When will they learn?

When will they learn?

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I play on Xbox but how about actually making some fucking games before complaining about toxic players and lack of diversity.

The SJW faggots left niggergaf

now you can post there saturday night without being judged

go back

I would honestly rather deal with the SJWs than have a "president for life". It's so fucking sad that it has come to this. For the record I wouldn't bring this up in a thread that wasn't obviously shitposting.

lmao Xbox


The market is not and has never been efficient. Corporations hemmorhage value. Their vulnerability to modern social whims that are irrelevant to their consumer base is a testament to this.

>online games without shitty banter
that's like a quarter of the fun dead


again, thread is garbage to begin with so I have no qualms derailing it

This is what happens when young passionate developers grow old into corporate idiots who try to appeal to SJW mental illness.

he is black and is pissed

but what does that have to do with video games


It was a joke. It's sad that you can't see that.

It has nothing to do with vulnerability to social whims and everything to do with the Investor Class pushing agendas because they have nothing fucking better to do than roll the dice on hot button trends hoping to score a hit.
Whether they win or lose doesn't matter. They're still rich, and hoping guilt complexes give rise to new revenue stream norms.

this. if anything they should be going in the opposite direction. I guess sony just can't stop winning...

Have you been living under a rock? Do you realize how many times that defense has been trotted out and proven bullshit? It's not a joke. He's the president of the United States, you should take what he says seriously. Irony culture is killing us.

>it's another let's shit on Xbox thread because Sup Forums is so obsessed with it
As long as it's not affecting Microsoft's single player games I don't care.

I don't understand, what does that have to do with campus community. What was their point?

trump will be america's first emperor and there is nothing you can do about it

I thought he just wanted to cancel games

But Sup Forums told me Trump was a straight-talker.

Sup Forums's talking points contradict each other all the time.

you burgerclappers caused this yourself, you wanted the fucking circus, you have yourselves to blame

>goes on constant tirades about the failures of communism and socialism
>people believe he was joking about loving capitalist societies but not about a communist dictatorship
How do people end up looking dumber than our already retarded president by comparison?

Why do people can't handle a banter these days? Like seriously, a simple "L0L u suk" is equivalent to a year in gulag in this current time. If it's something REALLY offensive then I can understand but come on, grow some thick skin and stop saying that it's "toxic". If you're this much of a pussy online how much more in the real world?

I bet a 10 year-old kid who just discovered about trolling back when online multiplayer was fresh would get banned immediately these days (and in turn thinks he's tough shit because of it) rather than getting his ass whooped by everyone and rely on saying "lol u just mad bro" as a last line of defense.

We could have prevented this but our country is retarded. Maybe we'll learn something from this, oh wait I forgot, we Americans are still retarded and will repeat our mistakes in the future. Glad I don't vote and never will.

Wow, it's almost as if Sup Forums isn't a single person.

So all those Hitler posts ive done... are bad? am i part of the problem? oh god.... how many minds have i desensitized to Hitler! it got trump elected because he is Doritos Hitler! literally shaking right now!

>unearned access to social power based on membership in a dominant social group
Something about this sounds outrageously retarded, yet I can't seem to find the words why

>he tells it like it is
>except when he says retarded stuff then it's a joke
Pick one you American mongoloid.

He makes us look bad

That's no different than voting you numbskull.
The current system doesn't really give you a choice beyond getting fucked in the ass or the mouth.
Not voting is just a less upsetting surprise.

US Presidents have been a joke for some time now

Who fucking cares, politics are shit and have always been shit.

Maybe try focusing on making some exclusives, retard.

If it weren’t for Americans then America would be the best country on Earth

Ever since Bush this country went to the shitter and has never recovered.

Why do you kids today try to disguise your retarded shitfits as "banter"?

>implying Western Sony is any better
The entire line up for the next year or two is basically all western projects with dumb sjw/modern gaming crap

>mfw almost applied to the U of T but didn't

Wew, dodged a bullet there.

give me a fucking break, nobody is christian anymore

>Liberals are so enraged constantly that they can't take a single joke
He was making fun of China's democratic system you retard.

>our country is retarded
Incorrect, the system is retarded. And that system is democracy. Rule of the rabble gets you this, people do not vote rationally, and not all people deserve a vote.

The group in power makes the laws or whatever in a way to benefit said group regardless of the effects it may have on other groups So if one is part of the group in power for whatever reason in some way yet and takes no parts in those shenanigans they will have gotten personally un earned perks simply cause they are like those in power.
Shit aint really complicated to understand. Now knowing nothing of you of course you can then either care or not care for whatever reason about such things. Like hell modern day native tribes around the world do that shit to this day in that they oppress rivals and even though thouse part of the oppressive stronger take no part in it they still benefit at the very least by not being the ones getting oppressed since they just so happened to be born into the tribe on top without themselves really earning such a life. Shit is really luck base i guess but it is a thing.
ya dumb faggotron queermo.

That's not U of T, it's a way more irrelevant Ontario university

Fuck you So(y)(i)nybo(y)(i) the manlet is on OUR side do you hear OURS


>discrimination is okay when we do it