What the fuck is the appeal of this console...

what the fuck is the appeal of this console? It had like 2 good games and yet every hipster cunt likes to gloat about how "underrated" it is

Saturn has nogaems


>guardian heroes and radiant silvergun will never be on steam

Someone's going on the naughty list.

I think you all just proved OP's point

That he's a huge retarded faggot? Here's the (You) that you wanted, go fuck off.

It has Dragon Force!

Fuck off. As far as original games go, it had Panzer Dragoon Saga, Nights, Guardian Heroes, and Bomberman. That's it. Everything else was either shit or had a better version on a different console.

Nintendo is shit.

It's for very casual "gamers" and families.

I love shmups and fighters, so the Saturn is an extremely worthwhile system for me to own.

Hello Nintenbabby

It's a meme console. The only reason why people think it's underrated is because everyone keeps repeating it. PS1 is far superior.

wasn't the saturn version of alpha 3 better than the dreamcast version?

>thread about Sega
>start shit talking a different company

Are you a dum dum?

Yeah, and came out slightly afterwards. The 4 MB RAM expansion on Saturn made a humongous difference when it came to fighting games. X-Men vs Street Fighter on Saturn is mind boggling.

PS1 had a better overall library, but most players, especially these days, are completely ignorant of the Saturn library.

From a hardware perspective, the Saturn was badly hamstrung by using quads instead of triangles, as well as by the way labor was usually divided between the two VDPs. There was potential, and some of Saturn's most visually impressive games would've been impossible on PlayStation.

Sorry, I thought it was a NES.

Ah, so you are indeed a dummy.

I dont see the appeal of this, Saturn, TGFX16, or Neo Geo

>Implying I can recognize a Saturn. The based Playstation destroyed it.

and fuck wonderswan too

You shouldn't because they were all garbage with only a few good titles all together.

I had this saturn vhs promo video that I worn the fuck out watching because I was trying to convince myself it was going to be a good console, I was a Virtua Fighter fanatic and it looked just like the arcade on the saturn. but deep down inside i knew it was going to be a waste of money. thankfully i managed to wait until PS launch and played Battle Arena Toshinden at Toy Works and made the right purchase decision that day