ITT propose an innovative idea that will save the video game industry

Invent a way to play video games outdoors.

loli vr porn with bodysuits

Stop pandering to normie fucks

Give casuals the finger
Give SJWs the finger
Give everyone the finger

Allow you to legally marry the cute girls inside of games.

A shooter where you get your ammo from random lootboxes.
Paid lootboxes have a 5% chance of giving you gold ammo which is 50% stronger than normal ammo.

You earn three lootboxes every 24 hours and each one has 30 rounds of a random caliber. If you need more you can just pay or tweet 5 advertisements and post a youtube video showing positive coverage that are linked to your account after you photo and phone verify your identity.

DnD in VR or on Wii.

World of Tanks beat you to this one.

Do they really require you to open lootboxes to play?

I want to buy your games

>wanting her when Rin exist

no but there is pay to win ammo

>thinly veiled Sup Forums thread

>infinite replayability without it getting boring/tedious after a while
>new content/updates years after release
>not too difficult for normies, but not babbie

That's it, have fun figuringout how the fuck ur gonna do this

Require? No. I'll give you that.
Premium ammo? Yeah.
Premium tanks? Absolutely.
Premium powerful? Yep.
So you don't *need* to buy premium shit. You'll just fucking lose hard if you don't.

League of Legends.

That does exist, it's called a NINTENDO SWITCH

Gas San Francisco.

Create VR

Honestly, we're just waiting for the tech to get better, I dont see any other option but fully immersive VR worlds that basically replace our real lives

Mobas are tedious and a grind

You need haptic feedback suits for the full immersion, and those are years off. Sooner rather than later, though.

But Rin is for Nadeshiko

Make fun games

No, it should be difficult, and the game penalizing you for playing easy mode.

I believe that would be the device called the NINTENDO SWITCH, NINTENDO WINS AGAIN BABY

Create an AI that makes the game while you play it to better tailor vidya experiences

I don't get this argument honestly. Yeah, VR right now isn't fully immersive, but it's definitely a million times more immersive then most video games are right now



And nadeshiko is for me.

why does she have more porn than the main character

Rocket League
I guarantee soccer will never get old and content releases will never stop coming
Pretty damn high skill ceiling

That's inherent with anything that has "infinite replayability" desu

lootcrates that unlock gameplay modes and cheat codes