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>not N.Flamed Trilogy

according to my digits, its gon suck

>>not N.Flamed Trilogy

>overrated series gets a remaster


Yes, Crash was remastered last year. What of it?

I have zero expectations for this (rumored) remaster/remake. The tone of the original 3 spyro games is such a delicate balance, and I think a large part of it is the early 3D graphics.

If they fuck up the skyboxes the whole thing falls apart. If they fuck up spyro the whole thing falls apart. If they fuck up how it feels to charge the whole thing falls apart. There are just too many ways for this to fail, I won't waste my time being excited for it. I really hope they prove me wrong.

I already have the games on PS1 so I don't need to pay for them again
Plus I don't think a remaster or whatever could recreate the atmosphere the trilogy had

how new?

Thanks for reminding me to replay the spyro trilogy again. Been a few years since I last played em.


Spyro was never good

Cool i cant wait to 100% 1 and 3 again

How many games does it have?

Going to be as ugly as the N. Sane Trilogy was so fuck it.

It's bassically been confirmed. There is an official spyro twitter with an activision official email linked too it, happend yesterday. Exact same as crash, and the name of it is "falcon mcbob" and on the official listing of activsion games, a hd remaster for a game is under the name falcon. Also spyro classic merch dropping march, and 10000s of other leads. its happening and a announcement is very very soon.

N sane trilogy looks better than original retard

i would bet like 5 million dollars that Actjewvision would pass it to another studio besides Vicarious Visions and they'll fuck it up

Nobody is thinking of the BROADER picture here.

Elora in HD

Just replayed 1 and had a blast, but I honestly have no real desire to replay 2 or 3.

The minigames and other stuff honestly bog down the last games too much, though 3 is affected much more than 2.

Is Spyro 2 the only game with a map on the ui..?

I think 2 and 3 have maps but they're disabled by default

>literally a bland castle wall and fall trees and some grass
>mug immeasurable atmosphere yuh can't replace it

Nodtalgiafags everyone

wow more remasters

They fucked up N.Sane by changing Crash and made it HIGHLY inferior to the originals in everything but visuals. I will join you on that no-faith train.

As hype as I am for this, we won't get as lucky as we did with Crash. Activision didn't realize how well the crash remaster would do. I can see actijew locking atleast one game behind a pay wall as dlc. I can assure you, if acti knew, they would of made us pay for each crash game separately

they could easily fuck up the colors and the clean look everything has

plus the controls are fucked

Is this some kind of goat-person?

spyro is hotter

She's a faun you dork

Good shit but step it up user

The N.(blank) is a crash thing though, it's a reccuring thing with names of places and doctors.
N.Sanity Beach
The pun doesn't make sense with spyro.

crash did 4 fucking million sales holy shit

no way in hell the spyro remaster won't come with atleast one game locked as dlc






I like the first Spyro game the most. Being able to complete every level on your first visit is one of my favorite things about that game. Game felt like it had an amazing pace to it, Spyro 2 feels really sluggish in comparison because of the revisits you have to do for everything.

have mercy


If they made it like the Halo remakes where you could toggle between old and new graphics, then it'd be the best fucking thing ever.


>Not Spyro: Eat Fresh




You know, I ask my self why this is, what it is. I get it, shock value, humans do mad things all the time, but, how did this come to be? This is obviously quite a talent artist, to some degree, I couldn't draw this, but why does it exist, how did that person say, alright, this is what I'm doing today? I have so many questions for things like this, ones that I'll never get answered, some things exist, just because they exist, but, one last question

Why the fuck is the penguin sweating? Unironically confused. What are you sweating about, penguin?

It just dawned on me that this looks, discounting the Spyro characters and the shitting on the bread, exactly like the subway not five minutes from my house.
I'm more scared now.

I feel like the PS1 minimal, crystal-like polygon style really suited Spyro and an HD remake would be a bad idea

whens the Gex remasters

thinking of carrying on and doing the back cover.

Activision bought the meme of "OOHHH 'MEMBER SPYRO??! IT WAS AMAZING!! I MEMBER"

It'll probably happen the thing that happened to Yooka-Laylee where people thought they wanted a game like that. They'll spend some bucks in the game, play it for a few hours until extreme boredom hits. Then blame the developer because they ruined the game and didn't capture "what made Spyro great".

Shit happens all the time.

Crash 1 is better on N. Sane though

What are you on about?
It's in the same boat as Crash.
Not a "We're making another Banjo Kazooie, but only 1/4 of what'd you'd expect" scenario.

>be sony
>make best selling games
>20 years later
>make shit games
>lets re-release old games that sold well

>now THIS is autism

But they're doing a remaster, not a new game

>no hero's tail
Fuck off and die

I only played the first one. It was alright.

Sony did not once make a Spyro game, and Sony is not involved in the development of Crash N. Sane or this rumored Spyro remaster.

The original Spyro trilogy was developed by Insomniac who were working for Universal Interactive at the time. The same is true of Naughty Dog and Crash.

he's an antarctic penguin, so he's sweating because it's not antarctic temperature

Can you explain?

Fuck you, the spyro games have some of the most creative and original level concepts

What is spyro doing to that turd anyways

Do you guys think Insomniac will be involved with the remakes? Unlike Naughty Dog, they're free lance.

>he doesn't double-jump

step it up fella

Please no
The best thing about Spyro was the music, the mythical creatures and magical places you get to go to.

After seeing what they did to Crash characters, levels, and music, I don;t want to see the series get tarnished.

>Somebody actually jerked off to this

If it was a Nintendo only franchise, each game would be remastered separately and cost $60. Let that sink in.

They have their hands full with Spider-Man PS4, it would be a waste of time for them, who do not even own the franchise anymore, to work on this when other studios would gladly do it competently for much cheaper.

>They have their hands full with Spider-Man PS4, it would be a waste of time for them, who do not even own the franchise anymore, to work on this when other studios would gladly do it competently for much cheaper.

Insomniac has more then one team.

its an autist's fap material. autism was a mistake.

>there are people ITT who actually don't know about the genius behind spyro's visual design

havent played those in years. i would get this desu

Crash is challenging. Spyro is a gliding simulator

>crash is poorly designed and frustrating, spyro realizes that it's supposed to be a laid back 3D platformer

ftfy. The "running towards the camera" meme is one of the worst mechanics ever implemented in a videogame.

that's not even the brilliant draw-distance trick


Working on Ratchet & Clank 2

I love Spyro to autism levels but I don't think it has the broad appeal Crash does. People don't want to gently trot along and admire the pastel worlds and marvelous architecture of the level design

only spyro game i care about is enter the dragonfly. will it be remastered?

>blaming Crash for being bad

The games will be beautifully remastered BUT Spyro will have hos Skylanders design. Thoughts?

How much do you need to eat to take a shit that big and perfectly shaped

>t. Dork


fuck you

Anyone played the jak trilogy on ps3? Is it as bad as the vita version? Found it free on the vita store and it runs at 10fps

They're 60 fps on PS3

If sony gives something away for free its probaby among the worst pieces of media ever produced

Is this what spyro threads will be from now on
Just this image for the rest of eternity

>from now on
Subwayposting is years old

yeah but there was a time when spyro could be discussed without this morbid interlude.

People used to post Card Destruction, but nobody posted it this time.


who the fuck is this mole? I don't remember him

He was a new character introduced in AHT