Rank the Metal Gear games

1. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (10/10)
2. Metal Gear Solid (9/10)
3. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (8/10)
4. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (8/10)
5. Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain (7/10)
6. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (6/10)
7. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (6/10)
8. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (6/10)
9. Metal Gear Survive (4/10)

Haven't played the first two Metal Gears and Portable Ops.

>1. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (10/10)
>2. Metal Gear Solid (9/10)
>3. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (5/10)
>4. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (6/10)
>5. Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain (7.5/10)
>6. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (7/10)
>7. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (8.5/10)
>8. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (1/10)
>9. Metal Gear Survive (N/A)

1.MGS2 10/10
2.MGS1 10/10
3.MGS3 10/10
4.MGS4 7/10
rest can go to hell

1. METAL GEAR AC!D 10/10
2. Metal Gear Survive 10/10
3. The rest 0/10

1. MGS2
2. MGS3
3. MGS1
4. MGS4
5. MGS5 (woulda been higher if they fucking finished it)

MG1 is old and dumb. MG2 is... well its basically a super fucking old version of MGS1

MG2, MGS1, Ghost Babel, MGS2 and MGS3 are 10/10s
I don't care enough to rank the rest.


1. MGS1 10/10
2. MGS2 9/10
3. MGS3 9/10
4. MGS5 7/10
5. MGS4 6/10 (9/10 when you actually get to play it)

MGS 4 wasnt that bad IMO

3 > 4 > 1 > 2

it squandered its potential, but not as much as MGSV did

At least mgs v had really good gameplay, but good lord the story was not only incomplete but the way it was told sucked, I would've given Sutherland a chance if Snake actually fucking talked, the lack of actual cutscenes was also dissapointing

not to mention the time wasted on quiet and the wolbachia nonsense, we could've had an interesting story about Punished Snake, but he had no fucking character at all.


MGS3: 10/10
MGS2 : 9,5/10
MGRR: 9/10
MGS4 : 9/10
MGS:PO: 8,5/10
MGS: 8/10
MGA2: 7,5/10
MGSV:GZ: 7,5/10
MGS:PW: 6,5/10
MGSV:TPP : 6,5/10

MGS:MOBILE : -1/10

MG Survive 10/10

The rest suck

Yeah, they have a really interesting an idea but a shitty execution


1 and 2 weren't fun games to play but I'll put 2 over PW because PW was a fun game but the MGS2's story is an all timer

lol no

5, 1, 3, 2, RR, 4.

>Peace Walker is bad
When will this meme die?

>muh tapes

PW's story was too hokey, Kojima turned it into a kiddy friendly MG story after Sony told him almost no one over 18 owns a PSP. The game is on point though, especially for consoles where getting co-op friends was easy. Developing weapons showing off your big penis to random co-op partners while fighting metal gears, monster, tanks or attack choppers? awesome

I thought Kojima was just trying to get his kid interested in the series with the lower rating. I heard he wasn't into his dad's games but was really into Monster Hunter and Smash Bros.

Peace Walker, GZ and V are the only ones playable now. 4 might be on pc if rpcs3 can get it working at 60fps. Then only play through Middle East, it gets far worse from there. Whole game should be set in middle east.
Tenchu Z is a 10/10 game.

How did a demo manage to be better than not only the full game but also the previous game

V has the best gameplay of the series, also some of the best moments, but imo doesn't really belong with MGS 1-4. Apples and Oranges etc.

4 has a few of the best moments in the series, but also most of the worst

MGS1 can be fun

Metal Gear 2
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Gameboy Color
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear
Metal Gear Solid 3
Peace Walker
Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid 4
Metal Gear Solid V

Is Survive actually fun? I heard some good things about it.


Do people actually play these things for the story? Do people actually play any games for the story? Watch a fucking movie you degenerate. Quit shitting up games with your stupid ass demand for having a story.

Ghost Babel
MGS4 [because MGO2 was fun]
Portable Ops
Peace Walker
Twin Snakes
MG Survive >= MGSV

dumpster fire
Snake's Revenge
MGS mobile=MGS Touch=MGS Social Ops

Arcade only tier
MGA and pachinko

Metal Gear Survive is basically MGSV but without the gameplay that makes that game so fun plus more microtransactions. So I recommend to not buy it.

Depends on what you're looking for. If you're okay with Survival, Crafting, Open World, Zombie, Horde mode keywords with MGSV's engine/gameplay then yes it's fun. If not, it'll just be a mediocre game that you can complain about, saying "spear fence"

Ever heard of rpgs? you do know games work very well for story telling since there's an interaction element?

Im not saying games should be like heavy rain that is basically a movie but yes one can play games for the story

>MGS2 10/10
>MGS3 9.5/10
>MGS 9/10
>MGSV:GZ 8/10
>MGS PW: 8/10
>MGR:R 7.5/10
>MGS4 6/10
>MGSurvive 5.5/10
>MGSV:TPP dissapointment/10

I 90% agree with this post.

this but mgs3 sux

3>V(not for its story, tho)>2>1>Peace Walker>4

To be fair there’s a ton of story in chapter 1 but it’s all really boring shit and it’s conveyed in the worst ways possible. Audio tapes and janky scripted dialogue that you can only get if you do the bonus objectives. I don’t know why creators of any media try to go the “subvert all your expectations” route when they run out of ideas, but it’s usually done awfully and falls flat.

I only played 4 games.

MGS PW: 7/10
MGV: 8/10
MGS GZ: 5/10
MGS V: 9/10

I tried MGS2-3 with the HD collection but both games where boring too much talk I hate that shit.

The objectively right rankings.

Survive is not higher than TPP my dude. I know this is a personal list but I don’t even understand that unless you genuinely just love survival games. I don’t even dislike survive but it’s such a bad “metal gear” game.

Can't take anyone serious if they like MGS 4, this shit is the worse on the 1,2,3,4,5 series, no doubts.
Just thinking about the stupid as fuck Meryl boyfriend hurts my brain.

I haven't played any of the others but survive is much better than 5