Now that the Aniki threads exposed how painfully obvious it is how much this board is infested with newfags with no regard for this site's roots and old, traditional memes, and with the rekindling of our spirits with Harmony's rebirth, it's time to bring back the light. Post your Sup Forums - The Vidya related images from before the post-election, post-fappening, post-gamergate influx of phoneposters and normies. May they date as early as possible.
Now that the Aniki threads exposed how painfully obvious it is how much this board is infested with newfags with no...
RIP Tribes Ascend
RIP mystery of the druids edits
RIP awkward group photo threads
no more deep sea threads
rest in peace reaction images that are not another wojak or pepe edit
no more Gorilla Munch and friends
I miss the vidya wrestlan. Is there still a community somewhere streaming those?
That shit was cancerous and you know it, just like those ROB threads
genuinely don't understand where you're coming from, I thought it was a lot of fun
it didn't even flood the board like the eternal starcraft or league of legends generals
That picture reminds me of some good times and really makes me think of what could've been. Fuck Hi-Rez for going full retard and squandering all that potential, all the hopes of a proper sequel died with that game.
a classic
Is that from those old random game name threads? I fucking loved those.
I really miss playing LOTRO with Sup Forums.
I also miss watching random animal streams with you niggers.
>you'll never watch penguins with Sup Forums again
You eight faggots in this thread are doing the Lord's work. I've been feeling down recently and needed a pick me up. This shit is gold.
it is. I might have one or two more saved, but to be honest my old picture folder is quite a mess
glad to make at least one user happy
I know. even though I barely touched the game myself, I always enjoyed tribes-posting. it produced a shitton of good OC
>Reactions with text
Why did these die? Facebook?
Are ya winnin', son?
must have been so. that and what normalfags started calling "memes", i.e. all the advice dog image macro spin-offs
>I can hear it
Are you up for the challenge?
good shit. I was looking for some tribes gif in this mess but can't see any yet
>TFW no more Rance threads
>Aniki dead
>Iwata dead
>Rance Series is over
>DMCV never ever
The fuck is happening
during Harmony 2.0 I saw an user genuinely missing the babby images on Sup Forums. if you are reading this, this is for you
i've been trying to inject old memes into current day Sup Forums occasionally and it doesn't stick. There's no saving it, the board has too many unique users that pop in rarely to fuck shit up
>ainsley posting
Yes. I was about to start posting mine, but I had lost all but three of them which were my own youtube caps.
I miss [sound] threads.
I am not that user, but I miss them as well.
it's almost fucking 5am here guys. I'm gonna post for a while more and go to sleep. thanks for stopping by and please keep the thread alive as long as you can
>lets remember the good times
>Not come up with a solution
We could do what we do best and shitpost the board till it burns in hellfire
I've been seeing people fighting over comfy recently like it's a bad thing. That's how I know this place is beyond saving.
holy shit I totally forgot those existed. whatever made them go away?
I remember those edits. miss dubs too
when people stopped posting ainsley, we lost something great
I miss it
Embeded files in images were banned for a while, now they just seem to be filtered automatically
The plugin can still load music from images you have saved, if you have any
I'm pretty sure that up till now I've only seen the reaction image portion of this. but then again, I had no reason to look for where it came from...
i miss all the team propaganda ;_;
i need to find my old folder full of it
was WHY the greatest meme that Sup Forums has produced?
They was great until you get that cheese pizza
My hard drive got torched and I lost all my old material. Don't forget to back up your shit, kids.
A risk of pizza shouldn't stop the good times.
That's normalfaggots, you fucking fool.
man this image was posted a lot back then.
there was also the one with a monkey in a hospital bed, tubes in its nose. had a ton of edits
I fucking hate AoS custom maps. The team dynamics were the best fucking part of classicgen AoS.
(Blue represent, Greeniggers)
Here's a goldie from 2011
Soooo nobody is gonna come up with ideas on what to do? We're just g onna post old shit like nothing is going on? Like there's no problems at all? What are you people, mexican?
Some anons have been trying to bring back shoop da whoop
Not enough people making OC though
join in anons. surely you have some gems hidden deep in your image folders
Or we just shitpost the board to oblivion
is it even still running
it is
I dont know man. I'm too tired to think about such things now. I just wanted to post some things for old times' sake
i wish i had something to post. i realize i am newfag scum, but i dont understand why its so hard for peopel to lurk. i lurked for nearly a goddamn year in order to learn about this board, its culture, and its stupid wonderful history, because i liked the community and wanted to treat it with respect before trying to assimilate.
heres to you, oldfags. you guys are pretty damn cool, and this thread is neat. heres my oldest image, although i know its not old enough.
cringe af my nigga
anyone remembers THOSE threads?
I no longer have any of pics from back then but I do remember having a fondness of watching /sci/ get raided with how do lightsabers work and other nonsense.