Perfect Ending Songs

Holy shit, that was a blast

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Kinda reminds me of Red's cover

>game never makes use of its most interesting imagery
I'm still disappointed. I was at least hoping for some KINO shots in EW2 like in EW1

Is it just me, or does the male voice whispering sound a lot like Vinny from Vinesauce?

You fookin blind m8?

I thought that the imagery varied, but when it was used, it was used extremely well. Evil Within 1 just throws everything at the wall to see what sticks, which makes it less impactful when the crazy shit happened.

>Just beat this game yesterday
>get the urge to feels from it
>actually search up "Evil Within tribute"
>haven't legitimately watched a video game tribute in at least 6 years
>find this

Damn, I miss those.

>game never makes use of its most interesting imagery



>"Damn, the Evil within 2 was good"
>"Yea, too bad we'll never get a sequel"

Maybe we'll get another release in 2 years focusing on Kidman....I would buy it, if Johanas was directing again.

>I would buy it, if Johanas was directing again
If I see that fucker's name, I will never touch the fucking thing.
One of the most fucking boring tedious game I've played that year, and one of the most laughable attempt I've ever seen for a horror game.

You weren't one of those autists that loved the letterboxing, were you?

It was worse than the first game though

I didn't fucking care for it. The 1st game was poorly fucking designed that traps you would have accidentally triggered with it on, you would have triggered with it off.

Lack of the fucking letterbox has nothing to do with the fucking game being fucking boring with shallow as fuck stealth, as fucking average as you can get shooting, and coming nowhere close to terrifying fucking anyone that's not 10 years old.

>evil within 2
>better story
>better controls
>better mechanics in general
>actually interesting villains
>better pacing
>better optimization

What exactly was "better"?

>being an adult
>being "terrified" from a game

Are you 12?

Fite me

>>better story
>"WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER" Gears of War-tier shit combined with more of the same "whoah what's happening in here, STEM sure is crazy, I have no idea what's going on" even though everyone should know exactly what's going on considering they saw the same fucking shit last time
>>better controls
More or less the same only even jankier and floatier somehow
>>better mechanics in general
See above
>>actually interesting villains
Ruvik was far more interesting than the photographer faggot, the preacher dude was decent I guess, the guy in charge of STEM was fucking dumb
>>better pacing
>>better optimization

Nevermind the fact that none of the secondary characters were even somewhat interesting, and Sebastian might as well be a completely different character
how can one game be so fucking perfect?

>advertised as a SURVIVAL HORROR game
>fails to be horror
>survival mechanics even less so
What are you fucking praising for

>better story
Fucking mediocre.
>better controls
Borderline the same fucking controls.
>better mechanics
It's a mediocre fucking third person shooter with fucking nothing to make itself stand out, and most of it is ripped straight from the first game like the bottle toss+sneak kill combo.
The stealth in particular is fucking laughable, combined with the enemy AI, it's as dogshit as Mafia 3 and Watch Dogs.
>interesting villains
Are you fucking 12.
>edgy artist
>black priest guy that makes father Grigori look like the epitome of good writing
>Mobius being a shitty illuminati
>better pacing
Fucking slow and plodding and as much of a fucking meme like "atmosphere". If you consider any of the game "atmospheric" you're fucking lying for the sake of it.
>better optimization
First game runs fine on my machine, but whatever. It doesn't have the shitty texture pop-ins.

>More or less the same only even jankier and floatier somehow
You're a retard.

>See above
You're an even bigger retard since the "mechanics" are how the games pieces function, irrelevant of controls, IE, the crafting, the stealth system, the radio system.

>Ruvik was far more interesting than the photographer faggot, the preacher dude was decent I guess, the guy in charge of STEM was fucking dumb

Wow, great character.

>"WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER" Gears of War-tier shit combined with more of the same "whoah what's happening in here, STEM sure is crazy, I have no idea what's going on"
That's prefaced with Sebastian having absolutely no idea what's going on in STEM other than they've lost contact with the core, and there are other field agents actively searching who also have lost contact with them. The "killer," the "preacher," and Myra were all unknowns, hence him wondering what was causing all of it. Do you know how narrative works or are just pretending to be completely incompetent?


Is that a yes?

>Nevermind the fact that none of the secondary characters were even somewhat interesting
Kidman was more interesting in this than all of the characters in the original combined, since she was actually important to the plot.

>and Sebastian might as well be a completely different character
Believing your child died in a fire and having your wife leave you for no reason tends to do that to people.

>Are you fucking 12.

Awww, little babby angwy I insulted the fact that video games terrify him, want your rattle?

>video games terrify him
Where did I imply that, you fucking moron.
You're the one praising a mediocre as fuck game because you're an easily impressionable child.

>Fucking slow and plodding and as much of a fucking meme like "atmosphere"
>meme like "atmosphere"

i feel embarrassed FOR you

>You're a retard.
Not an argument
>You're an even bigger retard since the "mechanics" are how the games pieces function, irrelevant of controls, IE, the crafting, the stealth system, the radio system.
No shit, and the stuff that was carried over from the original was basically the same and the new shit wasn't interesting or engaging enough to matter
>Wow, great character.
And edgy homosexual vaguely European photographer straight out of fucking JTHM is better? Fuck off
>That's prefaced with Sebastian having absolutely no idea what's going on in STEM other than they've lost contact with the core, and there are other field agents actively searching who also have lost contact with them. The "killer," the "preacher," and Myra were all unknowns, hence him wondering what was causing all of it. Do you know how narrative works or are just pretending to be completely incompetent?
Okay? How does that explain away Sebastian being completely baffled and confused by things he already saw the first time he was in STEM, like 70% of the enemies he fights and the environments breaking apart?
Is that a yes?
>Kidman was more interesting in this than all of the characters in the original combined, since she was actually important to the plot.
I honestly liked her better in the first game since her motives were more mysterious, the way they just laid it all out in the second game was really lazy especially considering they went the cheap route of "I MADE A PROMISE TO MYRA"
>Believing your child died in a fire and having your wife leave you for no reason tends to do that to people.
He already believed that in the first game, dipshit

>You're the one praising a mediocre as fuck game because you're an easily impressionable child.

I guarantee you probably play weebshit non-stop and genuinely think it has good writing. You're a joke.

>video games immerses him
awwww, little babby angwy that his autism allows him to get immersed and admire nonexistent atmosphere

>not an argument
Oh, but "lol" is, fuck off dipshit.

Good talk

>thinking that VIDEO GAMES regardless of the region it camefrom has EVER had good fucking writing.
You really are an easily impressionable fuckwit.


I can see I struck a nerve.

If that's what you want to call me correcting you and then ignoring your shit-slinging because I couldn't give a fuck, sure. "gud tawk"

>video games can't have good writing

I bet you also think Classical is the only form of real music too.

keep on covering your ears and acting like your mediocre as fuck game isn't dull as shit. In fact, let me recommend garbage that will surely fit your tastes.
Go play Mafia 3 or Watch Dogs. You will fucking love it.

>correcting you
Your opinion isn't fact shitbird

>keep on covering your ears and acting like your mediocre as fuck game isn't dull as shi

Funny, that seems to be what you're doing.

this should be considered cheating

Waaah, cry me a river dipshit, and then deal with it.

>he needs metacritic to defend his shitty taste

>muh metacritic
I guess it's fitting that Skyrim is a better game for you fucking easily impressionable fuckwit.

So you gonna address my arguments or are you gonna keep evading like a teenager

Sucks that we'll probably never get a third game, then again I never thought we'd get a second either.

I listened to your criticisms, and they were all invalid to me, your next point?

>oh I don't have one

Then FUCK off, junior.

You really like that phrase, what is it, a "flavor of the month" for you after someone called you easily impressionable in some other thread, lol?

I already did, in depth, if you didn't like my response, that's too bad.

>I listened to your criticisms, and they were all invalid to me
>I like EW2 so it's flawless and perfect in every way and if you disagree you're just a HATER and YOU can FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!

All of your fucking praises were all invalid to me.

Then here is a unique one for you dipshit. Standardless retarded fuckhead that will suck mediocre shit and fucking praise it.

>I already did, in depth
>Oh, but "lol" is, fuck off dipshit.

>not using whatever the hottest single is at the time

>>I like EW2 so it's flawless and perfect in every way and if you disagree you're just a HATER and YOU can FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!

>I make up strawmen because I'm a dipshit child who's incapable of acting rationally instead of emotionally
kys my man

Cool, I don't care.

What does that have to do with my original post? Again, I don't care about any "rebuttal" you have, I replied to your stupid points, and that's that. Deal with it, or get out. Don't like it? I don't care, try not being autistic.

>I make up strawmen because I'm a dipshit child who's incapable of acting rationally instead of emotionally
Whatever you say, fucking dipshit

>I replied to your stupid points, and that's that
You got cheesed off because I said "not an argument" in response to you calling me retarded and then ignored everything else I said because you're a petulant little baby that can't handle differences of opinion


>responding to different posts
Stay desperate you tiny little baby

Prey is possibly getting DLC or an expansion.
Anything is possible user, for some reason Bethesda keeps throwing money into SP games that aren't Fallout or TES and I love them for it.

>I said because you're a petulant little baby that can't handle differences of opinion

Cry more because I don't care about your shitty opinion kid. That's life.

>he doesn't know how strawman works

That's a different one, lets see if the retard can find it. Go on retard! Fetch it like a good boy!

>Cry more because I don't care about your shitty opinion kid. That's life.
>I don't care faggot, look at how much I don't care, I'm not caring SO HARD right now



Only one crying and insisting that your mediocre piece of shit is anything beyond that is you, bitch.



>acting tough


Lmao, look out everyone

>acting tough

Do you have the downs?


I loved this game's soundtrack. Shame we will probably never see a sequel.

Get it all out of your system now little guy?

>replying to ask if I'm done replying

This thread should fall into chaos.
And I have perfect one for it.

Also, BFE ending is cool.

Lol, okey dokey, guess not. Keep going bud, I know you've got a lot of repressed anger deep down.

Yeah so anyway
>Okay? How does that explain away Sebastian being completely baffled and confused by things he already saw the first time he was in STEM, like 70% of the enemies he fights and the environments breaking apart?
>Kidman was more interesting in this than all of the characters in the original combined, since she was actually important to the plot.
I honestly liked her better in the first game since her motives were more mysterious, the way they just laid it all out in the second game was really lazy especially considering they went the cheap route of "I MADE A PROMISE TO MYRA"
>Believing your child died in a fire and having your wife leave you for no reason tends to do that to people.
He already believed that in the first game, dipshit

Portal SUCKS, SS is fine though.

ooh, somebody got their nerve struck

Ay, at least post the real Ending E closing track.

Portal 1 ending song > Portal 2 ending song
fite me

Fuck I didn't even know that was a track.

>He already believed that in the first game, dipshit
Hence why he's different after finding out they're still alive, "dipshit." Try to stick with me here, the game gets a lot more complex as it goes along, don't want to lose you right at the start.

>walk on the other side of it
>the dress looks like a flower
Neat, they shouldve had alot more stuff like this, past a point it stops when you kill the guy whos making them but I wish there was more.

KINO indeed, by far my GOTY of last year. Replayed the ever living shit out of it.

Great credits song for a GOAT game.

What the fuck are you talking about? You said he acts the way he does in 2 because he believed his daughter burned to death and his wife left him

>You said he acts the way he does in 2 because he believed his daughter burned to death and his wife left him

Yes, and in the beginning cutscene is told that Lily is still alive being kept in stem.

What are you not getting here?

>tfw think it's a cum monster
>later realize it's meant to be the goo that you're covered in when you go into STEM


And? He's still acting completely different from EW1 even before he finds out Lily and Myra are still alive, and his character still doesn't change at any point in the game after he finds out

I'm not entirely sure you even know what point you're trying to prove

Seb Castanets Ethan Thomas'd. That is your reason for his different personality and loss of braincells considering how much he talks to himself to remind what he will do a few seconds later. And bollocks considering his higher pitched voice.

>even before he finds out Lily and Myra are still alive, and his character still doesn't change at any point in the game after he finds out

The fuck are you talking about?

He's literally told Lily is still alive in the first minute. Before that it's shown he's descended into alcoholism.

>I'm not entirely sure you even know what point you're trying to prove

What point are you talking about? You mean giving context for why he's acting different? It doesn't take place a week after EW1, it takes places years afterwards.