What do you think is the most graphically impressive game ever Sup Forums?

What do you think is the most graphically impressive game ever Sup Forums?
For me, its pic related

Horizon Zero Dawn

Zelda BOTW

Zelda BOTW, PC will reach that level of detail and graphics in like 3 years or more.


Think your funny huh?
I mean its gorgeous but not really graphically impresive

Looks good

the new metal gear games looked pretty


Crysis 3, or more important The Hunt. The engine is hardly modified between the games. The engine is disgustingly good looking and optimized to hell in comparison to their biggest competition (UE4 and ID Tech 6).


hunt looks great rn but they gotta increase draw distance and some assets need a bit more polishing.


Assassin's Creed: Origins, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Ryse: Son of Rome imo.

Also Forza Horizon 3, but I guess it doesn't really count as a racing game.

>but I guess it doesn't really count as a racing game.

Racing games look like shit this gen

I agree, but I found FH3 to be pretty impressive.

Dying Light looks pretty good for an open world game IMO, considering how many enemies are rendered at a given time

And what are you trying to prove with this image?


modded skyrim

Only scrubs play driving games in 3rd person, therefore your opinion is invalid.

It has its moments but overall not very impressive.
Hope they step up their game with Horizon 4 and Fable.


The screenshot in the original pic is 3rd person too dummie ;)

The Horizon devs are making a Fable Reboot, yeah.

I don't know/remember. Lots of them are nice in their own way. The one that let the biggest impact on me though? Shenmue. Holy shit, the beginning made me feel like I was watching a film. It's cinematography and rendering was top notch back then in my mind.

I'll believe it when it releases.

quantum break is almost photorealistic sometimes, they just fucked up the hair

>playing a game
>looks incredible
>take a screenshot
>it's ugly as fuck
Why does this happen every time?

I always take like 5 screenshots at slightly different angles and just keep the one that looks the best.

AOE II HD is not that bad when you really think about it

Uncharted 4


Quantum Break has some of the most advanced lighting tech in games, it's a shame that the /r/pcmasterrace crowd immediately labeled it as poorly optimized, because god forbid a game actually pushed your PC. It launched with some issues when it came to the options menu and whatnot, but QB got really unfairly judged by its performance.

The developers also need to remove the magic "go here" witcher vision and also remove the boss-killer icon on the map.

It uses 2x MSAA that you can't turn off even when you disable upscaling, which is why it ran so bad.

At least they said they'll show their new game at E3. Northlight Engine is definitely one of the best.

BF1, particularly at 100+ fps in this kind of detail looks absolutely stunning.

orgins is good


Good at being shit

Race mixer




The same.

Deadspace 2

are we back in 2007?

nothing in this thread nor game that's been released looks better than BF1


>GT looks better than Forza
>no native 4k
It's like you're trying to be faggots

Your own screens prove u wrong tho. it looks barely better than crysis


Nuscape looks so fucking ugly in every conceivable way

some of the graphical updates have missed the mark (catherby), port sarim looks really good though

what? sure the textures are meh but the lighting is great

Is The Hunt any good?

The water is truly the best part. The desert areas are great as well, shame most of them don't have any locations.

Look up gameplay and reviews yourself to make a decision. I didn't like what I saw despite looking forward to it or a while.

>the order 1886
such a pity

Have you guys ever played a series of games called Planet Earth? I did in 4K and it was great. It seemed so graphically intensive I don’t know how my machine can handle it. To be fair, the game isn’t that great outside the graphics. From the main menu, I hit the play button and then there was just like a two hour cutscene. I must’ve won or something because the credits rolled afterwards, so I think I did good. But anyways, the game is called Planet Earth. I think part 2 is out now. It has the most impressive graphics I have ever seen.

>super dark and foggy omg look soreal

I'm putting off watching part 2 till I get a OLED

>Your own screens prove u wrong tho
i didn't post those screens, but keep being in denial :^)

the order looks shit


You mean “playing” part 2, right?

ugly color pallet

Wow BF 1942 looks great in 4k!

>unironic lens flares and shitty dof
>jaggies everywhere
That crapola image actually makes my eyes hurt. Fuck off retard.

it looks like shit t.b.h.

t. switch owner


waiting for you 2 brainlets to post something better looking :)


I would say battlefield 1 and the star wars battlefronts have just as good if not better graphics than those games

>PC will reach that level of detail and graphics
Lol? Crysis looks better than BotW and Crysis game out in 2007.


>zoomed in picture on CIA's face compared to an enviroment


Arkham Knight has some really nice model and texture work.

>it's still $60

I just pirated it, been cracked for like a month

theres something really ugly about battlefield 1

its the pbr textures making everything look like melted cake

>Catwoman's suit is so tight you can see the outline of her fully-modeled cat-panties

muh steam hours tho

But AC:Unity looks even better than Origins.
Anyway the best looking game is SW Battlefront 2 and it's not even close.

the lighting is nice, but that's it :)

Devs should really come up with solid solutions for lighting under shadows, those NPCs look like they're floating

that looks awful my dude

so it's 1 - 0 for me :)

pretty sure its supposed to be a part of the stitching...

>entire left half of the sky is a solid white

>nu/v/ be like "ps2 graphics are good enough"
>devs make a game with ps2 graphics
>nu/v/ be like "wtf this looks like shit"

I liked FF15 visually but I think the award goes to Hunt Showdown

Unironically Sea of Thieves. Been playing the the stress test with friends this weekend and I had so much fucking fun. Probably going to get it at launch as well.

This is because Origins isn't using GI whether dynamic or baked. Battlefronts, The Division, Paragon (RIP), AC:Unity all used either GI, light probes or both. Pic related
Origin is actually a pretty bad game from a tech standpoint, although the art direction is gorgeous

Let a man dream, user.

It can look nice but theres nothing impressive about it


Andromeda's planets all look neat, especially with reshade.