000
This show was funky

I didn't play it, but my ex girlfriend liked this game, and only this game. This was in 2009 though, so I thought it was dogshit.

>The show was pretty bad but it wasn't class of 3000 bad.
>class of 3000 bad

I remember digging the crayon song

Your dad did the right thing, user. I hope you were eventually able to play Two Towers someday.

you should try to make your samefagging not as obvious. just a tip

>I hope you were eventually able to play Two Towers someday

Why does everyone have this memory?
I used to play it with my dad and he never fucking touched video games, and we hadn't even seen the movies

>class of 3000
And I’m none of those guys

dad was/is a gaming bro, he did let me play two towers although back then action games weren't really my thing and I never got past the cave troll fight in the mines of moria. Mario Sunshine was the shit though and I remember my mom once got mad at us because we spent an entire evening playing together and unlocking the theme park level.
>tfw dad's now 50 and is too busy working to get me through college to game anymore
I miss playing WoW with him

You should make your stupidity less obvious. Just a tip.

hol up

>Class of 3000
How is 3000 worse thanTak?

>Actually talked about all genres of music from rap to country to classical even.
>Those jazzy as fuck music
How user?
How the fuck can you not like Class of 3000?

Fuck these two were my jam
This one was great.

the poster count isn't going up. Please stop samefagging

>mfw flapjack started my trap fetish

There actually was a game tie in for the show that is based on a game.

It was bad.

A game based on the show based on the game?


I thought the sequel was charming. Even though the ending felt like the kind of copout that you'd think would be a joke ending they'd play right before they rolled out the real climax.

For some reason as a kid I had a fetish for dense, tropical jungle environments and having access to only a GBA had very little choice of games to satisfy me

Saw gameplay of this on PS2 and it literally looked like my dream game

Dumbass kid me was disappointed the GBA game was completely different but it was still a great little side scroller

stupid nostalgia for this game. whether or not it's good, thanks for reminding me OP

You just made me remember Class of the Titans for the first time in about a decade

It's honestly probably my second favorite platformer series, behind OG Spyro. They just FEEL nice to play, you've got a good sense of weightiness, the glide in the second and third game feels nice to use, the pole vaulting in 1, it's all top notch stuff. I love the art style, how the characters are this distinct mix of uglycute, how the jungle environments look, and especially how they use the actual concept art for the backgrounds. The music is fucking GOAT, too.

I liked it.
I let a friend borrow it, and 3 months later he returned it all scratched up beyond repair and covered in jelly.

I never let anyone borrow games again.
I thought the feather healthbar was the coolest thing at the time though. Then EA did something similar on Dead Space and I thought it was super cool then too.


Jesus, I don’t remember his design in the show being as bad as this
Not him, but keep telling yourself that.