Damn, that's a good game. I sure do like that game

Damn, that's a good game. I sure do like that game.

Yeah its great

no it was shit

Best game ever made

It was an okay game.

RPG is for fucking retards that have never had friends that need to "roleplay" and "talk" to pixelated cartoons to feel better about life and escape their crappy existence. It wouldn't be so bad if it had good gameplay, but for some reason it's a prerequisite for every RPG to play like ass. I think this is because the developers know that their target audience sucks at life and so will no doubt suck at video games as well, so you have mechanically simple games or worse: turn based poop. I don't like the concept of grinding either. Beating an enemy should be mechanical and based on a natural skill component -- not because you've grinded 10 hours as a senior elite permavirgin wizard and now have the ability to select a potion from a menu and press X.

People who play video games primarily for story are also faggots. There are much better mediums for story, like actual books, TV shows, movies, etc. I don't relate to a retarded pixelated cartoon made for retarded manchildren and I don't "play" games to experience that shit. I play games to PLAY games. Every single core RPG made is for faggots; that goes for Final Fantasy, Mother, Morrowind, Planescape Torment, Baldur's Gate, Chrono Trigger, all the rest of that awful weeb shit, Deus Ex, whatever the fuck, it's ALL shit. Literally the only good RPGs I've ever played are Soulsborne and I don't even consider those RPGs; they're more action games with RPG elements. Note how they're gameplay driven (and the gameplay itself is actually decent) and don't shove the story down your face, which is everything the average RPG isn't.

Seriously what the FUCK do you get out of "talking" to pixels? I bet you watch anime too you fucking faggot.

>I'm older than JC Denton
I never asked for this.



I get what they were going for, but it's impossible for me to see both JC and Paul as two guys in their twenties. They always seemed significantly more mature, like mid-thirties or something.

I'm not big into books.

that's a cute Nep

Yea i watch anime, do you have a problem sir?

this but unironically

RPGs are the ultimate brainlet ADHD filter, I'm glad they cause you so much anguish

It's because they aren't even real people

Deus Ex Human Revolution or Mandkind divided? This is important


You take that back. Augs are people, just like you and me.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Number 1: Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
Number 2: C-beams glittering in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate

I love Deus Ex, but I prefer Thief and System Shock.

So some guys hear me when i run but some don't?
How does it work?

Does Thief get more engaging?
I feel like I'm missing the enjoyment of it.

3. That's terror.

Shame she won't live to see it.

It's too bad she won't live
But then again that's terror

>Thief>system shock>deus ex
And deus ex is still amazing.
Besides a few neat tools no, it doesn't get more mechanically involved, but the concept of each mission gets more involved and how you have to approach each mission. It's all about sneaking and exploration.

>Seriously what the FUCK do you get out of "talking" to pixels?
One could say the same thing about "talking" to pieces of paper. I think each medium has its strengths and weaknesses, and it depends what you want out of it.

I'm not big into books

What a shame

Do you specifically mean the first Thief here?
I wasn't big into it honestly

Still a good game but I just didn't enjoy it anywhere near as much as Deus Ex, and there was a lot of shit I just felt was frustrating, like the Thieve's Guild or Escape from the wacky mansion levels

Try thief 2. A lot better than the first imo when it comes to level design making intricate areas without them being full of bullshit like the guild and other missions exclusive to thief gold

I like to make a silent takedown

I haven't played Thief 2 yet, but I definitley will, it's in my backlog

I played Deadly Shadows first, years ago, my memories of it are clouded but honestly I like it at least as much as The Dark Project

This is now pasta

Thief 1 is good. But in some levels, stealth is an absolute chore to even attempt. I do prefer its Horror aspect over 2's steampunk aspect, though.
Thief 2 is a generally the better game if you want proper stealth.

It's a flawed game, but what's good is really good, and I'm a sucker for all the abstract and supernatural shit in the game.
Some of the expert objectives forces you to kill monsters wich goes against what the game set out to do for the majority of the game.
The gold missions are better off disabled on your first play through, you miss one great level but I think the pacing of the story is more important.
I can also see why people don't enjoy the last few levels, but you can just kill the monsters if it gets overwhelming and it's just a rush to the end and that point.
Thief 2 is pretty much on par with 1 though, and for some it's much better. You should try going back to 1 at some point though and maybe it will grow on you.

Paul is 34
He will be born this year



What a shame

He was a good man. What a rotten way to die.