How does Odyssey compare to the other 3D Mario games?

How does Odyssey compare to the other 3D Mario games?

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Sounds like flame bait but okay


It's easily the best, bar none. Most content, best levels, best movement, 60 fps.

Switch 64 with Odyseey.

Way easier than Sunshine

Sunshine>Galaxy>Odyssey=Galaxy 2>64>3D Land>3D World


It was okay but I honestly don't think I enjoyed it much compared to other Mario games. It felt like I was exploring more than platforming. Nothing wrong with that I guess but it isn't exactly what I play a Mario game for.

Is this just a made up list to get replies?

Third best after Galaxy 2 and Galaxy

Nope, 64 is only high on people's lists because of nostalgia

Galaxy 2>Odyssey>Sunshine>Galaxy=64>Land=World

Game keeps making the point that it's all about the journey, rather than the destination, but the climax is pretty good in its own right and there's a not-at-all-small postgame for each kingdom. It does peak at New Donk, though, and no other kingdom quite gets to that standard of quality. It's worth your money I think.

64 = Odyssey = Galaxy 2 > Sunshine = Galaxy 1 > 3D World

Odyssey's worlds look somewhat bland if you're comparing them to some older titles, but it has the best 3D Mario movement to ever exist.

almost as good as sunshine

more options sure, but sunshines controls are way tighter and feel better

It's pretty fantastic. Better than both Galaxy games because there is no (very little?) waggle gimmicks to ruin the game. 64 will likely never be beaten, simply for nostalgia. Sunshine depends on whether you liked the game or not. We are in a weird place now where people either absolutely fucking hate it, or love it. Nobody is tepid on that game.

Only the Galaxies could compare in world diversity and prettiness, no other game come even close.

it's no masterpiece

>blame people for only liking thing for nostalgia
>while saying Sunshine is the best one

I bet you liked 3d world, get some taste you retarded fucking faggot.

>Galaxy over Galaxy 2

What's wrong with 3D World?

It's like a marginally more refined version of Land but not big enough to warrant a purchase, assuming you already have Land.

It tried to do what Galaxy 2 or Tropical Freeze did which took the previous game and pushed it to its absolute potential. But what it was just more of Land plus an extremely mediocre co-op mode.

64 > Galaxy 2 > Galaxy > 3D World > Sunshine > Odyssey

I see. I'll have to take your word for it because I haven't played Land.

>claims bait
>ranks Sunshine above the others

Why do you consider Odyssey the worst?

Galaxy > 3D World > Odyssey > Galaxy 2 > 64 > 3D Land > Sunshine

>plus an extremely mediocre co-op mode.
Excuse me, but what the fuck? It wasn't co-op, it was competitive.
Also, 3D World might be similar to 3D Land, but if Galaxy 2 gets a free pass, why can't 3D World? It's arguably the third or even second best 3D Mario game to date.

Switch SMG2 and SMG and you got the kino list

I see the disgusting gamecube kiddies are out in force again.

It's probably the best one. Maybe Super Mario 64 is better, maybe not.

Galaxy 2 > 64 > Galaxy > 3D World = Odyssey > Sunshine > 3D Land

Because it's no masterpiece.

Because of lazy, copy & pasted content for the most part. Also, the movement techniques may be more advanced, but the game never ever utilizes it and doing the same jump > throw cap > dive > bounce on cap > throw cap > dive over and over gets really boring.
There is absolutely no challenge to keep it interesting before you reach the very end of the game, which requires you to grind and collect a ton of garbage moons. It's not enjoyable and it's not worth it.
This would be okay if the actual level design was good though, but it isn't. The kingdoms in Odyssey are about exploration, but it's pointless since the reward is always the same.

>First attempt at 3D Mario
>Still hasn't been topped
How the fuck did they do it?

>if Galaxy 2 gets a free pass, why can't 3D World?
Because as I mention Galaxy 2 drastically fixes and improves upon the formula that it doesn't so much feel like more of the same as much as what the formula was leading up to.

Saying Galaxy 2 is just like Galaxy is like saying Super Mario Bros. 3 is just like Super Mario Bros.

Yeah really.
Sunshine is only slightly better than Galaxy

>Saying Galaxy 2 is just like Galaxy is like saying Super Mario Bros. 3 is just like Super Mario Bros.
No, it isn't. SMB3 was a whole new game with new mechanics, visuals, radically different level design and progression. Galaxy 2 was to Galaxy what Lost Levels was to SMB, except good.
Either way, both Galaxy 2 and 3DW are great games and great sequels, so I don't know why people are bitching.

You didn't find yourself rolling and long jumping constantly? I also used the butt pound into higher jump thing all the fucking time.

Galaxy 2>Galaxy 1>Odyssey>64>3D World>Sunshine>3D Land

they’re all really great games. 3D land loses points as there’s like 1 boss in the whole game. Sunshine has tight controls but some bad levels.

Never said I thought 3DW was bad. I was just explaining why 3DW for most people is considered the weakest 3D Mario game. Game itself is alright.

I would but SMG really was something else, I've never been so hooked to a game, I got the first 120 stars in one sitting, SMG2 has better levels but feels more like an expansion.

Odyssey>Galaxy 1+2>3D World=64>3D Land>Sunshine
I suppose it's this but it's so hard to make lists like this

Chill the fuck out guys, I got this:
64>Odyssey>Galaxy 2>Galaxy>Sunshine>The rest

64>Odyssey>Galaxy>Galaxy 2>Sunshine>3D World

>Odyssey that high
Nope. It's objectively the second worst 3D Mario.

Not him but I marginally prefer Galaxy 1 as well just because I kind of prefer levels having that "space" aesthetic over the "cloudy sky" aesthetic.
That and also the late-elementary-school memories which are tied to Galaxy 1 give it a slight edge for my personal preference, but I totally acknowledge that they might as well be considered 1 game since Galaxy 2 was literally just "MarioGalaxyMore.EXE"

is odyssey the easiest 3D Mario so far?

Making Mario 3D was a mistake. Mario should've stayed a 2D sidescroller with beautiful, timeless 16-bit graphics.

Learn words before using them.

By what metric?

Best so far.

Yes. The only 3D Mario game to really focus on offering challenge are Sunshine and Galaxy 2.

I like it. Definitely better than Sunshine for the sole reason that it doesn't cripple you for half the game for the "hard" parts. SM64 will always be tainted by nostalgia and the sheer genius of getting the first 3D Mario game down so perfectly so it's hard to compare. I definitely think it's my favorite since 64, though. I never played Galaxy or Galaxy2 because I skipped the Wii consoles.

Odyssey is better across the board. The only thing 64 did better was make Bowser intimidating but Odyssey didn't even try to do that.

search in your heart, you know it's the truth.

I unironically agree with this.

I'm confused, did you all not play Galaxy with the fucking awful nunchuck + wiimote? Literally the only thing I remember about Galaxy 1 was that I hated the controls and I stopped playing it as soon as I beat it. I assume there was some great post game shit I missed, but I literally didn't give a single fuck about skipping it. I also didn't care enough to even try Galaxy 2. Did everyone play it with the Wii Classic Controller or something? This is the same reason I never got into DKCR, even though I think DKC 2 is the pinnacle of 2D platformers. I don't want waggle faggotry in my video games, which is why I was happy Odyssey allowed me to use the Pro controller.

>I was happy Odyssey allowed me to use the Pro controller.
I played with the nunchuck connectors, and I liked that it let me thrash around the controller to climb faster. I keep trying to do it in BotW when I get impatient with watching Link climb a wall for 10 hours. In Mario if I'm getting impatient I just jerk off for 2 seconds and he's done climbing.

Why everybody loves that dumb Zelda game, I will never understand.

>He doesnt think waggling is the future
Waggling is the future

because after skyward sword people were willing to lap up anything aonuma shat out. twilight princess will probably be the last good zelda game

This is the definitive

That's because Mario has always been at its core about fun, holding down the run button and zipping through levels at breakneck speed, since the very first game.

Zelda has always been about... hell, I don't even know. The early games were too obtuse, but then top-down Zelda was great, and then 3D Zelda became hand-holding and boring. Egoraptor's terrible at video games but he's spot-on when he says 3D Zelda is all about waiting and that kills all the fun.

>only traditional zelda game i completed was minish cap
>every other game i tried bored me to tears
>botw is my favorite open world game
why do i feel like an asshole for liking a game.

>Why everybody loves that dumb Zelda game, I will never understand.
Because it offers a lot of freedom while doing a bunch of things really well to the point where its the best in a lot of categories franchise wise with the exception of music, story, and final boss fight.

>why do i feel like an asshole for liking a game.
You shouldn't, it's okay to like things that are overrated. It's even okay to like bad things. As long as the things you like aren't gay, God will always love you.

i'm the same.
only traditional zelda game i finished was a link between worlds and i got bored with the other ones too.
botw is probably my favorite zelda game.

>best movement ever in 3D mario

debatable. I've started to have some problems with its design philosophy in regard to its walljump options. Why did they nerf it so much? Why did they decide to remove a cap flip option after walljumping?

Rolls are really nice though. I just wish they would let you walljump out of a long jump though.

SM64 still has the most freedom of movement in any 3D mario. Odyssey also has motion control inaccuracies which inherently hold it back.

I still haven't been able to consistently flip jump in Odyssey. I can not play SM64 for a freakin decade, pick it up and the controls all immediately feel second nature again.

>can not play SM64 for a freakin decade, pick it up and the controls all immediately feel second nature again.
Because the control schemes are mostly the same?

>SM3DL over SM3DW

What if one of the things I like are the Saints Sergius and Bacchus?

>Elementary school
>Mario Galaxy
Fucking kids need to die