Oh hey, I didn't know this officially launched.
Should I?
Oh hey, I didn't know this officially launched.
Should I?
Depends on what you want out of it.
>Very pretty game with nice customization
>Action oriented combat system has the potential to be fun
>Crafting/worker node/life skilling is neat
>Game is basically single player as you can't really help anyone in any significant way, you can't even trade items
>Market system is fucked beyond repair
>Obtaining endgame gear is pure RNG and not very enjoyable
>Upgrading gear requires you to throw away endless amounts of money
>Grind endlessly for money so you can throw away that money upgrading gear so that you can go grind more money slightly more efficiently
>PVP has the potential to be fun but it's incredibly laggy and almost entirely gear reliant
If you enjoy the idea of gaining wealth then you'd have fun, there are many ways to build up your empire and make money. As far as being a MMO it's really not that good, you're not going to find satisfactory endgame bosses, deep itemization systems, dungeons/raids of any kind, and as noted you can't actually directly help anyone.
>nice customization
Character creation, yes. Armor/clothing/glasses/literally anything else, the only way to customize is to buy a 20+dollar cash shop outfit.
>basically single player
You can 100% help people level up. Soft cap is 56, but really slows down around 54. Leveling these two levels alone (without buffs) will take you hours, leveling with a fully geared 56+ person will get you from level 1 to 56 in around 3 hours, if you really wanted to. In terms of items though, yeah, you're on your own. They can at most give you potions.
>Endgame is RNG
Technically true, as Boss tier items only very rarely drop... But especially right now (2nd year event) you can just buy one off the market. A level 56 can grind 100mil in a week, pessimistically. An unleveled Kzarka weapon preorder goes for 120-140mil. Leveling it up to duo (+17) will take realistically another 100 mil in resources. If you wanted to get it to Pen (+20), that would be horrifically RNG, but you literally don't need it at all unless you're doing the highest tier GvG pvp.
>grind endlessly
It is definitely a Korean sandbox MMO. If you don't like killing thousands of mobs to sell drops, or taking those drops and spending hours making them into cooking dishes or alchemy potions, don't play it.
>I didn't know this officially launched
Its been out for nearly four years now.
Forgot to add my source:
I have all tri/duo gear, 2 boss items.
I played when beta first came out, but stopped playing and only just started again 3 months ago (4 months total play time). I have a 58 warrior, and 5 lvl 56+ alts... and a lvl 53 ranger. I'm also professional (the middle range) in cooking, fishing, alchemy, gathering, and processing.
One other thing is that the game gives you 2 free pets, but you really will end up wanting 5 and the only way to get them (apart from one other free one when you break 1000 in game hours) is to pay 10ish dollars in the cash shop.
>Armor/clothing/glasses/literally anything else, the only way to customize is to buy a 20+dollar cash shop outfit.
This is the deal-breaker for me. I'd have way less sense of progression, I don't want to reach endgame and still wear the same looking gear as I did at level 1.
Well, the gear itself matters very little until the endgame boss gear. What matters is how enhanced it is. It goes up to +15, then roman numerals up to 5 after that.
Nobody flaunts gear, they just wear whatever 20 dollar costume or life skill outfit (fishing suit, butler suit for processing, etc) they have.
Show off progression stuff is more the high tier horses, wagons, boats, ownership by guilds of various nodes, guild exclusive giant elephant mounts, etc.
You can also technically buy the 20 dollar outfits on the market with in game currency, but somebody has to sell them.
>Want to play a trader and peddle wares around the map
>have to invest nodes from each major city if you want to make any money back
>no substantial threats while traveling (theres bandit shitter NPCs that you can easily outrun)
This wasn't what I was expecting at all
>the real difficult part of trading is that you have to get to artisan 2 to make it worth doing because you get a quest that gives you a 100% profit boost
>Or do imperial trading, which refreshing every 2 hours real time and instantly is completed by other players that have the time to sit next to the NPC waiting for respawn
>You need 250 contribution points to map the most profitable trade route, soft cap EXP wise is 200
>Other players that have played since beta have upwards of 500
This is me but instead I'm competing with another 100,000 players so I can make a potato farm monopoly.
>potato farm monopoly
There is literally no way to get a monopoly, all farm land is shared and anyone can do nodes.
Are you actually selling raw potatoes? Because you will make far more making beer out of them...
You can get potato crates if you have the absolute qtiest house in your node, which allows only the TOP player to get potato crates, it's not even such a good income but I'm already 2many silvers into this shit.
>potato crates
user pls don't, go do sunflower, calpheon crates, literally anything else.
if you really like being bored, sure
otherwise no
You can actually get all the armor sets off the ingame auction house, the problem is the entire market system makes buying things pure RNG so you could bid a hundred times on an item and never win it. And you still can't directly help anyone, you can join their party and kill mobs with them but you can't trade items or give them anything of value. If you happen to get a drop you can't just hand it to your bro and that's really fucking annoying.
All of the MMO aspects of the game have been hit hard by the korean grinder mentality, if you're the right type of person you can however find a lot of fun in the life skills.
At this point I just want to have the bst house in Loggia Farm, I already locked in Might actually not control atm since I haven't played in a while the eggs from some other farm and the mushroom cave has workers 14/7 so I can level alchemy
>high level joins party
>Turn pets off
>Turn on free loot
>Let noob pick stuff up
Boom, a lvl 1 character can now theoretically farm manes/rogues/iron/soldier's grave
i think theres a thing that makes you not get any exp if the monster is 5+ levels over your
If you are grinding levels, you could just go abbey, refugee, troll/harpy/saunil, castle, catfish (for quest), Manes/Iron.
I already said earlier that having a single lvl 56 party member means you can get to 56 in a few hours from level 1.
The other poster is hung up on not being able to trade, my post is a solution to that. If you want to get your buddy a few mil just go to a place with one of the item exchanges for 10g gold bars and let them get the loot.
Is this fun for someone who just likes to solo pve, kill mobs and earn gear money by picking up shit from quests and monsters?
it's not good for anyone
It is a good autism simulator in the vein of a prettier runescape classic or Albion online.
Game is fun until you start to close in on end game, then it becomes obvious how shallow it is. It's a game for people who like to idle while the do other shit.
it's essentially a fancy facebook game & waifu simulator designed to be played while listening to a podcast or something
if you like that then I guess you'll like this game