Is this game a masterpiece or utter trash?
Is this game a masterpiece or utter trash?
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has its flaws but sword / hema fags were thirsty as fuck for a game.
Somewhere in between. It made me excited for an inevitable sequel that fixes the things I don't like
A masterpiece as a historical simulator, utter trash as an actual video game.
The authenticity really helps it, if it was just another Fantasy RPG then nobody would care for it
It would be a masterpiece if every aspect of the game wasn't 100% jank
as it is it's just pretty good
utter trash, the game is boring and buggy
A great game that should've been released 2 months later
People playing dressup and hitting each other with fake weapons.
An utter masterpiece
Neither, but it's a good RPG. And a lot better than the average AAA shovelware we see these days.
Not true if it combined the historical authenticity but had some mystical and magical elements involved (think something like Arthurian myth) it would be a far better product than it is where the world is huge and beautiful but utterly empty once you're off the road. As it stands now it's a medieval tedium simulator.
ask on /vg/ where you belong
Neither. It’s a solid RPG with a unique setting that suffers badly from small dev issues in the technical and occasionally voice acting prospects.
Neither really.
It's just like any other game that goes against the grain. It has its faults, but there are some things that make it pretty good.
The best I can compare its strengths/weaknesses to would be Dragons Dogma. There's stuff the game does really right, but then there's other parts that fall short of what's expected. But what's there is still a good game, though it can be a bit polarizing depending on what weighs more importantly to you.
All in all I enjoyed it. I hadn't really had this feeling playing a game since Oblivion. It's nothing like it, but at the same time they feel synonymous with each other.
I swear my mind was playing tricks on me, I kept waiting for these songs to start playing.
It's not a masterpiece (I don't know why people say it is) but it's not trash. I feel like you'd know if you'd want to play it or not. If you're on the fence, it means you have some interest in it. If you've got some extra cash to spend on it, you might as well try it.
All in all, I've enjoyed the game, and I've gotten a pretty good amount of laughs from some of the bugs. They're really not that bad as people say. Honestly it does pretty well as comic relief.
It might be a "better" product but it would be far more generic than what it is. Tolkien-y pseudo-medieval settings with wizards and dragons and elves and shit are where basically all of these kinds of RPGs are set.
There would be zero reason to even play Kingdom Come if they decided to just make a eurojank version of TES.
Great for the first 10 hours during early game where enemies are a threat, the quests are good and mostly polished and big bugs / glitches don't appear as much.
Once you get to midgame and later? Enemies in full plate armour die in one hit from your pinkie finger, quests start to drag on and become frightfully boring and gamebreaking bugs such as save corruption and main quest not being able to be continued start to appear.
I want to like this game, but it's probably the most broken and unpolished game that's come out in the past 10 years.
I honestly depends on the person. I found it to be terrible, but I got a feel for why other people liked it.
But that’s all it is, eurojank with no knife ears or fireballs. How is that original? You can still make magic potions of game save and mystical heal juice.
i want to like your post, but it's the reddit-spaciest, shittiest opinion to come out in the past 10 years.
I adore it and am having loads of fun with it, warts and all.
What an insightful opinion you have.
Guess you haven't played the game, huh?
same here. people bitching about combat and bugs are likely the same ones playing every game bethesda shits out.
i did not say Tolkien-esque I mean moreso how the mystical / magical was actually depicted or understood in medieval texts. Right now the game is realistic to a fault, there's no reason to explore anywhere because the world is empty. Truth be told the bigger problem is that it's open world, should've been linear with large hub worlds but nothing more.
console fag here. I want to play the game but my shitty laptop won't be able to handle it is the ps4 version acceptable or am I SOL
Not perfect but dam it's good compared to all the triple A trash we're getting in the last decade.
You're exactly wrong again. It has bugs, but I don't know how you think running into a bandit camp and getting 4-on-1'd is ezpz. Never had a gamebreaking bug.
Also, if you got to midgame and later, being bored is a problem with you and not the game
I'm a white maaaan!
Is it saturday night larp time, rabbi?
historical european martial arts
like fencing, but with sabres and longswords
Not him but the game does get easy as fuck by mid-game. I had to install some difficulty mods to bring it back to normal.
Henry just gets too fucking strong.
If you haven't experienced and gamebreaking bugs, you're either lying or you need to get the fuck off your computer and go buy a lottery ticket right away.
Also, you're an absolute shitter if you can't handle 1v4 against bandits by midgame or later. I'm at midgame for the second time (after the first time my 40 hour save got corrupted and I had to restart from the beginning) and I can kill the entirety of Rattay without so much as losing any health.
The quests also get much worse towards the end, they drag on and just become boring. Sure, that might just be my subjective opinion, but oh well.
>reddit spacing
you are the dumbest motherfucker in existence
end yourself you pathetic loser
I downloaded a difficulty mod and my Henry is still a death machine by the time I get to the monastery missions. I actually had to double check it installed.
The mod i installed erased all damage scaling from the weapon skills, but damage still increases from strength and stuff.
Regular bandits are still piss easy but decently geared enemies now actually survive more than 4 seconds. I got rid of perfect block slow-mo too
What are you doing to make yourself so powerful?
I'm pretty high level but enemies block the vast majority of my attacks still. Doing a perfect block can sometimes execute an attack, but it rarely leaves them open for more follow-up
What's the secret I'm missing?
At low level, you can cheese the combat by clinching your enemy (Pressing F near them during combat) and swinging at them straight after. The AI will never block the first hit on them after losing a clinch.
At higher levels you can pump your sword stats so that you swing faster than the enemy can block, so chaining attacks become extremely easy and you chop through enemies like a knife through butter.
That's not even mentioning how OP bows are when used to cheese combat.
Honestly i just started one-shotting fucking everything with my longsword.
I had about 12 in my sword skill and 14 or 15 strength with a high-end sword ,and nobody could handle it.
I'll attack and run of the mill bandits will still instantly guard then combo me.
It hardly does any damage, and when I do get a hit in they die pretty quickly.
It still takes a while to actually get a kill in if I'm by myself though.
I'll be honest, I don't really think I've gotten to deep into understanding how the combat works in this game. I feel like it's a dice roll if you're actually gonna hit without them blocking half the time.
Most of the game I'm just perfect guarding, trying to counter, getting blocked, comboed, perfect guarding to break the combo, and repeating until I get a single hit in.
It took me forever to beat Ulrich.
I was one hit away from death, bleeding out, and the nigga just gave up. I didn't even beat him.
The actual basics of the game are great. But balancing is poor.
Its mostly numbers issues that are holding it back. Loading times and bugs too.
But if modders take to it then the future is bright.
>At higher levels you can pump your sword stats so that you swing faster than the enemy can block, so chaining attacks become extremely easy and you chop through enemies like a knife through butter.
But the tougher enemies can perfect block, and they usually execute a counterattack afterwards. You have to block this or you'll get hit. For reference, I have 12 in Sword and Strength and 11 in Warfare and Agility.
>That's not even mentioning how OP bows are when used to cheese combat.
What do you mean by this. Is kiting effective? I one-shot Runt with the bow before I knew combos, but that seemed more like luck than anything.
*steals all your money*
Man the bugs really suck especially when they keep you from completing a quest but goddam do I love it. It's one of the only games to get me sucked in for hours without thinking about it like games used to do for me.
As for non bug related flaws I wish the map was bigger and that there were more perks. Also more dialogue options with people, especially regular NPCs. Why spec in charisma when you can't talk to everyone? But other than that I can't complain.
I wish I could get a sequel of this set in Italy during the Italian wars. Side with one of the Italian states and travel around like a classy florentine merchant is what I want to do.
>plebs complaining about how hard combat is
>don't realize you can charge enemies on your horse and stick a blade in the face for instant kills
>even have perks for horseback combat
I'm at the bandit camp where you fight runt. Is there more horseback related combat after that? I'm 60 hours in so far