Does Sup Forums agree or disagree with this statement?
Does Sup Forums agree or disagree with this statement?
I haven't even played a game with a story in months.
Games should be about gameplay. A good story is just a bonus.
what's the story in Tetris?
depends on the game
Importance of conformity in Soviet era Russia. Next.
Spoken like a true fatass
It's the opposite: if you don't care about gameplay in the vidya, you are the cancer killing video games.
If you are ONLY interested in good stories, read books and watch movies. Planescape: Torment is an example of a game that focused too much on the story, not enough on the gameplay.
I disagree on the grounds that making sweeping blanket statements like this is stupid.
Game is in the word Gameplay. The most important part of a game is Gameplay. I understand that you can have a story and also gameplay, but the most important part of a game is always 100% the gameplay.
I primarily play fighting games like Street Fighter which (aside from Street Fighter V) doesn't even have a story mode at all and doesn't require you to know ANYTHING about the characters story to understand them.
You can look at ANY character in Street Fighter without knowing ANYTHING about them and make a reasonable guess at what they are like, what they do and how they act.
There's next to zero games that have a good story, even those you think do. Even acclaimed RPGs have shit stories because they're structured terribly; they lack a flow which is normally a crucial skill someone who's considered a great storyteller needs to have. They might have great characters and worlds, but the story not so much.
ecks-pee objectively, even EXP should never be pronounced with three syllables
Knew a guy on wow that said "eeksp".
>muh story
Not important as gameplay, graphics, music.
Why do video games only have either good story or good gameplay. Never both?
What the fuck do you mean "which is right" you fucking gave two different spelling with two different pronunciations
No fucking shit you're going to pronounce "xp" like "expee" do you think I'm gonna say "ee ex pee" for xp and vice versa, and who the hell decides which shortening is correct
You're so fucking stupid I ought to lodge my foot so far up your ass that it knocks your teeth out
It's like this every time. Are devys unable to put enough time into both?
I always considered the expansion of story in gaming to be the cancer killing video games. It seems to me that developers cover up a lack of actual interesting and unique gaming content with cutscenes full of uninteresting and cliched video content. And let's be very clear about something — The same incompetent and lazy developers who use story and cutscenes to cover up a lack of gameplay are the same loathsome scourge who incorporate lootbox gambling and content-behind-paywall schemes in their "games".
You don't need any story when you have good, dense, and multilayered gameplay. And you don't need to use sleazy, greedy money-grabbing schemes when you have imaginative and inspired developers who can create prolific amounts of gaming content.
I like tetris
You're either getting good story.
or you're getting good gameplay. It's not even like one is slightly weaker than the other either, like if the gameplay is really great like in DMC3 the story is just awful.
Another example. It's like Platinum phoned in the combat.
Setting > Story
It's both true and untrue. Games are stories but they're stories that you act out, not ones that are told to you. Fighting games and rpgs are opposite kinds of retarded, and the best games are Zelda.
Where as here the gameplay is incredibly solid, I just think the story is derivative drivel worth skipping
MGS3 has good gameplay though
eating mechanics do not make for good gameplay
The best story is no story, just a cohesive setting where you are required.
A story added on ruins everything else.
Figuring out how the world is, is part of the appeal.
Story can develop as you progress. Things become more intense and you're exposed to larger themes. Becoming the continuation of failed civilisations as you look at their document of themselves.
No need for explanations. Just expect others to get it. Expect another human to exist. Whole game should be built upon that ethic.
How can you be "the cancer killing video games" when stories in vidya will always be a thing whether you care for it or not?
What a dumb statement.
What's the story of excitebike?
Calling people cancer and fat doesn't back up your opinion. I'd go as far as to say that music is more important to video games than story.
No, that's just silly. Games didn't really have stories until the mid 90s and they were doing just fine. Stories are nice, but they're ultimately just lettuce on a burger.
But the gameplay doesn't facilitate the story though. The story and gameplay are almost completely separate.
Pedophiles with money and a lack of taste shirk responsibility and duty to race eachother.
You're on a bike trying to ride well Jesus what a retarded question.
That's background more than story. I mean, you might as well say that the story of Arkham Asylum is you're batman and you punch people, which isn't the story of the thing at all.
video game writing is extremely bad, for the most part. it doesn't help that the "industry" bends over backwards to accommodate diversity hires in spite of actual talent. EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda, etc, they just don't care. Paying a good writer when you have a dozen trannies available seems to be the order of the day.
Different people enjoy video games for different reasons. Me personally, I am into competitive games, so for me story is just a "cherry on top", something I am not expecting to be there, but is nice to have in addition to the main dish.
I don't care about story in a game level "love FFXII and like FFXIII"
Yes it is, it's just a low resolution summary of it.
is that pic related? the witcher was written by a mediocre writer and people think its amazing. That goes to show you how fucking unbelievably bad vidya writing actually is.
I remember playing kingdoms of amalur and was very surprised by the writing and character dialogue, very natural. later i found out it was r.a. salvatore who did much of the story. It wasn't mind blowing, but it was consistent and detail oriented. You don't have to come up with something original and amazing, but it at least needs to be organized and consistent.
You're playing for the story, the story is "user tries to win at competitive game".
> t. soulsfag
Read a fucking book or watch a if you want story.
Nobody plays Tetris
Some games you play for the story. Some games you don't. Stop thinking all games should fit only one mold.
Daily reminder doom 1 was about revenge because they killed his pet rabbit
when will you neck beard fucks learn that story trumps gameplay always
A game can still be good without a story.
I love story in games, though. But it works better when its organically integrated into the level design and gameplay mechanics, rather than relying on scripted events or cutscenes that interrupt gameplay.
>soyboys actually believe this
That was only Thy Flesh Consumed.
I dunno about that, but I think we can all agree that OP is a faggot.
>Story in a txt file and 4 messages in game.
>Huge success.
>Clive Berker's Jericho
>Story which could easily be remade into a blockbuster
>Few remember, fewer care.
Let that sink in.
Why did you draw an obnoxious face to go with your idiotic post? Did you think, "it works for phone apps, it'll work for me?" Kill yourself. I mean it.
all this makes me think of Crysis saga which is basically like Michael Bay trash
Gone Home is barely even a story. Its basically just a scavenger hunt.
Games don't have to have a narrative component to be good games.
The biggest cancer (currently) is embracing and defending corporate greed by not only allowing but literally buying into something-for-nothing gambling and microtransaction abuses, followed by the muh grafux meme at the expense of gameplay and software performance elements.
There are genres where bad story ruins everything.
There are genres where story is al but irrelevant.
Kill yourself.
you fucking dumb child. Stop destroying the gaming industry.
as long as the story is told through the gameplay. paper's please is a good example of this.
yeah no, snow bros is best game and all the story it has that some ugly monster stole the mc's girl friend and he goes on a journey to save her, in a single screen platformer game, and that game is THE best single screen platformer the smooth controls and whatnot.
Also what story puyo puyo has
No one is killing video user still growing
>Importance of conformity in Soviet era Russia
actually... pretty good argument.
it's not even a fucking game. that shit straight visual novel.
story 10/10 tho, i like it
Disagree you fucking idiot, why even ask. Anyone who agrees is fucking trolling. How fucking new are you to not even know who the fuck is trolling or not. There is only one objective answer. GAMEPLAY. I hope you are trolling because if not you just became part of the retards who came here thinking they were in good company.
there goes the next generations. even Call of Dooty starts declining.
If you want story read a fucking book
Gameplay > Graphics > Story
>People who don't enjoy something the same way I do are wrong.
I mean, I love me some good story in games, but why get so worked up over no one in particular's taste?
Gameplay > sound > art design > story > graphics.