fucking reddit I hate that it exists
Fucking reddit I hate that it exists
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe you should stop visiting the site to find things to get mad at.
I'd be proud of my father too if he was Bill Murray
yeah maybe drug addicts should stop doing heroin, you are truly a beacon of intellect, thank you for solving every problem hey guys looks at this guy he solved everyone's problems.
It took him 54 years to beat Breath of the Wild?
>goes to reddit to find thing to get mad at
>posts it on Sup Forums
I'm OP by the way and suck giant nigger dicks
Cute dog
>browsing reddit
>heroin addiction
Two completely different things, retardo.
Not him but if you are admitting Reddit is your drug then you should probably end yourself
>waa some dude's family member is having fun it wasn't supposed to be like this
>insert wojak crying meme
you anti nintendo shitters are as bad as the nintenbros.
Why is Sup Forums filled with bitter social rejects?
This is hell
and once you enter you can never leave.
If you're implying that you are as addicted to Reddit than an addict would be to heroin you should seek help
Otherwise you're a retard for even drawing that equivalency.
You're just angry because you came from a single mom household.
you fucking went to reddit to post this shit you dumbfuck
goddamn fucking normies infested this website. to infinity and beyond
Does it make you mad his dad doesn't think the OP is a disgrace?
I hate Reddit for all the low hanging fruit garbage that people post for epick upboats. Like there is a 99.8% chance the camera man beat the game, said "Hey Grandpa, hold this controller and look at me!" and posted it online for that dank internet currency. It's like the millions of people who take pictures of their fucking animals/babies, weight loss before and after pics, or pics of disabled people doing stuff. Just stop.
I find it heartwarming that his dad plays vidja
Nothing wrong with that you fucking faggot
Fuck you I miss my dad.
Oh so like that's any different than all the threads on this board asking pointless questions, thinking Sup Forums is one entity?
Maybe stop being a cynical piece of shit and you'll stop being triggered over trivial issues.
Nice try falseflagging redditor
So you're addicted to reddit?
Go back there.
If his 72 year old dad beat BotW, or any game, that’s a feat. My dad can barely work a smart phone.
>dad stayed long enough to teach me shit, then left once he became useless
best feeling desu
And here on Sup Forums people pretend to be retarded for (you)s so who gives a fuck anymore.
An old guy got to have some fun playing video games. Stop making threads and lurk more.
that's not true, I left
My parents divorced when I was 10, and my dad remarried to some golddigger and had my half sister.
Had a falling out with my dad, but I'm glad I made up with him before he died.
What do you guys think of this Reddit post? I actually agree with it.
This is why I am glad I live in Thailand right now. Once a gvt becomes corrupt to the core, it becomes the duty of the monarch to intervene and allow the military to oust the seated gvt. In the USA the monarch was replaced by 'the people'. However, the gvt made the military answerable to the Gvt and not 'the people'. So, once the Gvt becomes corrupt to its very core in the USA, so does its military. There is no safety valve for when 'the people' become brainwashed by an obviously corrupt and evil Gvt.
The American people are saints yet they are being led by a force of darkness so evil and pervasive it seems only everyone outside of the USA can see it.
Democracy is good if you do not allow any party to exist. The term 'the people' should mean what was intended. Individuals with no affiliation to a corrupt party should stand, and be voted on merit and not on how much they spend on campaign funds. You've all heard of 'net neutrality', politics was long ago turned into a game for the have's almost exclusively. Anyone should be able to become president, congressman or senator. This should not be the domain of any 'party'. A party is only faithful to the party, 'the people' are not the party.
All parties should be banned by law. Campaign funds should be abolished entirely. You want votes, stand on your fucking soap box. No millionaire should ever be allowed within a mile of any gvt institution. Only Average wage earners and below exclusively, should be allowed to stand for any gvt office. Only then will you have a real gvt of the people.
and yet here you are.
I'm happy Reddit exists because if it didn't, these kind of posts would end up somewhere else. Possibly even Sup Forums.
Do you want that?
I think you should fuck off
>normalfags from plebbit flock to Sup Forums
>use it as their toilet
>get it out of their system so they can go back to plebbit and act well-behaved
>"plebbit is better by the way"
And when there's kids in the basement
Soy boys stand adjacent
I wish I could play vidya with my Dad.
Redditors need to be purged.
>dude fuck old people lmao
you need to leave
honestly reddit is worse than heroin, i hate drug addicts too, but less than redditors
The difference is the anonymity. Yes, the concept is basically the same, but a shitpost is a one-time thing. On Reddit, you can show all your friends all your upvotes and you can build a digital reputation. Here, that only happens if you're a tripfag, who are usually ignored and filtered.
Fucking commie faggot socialist swine
Holy fuck did you just compare visiting reddit to heroin?
Get some self control fucking loser
Also taken from Reddit, from the "JusticeServed" subreddit. What is your take on this anons?
>Making your aging dad play video games then taking a picture of it so you can post it online for imaginary internet points
>I'd rather protect my feelings than take your money
Seems retarded, much like Reddit
Only shitters on Sup Forums would get mad at father-son bonding
I dont understand what's wrong with this, makes me wish my dad ever played vidya with me
based dev, that Sup Forumstard got absolutely BTFO
>being mean to old people who are having fun playing video games
There were already threads about this yesterday you gaywad.
good for you user. i don't resent my dad, since he had a pretty rough time as a kid, but i just have to break the cycle because my whole family is a bunch of fuckups.
>nigger xD
How is school?
critically obsessed, get your head checked
>wow those are some epic internet battles
some people have left reality behind completely, I think.
Lol what game?
I wish I could play Wrassling on N64 with my dad again
But he paid for the game, shouldn't he at least be reimbursed if he's gonna get banned over typing bad words?
You're pretty pathetic dude
one really positive thing about going through the experience of kicking opiates is that i can see pathetic little habits like this and the people who can't break them for what they are. don't compare yourself to people who have to go through hell and months of recovery for a chance at life because you're upset at normies being normies on reddit.
insults dont change facts my dood
This. It's cute, and was probably a nice father son bonding thing. Yea uploading for likes is extremely shallow, but still the dad looks happy.
>tfw gf makes you an embarrassing chore sheet because your manchild ass is too lazy to do anything
I've seen "T_D" being used in /ptg/ back during the campaign, your picture doesn't make any sense.
I voted for Trump, recently donated to the NRA, and I still find you Sup Forums r/the_donald/ faggots annoying.
underage please
lmao fucking casual
Then stop going there you fucking brainlet. It's that simple. Though, it'd be preferable if you stayed there, redditer.
Just a redditor trying to justify being a redditor, ignore the parasites.
I wish I did. My mom is hot.
>an*mefag is a retard
Color me surprised.
You're upset over people saying the word "nigger" and yet I'm the underage?
My dad hates video games, I wish he wanted to play some with me. He did like Crash Team Racing though when I used to play it
>how dare people enjoy things
>grrr i'm so mad about nintendo
The developer comment says "warned multiple times"
Also, I don't know what game it is, but a MP ban won't stop him from playing SP right?
I really don't get what the problem is with that image.
That's Bob Hope numbskull.
It's most likely just some indie 'multiplayer only' bullshit
Don't worry OP, once you hit the latter half of your 20's you realize how pointless it is to get upset at silly things
I've gotten to wear I don't pay attention to politics, rarely look at social media sites, and luckily I'm starting to trim down on Sup Forums usage all because I can't be bothered or concerned with things I don't care about. It's a good feeling
>what are terms and conditions
there is zero benefit having a faggot child in your game who thinks he is "triggering" and "upsetting" people when in reality everyone is just tired about his obnoxious behaviour
>only children are upset over people saying the word "nigger"
Wouldn't the final boss be impossible for somebody like that due to the timing required on the laser reflect?
Not that the game ever explains how to do it.
Only reason to use Reddit is for advice on things.
Why not just simply take away communication privileges instead of full on banning a paying customer from playing the game they spent money on?
There is no problem. OP is just a bitter faggot
Learn to banter properly kiddo
Gotta love that rhetoric spunk in your mouth
>grandpa got to experience the best game of all time before he kicked it
Happy for him
What's with the increase in animefags posting retarded posts recently?
>going to reddit on the first place
I wish you could get banned from posting reddit screencaps
Because the moron customer neither ceased nor desisted despite multiple lighter verbal warnings.
This (x5)
How long sober my man? 14 months here
I find it hard to believe that a 72-year-old dude genuinely likes video games, but I guess it's kind of cool if he does.
If you're a functioning adult then a single 'bad' word shouldn't be enough to make you that angry. But then again most niggers aren't functioning adults so I guess it makes sense
you are not entitled to a refund either if the bouncer kicks you out because you were yelling nigger into everyones face